WTF Medical Marijuana

Change The Debate

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Well-Known Member
I say it but I do not agree with it. i vote, but guess what. On this ballot i nohio, there is no proposed law to legalize it for personal or medicinal use. guess I am moving to colorado!!!!!!! it's gona be me and weezer!. lol


Well-Known Member
My point is people here in the us we have the abbility to change things if people would stand the fuck up and stop being chicken shits and not let the corrupt goverment control and rule your lives. Vote for people who will work for the people. Get out and VOTE!!!!!!!!!!![/quote]
I second that, as obscure as it may seem, the only voice you really have is your vote. If you don't vote, you can't have any voice in govt. My theory is that by the time a politician reaches the point where he is running for National office, He is so corrupt that it won't make much difference who you vote for, but always choose the lessor of the two evils, Kinda like between horseshit and cowshit!


Active Member
Okay lets get this straight...

People use weed to get rid of pain right? Well relieveing pain is a part of the high on weed alongside with laughing, and just chilling..

So in reality evvverybody that uses weed is for the high that weed gives

after a long day of working on roofs i like to go home and hit the bong because my back hurts or my legs hurt whatever. alot of the time i just hit the bong just because its there too...

I do infact think it should be legalized in Canada, but im not counting on it :(
Legalize it for recreational use, because if i could just hit up the corner store for a half o, i wouldnt be headin to the beer store to get a 2-4 which would probably make me commit "criminal offences" or in other words having fun

Weed is all-around good, its good for pain, its good just to chill, and it isn't going to make me do anything stupid up town! If they legalize alcohol then why not legalize marijuana, i believe it to be safer just in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
  • AIDS. Marijuana can reduce the nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite caused by the ailment itself and by various AIDS medications.
  • Glaucoma. Marijuana can reduce interlobular pressure, thereby alleviating the pain and slowing -- and sometimes stopping -- the progress of the condition. (Glaucoma is the leading cause of blindness in the United States. It damages vision by increasing eye pressure over time.)
  • Cancer. Marijuana can stimulate the appetite and alleviate nausea and vomiting, which are common side effects of chemotherapy treatment.
  • Multiple Sclerosis. Marijuana can limit the muscle pain and spasticity caused by the disease, as well as relieving tremor and unsteadiness of gait. (Multiple sclerosis is the leading cause of neurological disability among young and middle-aged adults in the United States.)
  • Epilepsy. Marijuana can prevent epileptic seizures in some patients.
  • Chronic Pain. Marijuana can alleviate the chronic, often debilitating pain caused by myriad disorders and injuries.
Each of these applications has been deemed legitimate by at least one court, legislature, and/or government agency in the United States.

Many patients also report that marijuana is useful for treating arthritis, migraine, menstrual cramps, alcohol and opiate addiction, and depression and other debilitating mood disorders.


New Member
All the benefits listed can be obtained through prescription drugs. The only thing the prescription drugs are missing is the high...


Well-Known Member
People who are using medical marijuana don't want to take prescirption drugs. They are trying to get away from the narcatic and addictive chemicals in the "prescription" drugs.

Imagine someone being able to say I used to take codine and phenobabital but quit cold turkey.


New Member
Aye, marijuana is also safer than most of these prescribed drugs. So there.
I hadn't realised that this had been proven...

Also Mogie, to take one drug to get off another certainly is not cold turkey, it is replacing one drug for another... The medical aspects of marijuana will always play second fiddle to the intoxication.


Active Member
Marijuana is addicting too along side with prescription drugs, maybe not as addicting as other drugs but yes it is addicting i know for a fact


New Member
Me too... I know from personal experience that weed is addictive. Anything that gives you an aside to reality is always addictive... like gambling, sex etc...

Weed withdrawal also has physical aspects. For me at least they include an empty feeling in the pit of my stomach, an inclination to get angry over little things, I feel extremely hyper-active, difficulty sleeping, and the worst of the worst is night-sweats. If I haven't had a smoke for one, even nearly, whole day I will soak the bedsheets with sweat... The sweats have lasted up to three days before.

We smoke because we like to get stoned, it has other benefits too, it also has side-effects just like any other drug whether prescription or no... The only difference with marijuana is that it doesn't come with a warning...

david shelden

Active Member
Everytime i have a cold and I hit the sweet leaves it seems to numb the sniffliling and my sore throat and all. Only thing is if i stay high long enough I dont have to deal with the cold, but if i come down the cold is not as bad but it's still there. So maybe just maybe marijuanna is a temporary relievent of the common cold. Which you all know we dont have a cure for the common cold or temporary relievents of a complete cold but we have medicine to reduce the symptons. I donno maybe you should get a cold and try it out for yourself. Maybe its just all in my head.
same here. headaches too... releives the tension, i suppose. emotional, because you're high, and physical because it dialates your blood vessels.


Well-Known Member
Compared to modern medicine marijuana is very pale
i have been on medication for my Spine, they make me vomit and mess me up.
Marijuana takes my pain away with no side effects, and i do love the high...

Marijuana is a very psychological drug, and I simply do not rate it as a pain reliever. It did nothing for my tonsilitus (the worst I've ever suffered from the affliction), yet a soluble tablet from the pharmacist worked wonders
Marijuana is for Headaches, Spinal cord injury's, aids, cancer, it relives the pain from these, you're tonsilitus is in your mouth, you should of taken a Line of coke, did you know coke is used for Mouth, ear, throat surgury? bet not alot of people knew that but its the truth... mj doesent affect oral pain.
but coke is not healthy for ya haha it proboly has the same effects as the pills in the long run.

im not bashing, disagreeing with you or enything just saying a lil bit.


