Weird but good question lol

So this is my ghetto setup. My question is i have these white t shirts hanging up as you can see. This "looks" like it produces more lighting for the little guy. But is it really? I had this weird idea cuz several times I have heard from ppl on here and all over google that paiting the walls white is a good idea, but we cant do that. cuz we only rent. but are these t shirts actuly giving them a little more lite? :)

First time grow and I know that I dont know anything about growing, im just goofing off, yet I do hope it would produce some that would be cool for my first try. So I dont want to hear from ppl saying give up and all that. I dont care. lol Any advice would be good though and I appreciate it.



Active Member
doesnt look like your pictures worked and no way is a white t shirt going to work. why dont you buy some mylar or some aluminum foil


Active Member
get yourself some board of wood and make sure its taller than your plant and place them beside your plant after paintin them matt white and let them dry first before placing them in alongside the plant and that will be better than your t shirts lol make sure they are fully dry and not giving off any paint smell when u place them in with the plant because of odours that will kill your plant...u also need a small fan just at the side of your plant to give it from fresh clean air...your temperatures to grow in would be inetween 26 celsius to 30 celsius max and no more than that but in the place u have it your not going to reach them temperatures unless u make a box to grow that plant the person abve me says buy some foil but DONT use the shiny side it creates heatspots and burns ur plant eventually use the opposite side to the shiny side then its suitable to grow with..also mylar is the best thing on the market as one of the best reflective material u can get to grow with....i think u rbest bet is to make a box with eitehr foil inside it or mylar.....if your going for the cheap option like me then foil with not shiny side and temps hittin about 26 to 30 celsius with fans at back of box one blowing in fresh air and one blowin out at top blowing out hot air ...also the fan blowin gently onto your plant and your good to go...


Well-Known Member
A couple of those sun protectors for a car windshield work great, one side is silver, one is white (sometimes), they are pretty cheap, and durable, you wont have to worry about tearing them.


Active Member
forget the renting bit just get a box do it up as explained and ur good to go ....the renting bit is not a problem u just need something so its removable just incase u need to remove it quickly for any reason llol


Active Member
Aluminium foil can create hot sopts... it's not flat. It has little crinkles in it... it will reflect stronger in one spot. I don't suggest that. Maybe mylar... or White Poster board?


Active Member
A couple of those sun protectors for a car windshield work great, one side is silver, one is white (sometimes), they are pretty cheap, and durable, you wont have to worry about tearing them.
damn thats a good idea. I just got a big cardboard cut out and lined it with mylar.


New Member
Firstly, growing in a rental is tricky. Read your lease. Most mandate a 24 hour notice prior to entering. But for emergency maintenance or monthly pest control all they need to do is knock. If there is no answer they are comming in. Secondly, do not use tinfoil either side. Go to Wal-mart or any sporting goods store with camping gear and get some mylar emergency blankets. Very cheap and very effective. Good Luck and +rep for taking the leap into farming!


Well-Known Member
I have recently switched to Tyvek, that house wrap stuff. The stuff my buddy got me was like 9' tall, 40' roll, I just cut what I needed.on the back side its all white, no lettering, air tight also. with the tape you can seal your shit up real good....

If you have any friends, lol, they probly can score you a partial roll for a couple of joints...


Active Member
i just had a vision of a athletic runner with a mylar cover on him after hes ran about 50 miles lol why the heck didnt i think of that idea lol


Active Member
Tyvek isn't air tight? They use that stuff as house wrap because it breathes while not letting water through!


I just taped up typing paper to cover the walls of my box. Made a huge difference, and was very cheap.

Tried foil first. But with a 400W HPS. Not a good idea.


Active Member
was u planning on cookin with that foil and 400 watt hps ? lol wtf the paper if gets too hot will set alight man be safe for christ sakes lol


Well-Known Member
Tyvek isn't air tight? They use that stuff as house wrap because it breathes while not letting water through!
Thats what I thought also, however it says right on it air tight. they changed it because they found out it was causing the wood to rot out behind it. And i couldnt blow any air through it. There are different makes, typar, tyvek etc. thats another reason why people are starting to use the zip system more now.


was u planning on cookin with that foil and 400 watt hps ? lol wtf the paper if gets too hot will set alight man be safe for christ sakes lol
I keep it far enough away to not worry about paper catching fire. LOL. I did once brush the top of my head against the light while tending, and singed my damn hair on it. So I now know they get HOT! ;)