I cant roll a joint


Well-Known Member
Ugh so for the most part, I always either smoke out of pipes, or blunts. I can make a blunt happen, but for some reason joints escape me. Ive been trying and trying but nothing I do seems to work. When I finally get it rolled, its not tight enough. And thats if I even manage to get it rolled! Help, cause youtube isnt helping me at all.


New Member
Try rolling bigger joints, you can get about a gram into a zigzag. I know some people who can't roll small ones, I know people who can't roll big ones, it just takes practice. If you start rolling now, about a year from now you'll make really nice kick ass joints. But you can make a smokable one in frist attempt if you try for a good half hour, just perfecting them takes a long time.


Well-Known Member
Just takes practice...I use to roll my own filterless cigarettes for a while so I got use to rolling "joints" :D


Well-Known Member
I made a video a little while ago,I'll go get it in a sec.

I love joints, Urca. I can't have you not knowing how to roll one! x

Are you using a roach? That will help you get a good grip on the paper.

roll the paper between your thumbs up and down a few times so it starts to curve and 'want' to roll. You'll feel it. Tuck the bottom of the paper in first then lick and stick as you go along. I'd say try rolling cones so everything stays tidy and you can adjust it as you go along.


Well-Known Member
one time by complete accident I rolled a nice joint, but now... no matter how hard I try it just doesnt work. thank god i picked up my own zigzags, ive used more zigzags trying than actually smoking. makes me hella mad.


Well-Known Member
You might want to forward through my stoned rambling but here...



Well-Known Member
ok just rolled a joint using the wiz khalifa method, minus the filter. Its a little loose on one end but for the most part its smokeable. Snapshot_20111123.JPG


New Member
Thats a decent one, try to make the weed equal all the way across. You're going to have to push the weed near the ends inwards a bit, the rolling back and forth to get the paper to form will move the weed back into place properly. You may have to stop rolling back and forth to push the weed back into the middle if you're a bit OCD with your form rolling.

Also don't roll from the outside, roll the inside, make sure its formed properly (roll it back and forth for a minute or two) and it'll just fall into place. When forming it, it might be easier to roll from the middle, then roll from the outside a bit to form it. But when doing the final roll and lick, roll from the inside, use your whole thumbs. Put the front of your thumb's nail pointed to your other thumb's nail so the thumbs are rolling the whole thing at once.


Well-Known Member
You might get too much coming off on your fingers or the weed will get wet... Get some tobacco and practice with that xx


Well-Known Member
ok so i decided to fix it. i used a bobby pin to make it tighter, then I twisted the open end closed. Where it was twisted the first time, I cut off the twist, and used the bobby pin. heres the result Snapshot_20111123_1.JPG


New Member
should i empty out thios joint and try again with your corrections?
I wouldn't worry about it if you got it rolled lol. It takes practice, also read what I wrote again cause I edited a few times. If you're confused about the thumb thing, you just put where you clip your thumb nails pointed towards each other and roll from the middle. If you roll from the ends all the weed will get pushed to the middle, you have to learn the right pressure to put on it in order to get it to be the same all the way around. But even a pregnant joint will work just fine, don't worry