Well-Known Member
I do agree with you skunk, in terms of pain relief marijuana obviously isn't as good as say codein. Pain isn't the only thing that affects people with various diseases. It was mentioned earlier but AIDs patients experience massive loss of appetite which is why they end up looking very skinny. Do you know of any drugs that increase appetite like marijuana? I also think there's something to be said for it's effect on mental illness. I know if I've got something bothering me or a predicament, smoking marijuana allows me to slow down and think about things in a what seems like a more clear or realistic light. For example not letting a small thing bother me. If I suffered from depression or a related illness, I would have to think long and hard about whether I take some perscription drug with lord knows how many chemicals in it or a plant grown from the earth. Have you ever heard the warnings they spew out real quick at the end of the commercial listing at least a dozen possible side-effects? If it were my call I'd cook a little shake in some olive oil and make my own capsules ;)


Well-Known Member
I know if I've got something bothering me or a predicament, smoking marijuana allows me to slow down and think about things in a what seems like a more clear or realistic light
That would be called add.

Its interesting. AND it makes sense. If ADD people have overactive parietal lobes, then it makes sense, that something that can calm that lobe, like marijuana, would actually help them. In the case of normal people, frequent use would be bad, but for ADD people, frequent use would calm them.

It sucks because i got add from a blow to the head.


New Member
I always thought add (attention deficit disorder) was for kids that aren't very academic. kids that had been molly cuddled by their parents and find it difficult to manage situations.

It seems add is a label given to any kid that doesn't perform well in school and misbehaves. Kids these days are allowed to get away with too much as they know you cannot hit them. I'm specifically referring to teenagers. ADD was unheard of back when we had corporal punishment.

teachers should be allowed to give teenagers a reasonable slap. This is why teenagers have no respect for their elders. Not enough of them are given a good reality check in the form of a decent slap.

A good kicking is healthy when you are in your 20's. So giving a teenager a back hander when they are too cheeky should be fine too. It'll make them think twice before disrespecting you or anyone else again.


Active Member
That's what I'm talking about. The medical benefits of marijuana are negligible compared to the buzz. So if I want to smoke I've got to go to a doctor and make up some bullshit to make it okay? Compared to modern medicine marijuana is very pale, no competition whatsoever. Your wife's friend may well induce his appetite by smoking but not as well as he could by taking a prescribed medicine. People like to get stoned, even people with HIV. The medical qualities of marijuana are not going to make it legal for us all to smoke. I don't even believe that it's a start. We drink because it gives us a buzz, well some of us prefer to smoke, wtf's wrong with that?

They have no right to tell us we can't grow and smoke weed, no right at all.

I know that these medicinal claimers are full of shit and science is even right now declaring this to be the case. We will always lose the debate because we don't tell the truth.[/quot

Sounds to me as if someone is extremely jealous of people with medical needs, if the shoe was on the other foot i bet you would NOT have posted this thread, and as for ( going to the doctor to make up some bull****) mmmm i don't think people with AIDS, MS, Glaucoma and Cancer have went in and made up Bull**** these people are real and there ilnesses are real.

I myself have MS and smoking weed to me is way better than being a zombie on prescribed medication.


Well-Known Member
I think it has many uses and is a prime cash crop if you ask me. Most people are too lazy to grow their own plants. ANY KIND OF PLANT. Especially one with specific needs.


Well-Known Member
Description Of ADD vs. ADHD ADD versus ADHD What's the difference?

I came across something interesting tonight while researching.

I found this page:

It talks about the difference between ADD, without hyperactivity, and ADHD, which is WITH hyperactivity.

It says that regular ADD, is different than ADHD, in that ADHD is caused by an under-stimulation in the frontal lobe, and ADD is more of a problem of the parietal lobe.

So, this got me thinking...I match most of the descriptions of normal ADD... so I did a Google search for marijuana's effects on the parietal lobe.

I found this page:

If you read it, you'll see this:

Scientists have studied electrical activity in the frontal lobes of the brain in Marijuana users using event-related potential measurements (ERP). [FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]You can measure not only patterns of electrical activity in the brain using electrodes placed over the head, but also the speed of brain reactions to - say - a picture or a sound.[/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Research shows that with increased length of use, Marijuana users are less able to focus attention and filter out irrelevant stimuli, (frontal lobe [/FONT][FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]activity). However[/FONT][FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica] with increasing frequency of use there was a growing problem in the parietal area of the brain with slower speed of information processing.[/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Its interesting. AND it makes sense. If ADD people have overactive parietal lobes, then it makes sense, that something that can calm that lobe, like marijuana, would actually help them. In the case of normal people, frequent use would be bad, but for ADD people, frequent use would calm them.[/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]So, the next question is, does marijuana help ADHD people, who have problems with their frontal lobes? How much marijuana would these people need? Maybe, the dose of marijuana, that can affectively stimulate the frontal lobes, is higher, than the dose that is needed to calm the parietal lobes.[/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]What we really need, is someone to do testing with brain scanning machines. I would be interested to see the effect on the different lobes, with different amounts and strains of marijuana.[/FONT]

that gives an idea of what add is, also what adhd is.. i just copy and pasted what i read.


Well-Known Member
Eh I'm not sure what to think about ADD and ADHD. I think theres a simple way to make kids focus. A good belting always seems to make anyone sit down and pay attention.
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