Light green plant.


Well-Known Member
Howdy all.
I have 5 plants now into 28 days of 12/12. They look great but I notice one plant is much lighter green than the others, it still looks healthy though. Any ideas what that could be and should I do anything?
Thanks from Afro clown.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Plants vary in some color lighter might just mean it had less stored nitrogen or it might have gotten a bigger dose of the flower nutes carrying the phos and potassium.There is always a chance it could be something more but its pretty usualy to have some lighter green plants in a bunch especially if they are from different seeds and not clones from the same mommy.Just watch and see if it goes real yellow fast


Well-Known Member
Thanks Fletch.
she seems okay so like you say probably justa different strain. I'll keep an eye on her.
All the best green good luck from Afro.