What 3 Life Lessons...

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
If she wont take the scarf off chances are she isn't really a she...

Don't fry bacon whilst naked...

If you don't know what it is or why it happened, go visit your doctor...


Well-Known Member
Speaking from my own experiences...

1) Life is shorter than you think. As you get older it really does go by faster. Right now 10 years is half a lifetime. When you're 40+, 10 years is a very short period of time. Don't waste time. Make up your mind about what you want to do and go for it.

2) Don't smoke so much cannabis. Especially indicas. Despite what some people think or say, the person who smokes daily and still graduates from Yale, or other top school is extremely rare. Odds are that you're not one of them.

3) Start saving for your retirement NOW and don't spend all your money on pot. Open an IRA, or at least a savings account that you don't touch. Weed may get you through times of no money better than money gets you through times of no weed, but money is what gets you through life. And the older you get, the more expenses you will have.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
Speaking from my own experiences...

1) Life is shorter than you think. As you get older it really does go by faster. Right now 10 years is half a lifetime. When you're 40+, 10 years is a very short period of time. Don't waste time. Make up your mind about what you want to do and go for it.

2) Don't smoke so much cannabis. Especially indicas. Despite what some people think or say, the person who smokes daily and still graduates from Yale, or other top school is extremely rare. Odds are that you're not one of them.

3) Start saving for your retirement NOW and don't spend all your money on pot. Open an IRA, or at least a savings account that you don't touch. Weed may get you through times of no money better than money gets you through times of no weed, but money is what gets you through life. And the older you get, the more expenses you will have.
no seriously 3 real life lessons.

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
Speaking from my own experiences...

1) Life is shorter than you think. As you get older it really does go by faster. Right now 10 years is half a lifetime. When you're 40+, 10 years is a very short period of time. Don't waste time. Make up your mind about what you want to do and go for it.

2) Don't smoke so much cannabis. Especially indicas. Despite what some people think or say, the person who smokes daily and still graduates from Yale, or other top school is extremely rare. Odds are that you're not one of them.

3) Start saving for your retirement NOW and don't spend all your money on pot. Open an IRA, or at least a savings account that you don't touch. Weed may get you through times of no money better than money gets you through times of no weed, but money is what gets you through life. And the older you get, the more expenses you will have.
I know how you feel about the time thing... I'm only 25 and it feels like it was Christmas time twice in a year...


New Member
1. Marriage is a religious ploy designed to take the 'sin' out of sex

2. Don't waste time helping those that won't help themselves

3. Don't be afraid to take risks, they are better than regrets


Well-Known Member
these may be too simple but here it goes...

1.) Live freely (as in dont be constrained and or caught up with the things that really dont matter like trivial things such as what will tomorrow bring etc...)

2.) Just let it go (dont hold onto things in the past like hurts or disappointments or even regrets as if they dont even exist...)

3.) Be at peace...


Well-Known Member
Yesterday is not right now, Today is not tomorrow.
Livin for the moment? Then your time's already borrowed.
If you have a gun in your face, and no gun in your hand. Give them the money/sack.


Ursus marijanus
1) There is absolutely no substitute for hard work.
2) I is always better to try and fail, than not to try.
3) I like turtles.


Well-Known Member
Great Idea for a Thread!

1. Do NOT marry until you are 35. If it is real, it will be there then, and more likely to succeed.
2. Learn from other people's mistakes....especially when it comes to children. The courts are horrible to fathers....for 20 yrs!
3. Do everything you want to do now, before you get caught up in life's complexities and the expectations of our culture. Nobody judges you too harshly in your 20's, but you should have a plan by 30. You do not want to get old and regret the things you did not try, or do.


Well-Known Member
I had to throw in one more, for the guys who may have a hard time approaching women. If you are nervous about approaching a woman, just remember, for EVERY hot woman, there is at least one guy who is tired of fu*king her. Realize that some day you will be too and that should help you get over the anxiety.


Well-Known Member
1) bend over

2)remove pants

3) take it in ass from todays society.
This is not a remark about you, just these specific words. So please do not take this over-personally.

This (in my opinion) is HORRIBLE advice.

What is your advice for rough times in lock up? The same? :lol:


Well-Known Member
And more advice. I already gave three, but here...

NOTHING is true, EVERYTHING is possible.

People say "Why is life such a game?"

It's not.
THIS is REAL FUCKING LIFE. There are NO rules, this is where the rules are made.
Do what you do. But watch my shoes.


Well-Known Member
Learn to live sober. You don't have to be high all the time once a day is good enough.

Don't ever do coke!