BBG (Baisic Bagseed Grow)


Well-Known Member
Rep serious dude..I've got thousands into my shit, 3 diff nute lines,1000 watt HPS/MH conversion bulb 4 veg. and can't even get em to you keep doing what ya doing..nothing wrong with frugal, I could have supplied myself with weed from a disp. at 10/gram, I only smoke maybe 2-3 grams a month, I've spent more on TRYING to grow than if I would have just went and bought my 24 ounces of weed for a 2 month supply, which probably would have lasted me years, mannnny years!!!
So0..with that said, any pro's wish to mentor an eager sick woman with an extreme desire for this hobby, and actually try making at least 1 damn harvest!
You obviously have natural talent here..damn shame you don't have a wicked setup.
Hey Newwb! You too can do this... I'm a sick old lady too, but I'm managing and with a little help, you can too.

If you have questions, you know RollItUp (RIU) is the best place in the world to find answers. Head on over to this thread: and you'll find a wonderful collection of experienced growers who would love to help! Don't be daunted by the size of the thread....just start at the last page and jump in. You WILL be welcome :lol:


Well-Known Member
starting to get a bit pissed at my image uplading, no thumbnails WTF. doing everything the same as before. i dont even care about thumbnails just sucks to click on link and it takes you to a seperate page for the pic, then you have to hit the back button and click on the next one. its much easier to just click on first and use the prev/next button on photo viewer...


Active Member
so all you have to do is, if you haven't already, create an album in ur profile. upload pictures to album. once the pics are uploaded you just go to that picture in your album, copy and paste the BB code from below the image. if you want them to be underneath each other like i do a lot in my thread, you just put one line beneath the next...

hope that helps man. if it doesn't let me know where you're having problems. I'm a tech...


Well-Known Member
Looking good.

Here's one more option for pictures. If you have a google account download google picasa - this photo organization program can be set to automatically upload all your pictures to your gmail account, from there you just copy and paste the photo URL which gives you options on the size. This allows you to edit photos on your computer after the fact and have them automatically changed on your forum without having to do anything. This also keeps the photos yours - once physically uploaded to rollitup you can't every really get rid of it, but I could go delete all my pictures from my google account and they would disappear here because they are not being stored here - just redirected.


Well-Known Member
buds on my bigger plant are forming nicely, clones seem to like thier new home but i dont have much hope for them. hoping they grow up just a bit and then bud up as a SoG style. im going to have 3 different harvest days lol. pretty good for starting everything at the same time with the exception of the clones.

as for the pics, i generally never had a issue just this past couple threads giving me a hard time ><

usually all i do is click the insert image icon on the quick reply , this brings up the uploader. i generally always have my pics seperated so i can just navigate to the folder select all of the pics in it and hit open, then click the upload file(s) button and it gets working, sometimes it takes a while this way but generally never have any issues. then it takes a bit of messing around to get them where i want and it can get frustrating but usually manage to get them all up as thumbnails this way and when someone clicks it pops up the photo viewer and they can click the next-prev-close buttons to navigate through them.


Well-Known Member
hmm. how much more light should i consider putting in my cab. i wanted to make something like this. it would hang and make like a homeade hood, would also throw out a shitload of light, i would be adding 5 more 26w 6500k lights and 7 more 26w 2700k lights for a total of 312 more watts. 652 total watts 32600 lumens (probally more, figuring 50 lumen per watt)



Well-Known Member
That would be awesome dude. You'd nearly match my 400w as far as lumen output! Well not the hps, but the metal halide for sure! Do it up!!!
Hey just finished reading through all 68 pages, looks like your ladies are starting to flower nicely. I don't have any grow experience, but I am reading multiple books on it right now, so if I come across anything that might help your grow I'll be sure to mention it. Right now growing is only a dream for me, but hopefully this summer I'll be able to start. I look forward to seeing how this grow turns out. +rep and keep up the good work!!


Well-Known Member
Hey just finished reading through all 68 pages, looks like your ladies are starting to flower nicely. I don't have any grow experience, but I am reading multiple books on it right now, so if I come across anything that might help your grow I'll be sure to mention it. Right now growing is only a dream for me, but hopefully this summer I'll be able to start. I look forward to seeing how this grow turns out. +rep and keep up the good work!!
thanks for the kind words man :) glad to have you along for the ride. as you can see this journal has a bit more than just my grow in it but i like to consider all of my projects part of my grow.
always open to new ideas and suggestions so hit me with whatever you find. let me know once you start something up and a journal and ill be right there with you as well.


Well-Known Member
ok so i bought a small digital humidity/temp gauge that gives me a high/low so thats cool ill be able to moniter that. cab is at 39% humidity and 86F temps a bit high but not going to sweat it. humidity is about where i want it, could be a little higher but not going to concern myself with that either :)


Well-Known Member
a wise man once told me

Most cucumber growers I know train them onto a trellis or fence as they are great climbers. Might considering training the plant up and over the top of your enclosure - they would likely receive enough light being above your plants/light and would not take away from lower grow area. Pretty cool to open it up your cab and see a bunch of hanging fruits :)
so i have done some adjustments to my cucumbers



Well-Known Member
and on a side note, broke down and bought a bag today :(

30$ for a fucking 1/8th man i wouldnt mind paying it for good weed but this shit is not good. not horrible but not great either. oh well gets me baked :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Your crops are looking very nice!! Cool job so far!! How old are they?
48 days old i think, pretty close tried to count but gots a pint o whiskey in me and my math isnt superb :)

on a side note just spent 30$ on composting worms. you guys will be begging me for some worm castings soon. wait till this next grow. if you think this one is going well (i dont) wait till next grow :)