I'm extremely sexually frustrated!!!!


Active Member
I can't have sex because I'm waiting for my partner (we had a really bad falling out/break up, and I had some issues to deal with) and we're probably not going to have sex for like 6-12 months....what the fuck am I supposed to do?????????? I'm SICK of masturbating!! I got off my sleeping pills to become more in the moment and less dependant on substances and now my libido is back in like FULL force....I literally had like a dozen erections today...some lasting as long as 20 minutes. I feel like I'm going to have a nervous breakdown!!!! And now when I masturbate it literally takes me like 20 minutes to cum!!! This is nuts!!!!
And please don't tell me I should get a hooker....I am a father and I will not cheat on my partner or hurt her.
But I need to have sex!!!! I need to have sex for like 2-3 hours!!! I have so much pent up sexual frustration that I think I'm going to have a nervous breakdown!!!! I need to have sex but can't!!!!!! HELP!!!!


New Member
Not much to do about it, it comes in waves just like a female. Best thing to do is occupy your self with something, or just enjoy your self.


Active Member
WHAT sleeping with dudes?! Cheating is cheating!!!!!! If my husband ever slept with a dude, that'd be it for me. No thanks.


New Member
Sex toys are a waste of money. They work for a little bit, but then you get used to the feeling. It's not a waste of money, but its like drugs, its great for a while then you want something else.


Well-Known Member
Sucks to be you! My wife gave it to me three times this weekend!!! (It's been awhile before that but not more than a couple weeks.
Even when my wife is pissed at me or I've been drunk and acted a fool in public, I've never been cut off for that long.
There times it seems like forever but when she wants it she comes and gets it wether she's angry or not.
Women can only go so long themselves without and it ain't 6-12 months.
Dude I hate to tell you but she might fucking someone else.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm... There's a point. Oddly, my crush's girlfriend is actually very sexually attracted to me but we were chilling in bed and both asks the question 'would it be cheating???'.

It's worth a try. Pick someone you both like and it may entice her back and spice up the relationship?!


Active Member
oh yeah, I have a pretty hot roommate...nice ass...but she's asian and I'm not racist (anymore) but asian chicks just don't do anything for me. Believe me, I've thought about it. Not recently though. But she's also like mildly challanged....like....idk won't get into it. But yeah that's basically not an option what so ever. Just checked out the fleshlight and it's like 70 bucks. Fuck that. Really don't know what to do.


Active Member
Sucks to be you! My wife gave it to me three times this weekend!!! (It's been awhile before that but not more than a couple weeks.
Even when my wife is pissed at me or I've been drunk and acted a fool in public, I've never been cut off for that long.
There times it seems like forever but when she wants it she comes and gets it wether she's angry or not.
Women can only go so long themselves without and it ain't 6-12 months.
Dude I hate to tell you but she might fucking someone else.
yes, she must be having sex...because she would be going bonkers as well. So if she's having sex why shouldn't I be able to???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


Active Member
she's definitely having sex and to expect me not to have sex is not a reasonable expectation.
PS yeah my roommate is most definitely like mildly retarded...so not going there.


Well-Known Member
On a more serious note you haven't told us how/why you came to be in this situation. We don't know how to help you rectify it and be with your girlfriend agai ether than just give you ways to get off but you don't like masturbating...

Distract yourself with meditation, exercise then cold showers... I guess.

Or is loving intimacy feeling the warmth and caresses of your lover what you REALLY want, not blowing your load, sir.


Well-Known Member
Women can only go so long themselves without and it ain't 6-12 months.
Dude I hate to tell you but she might fucking someone else.
You know what really gets under my skin? When guys think that all women have no self control. Just cause a girl "feels" like fucking, she just gonna find someone to? Give me a break. Not all women are like that and for ANY man to say that all women are like this or like that, is just stupid.