Has anyone ever watched ancient aliens?

ganja man23

Well-Known Member
Has anyone ever watched ancient aliens? The show focuses on the claim that aliens have visited the earth and assisted our ancestors with mathematical knowledge and variou other technologies. I just wanted to see what everyone here thinks about this. The fact is UFO sightings have even been filmed by CNN helicopters while they have been recording sandstorms for example. Whenever I mention this to people they think it's ridiculous, but people here generally seem open to these ideas so i'd be interested to see what you think. Here is a link to a full episode on YouTube.



Well-Known Member
2ndly, if there were UFO's, either accept the fact they exist, they do not, or spend your entire life trying to figure it out but it will never be a public announcement. it will be kept secret for as long as man exist. the less we know, the easier we are to control. You arrest a 14 year old girl for graffitti and she will most likely comply. Give the same 14 year old girl 2 weeks of karate lessons and a gun safety course and she has a 50% chance of trying to grab a gun and get away. Confidence is our races enemy. we get confident and start exploring and BOOM. too much curiosity in these humans - too complacent, too reckless. We don't know what tensions are if there are other planets which there most certainly are. In my opinion, we have been and will always been visited by much more advanced lifeforms whether that be a spaceship or intra/multidimensional beings traversing into our realm. a solar system that surpasses ours by even 100,000 years (which is nothing in the grand scheme of time in relation to any planet) could undoubtedly possess technologies that would seem like dreams - making absolutely no sense at all. being purely magical but still controlled and precise. we are reaching that point in technology, take oled's for example. 55" OLED displays producing the truest boldest colors ever produces at 4mm in thickness.


Well-Known Member
alien: to me means mankind, in a different environment, doing what we have to do to make sure our childrens future is secure. if thats a gloomy dark planet with not much food - my first thought would be to find a utopia - earth is a utopia, infectious pests or not, the sand still feels good on our toes.

ganja man23

Well-Known Member
you are about 2 years late buddy.
I can assure you I am far from late buddy. These ideas have been going through my mind for as long as I can remember. I didn't feel the need to bring this up anywhere until now. I really do understand what you say in your second post because those were logical ideas I was able to think of based on things I had learned before I ever used the Internet or watched these shows on tv. I already did accept that ufos exist. I want the evidence to be revealed now. I didn't see this show until recently ill admit, which made me feel excited knowing that some of my hopes of finding other beings in my life time just seemed more likely. The reason I brought this up was because no one seems to know this and I cant see why not. It's not fair that the people who want to learn more are not given any knowledge but just ridiculed. As long as the majority of the population is oppressed I will NEVER be late.


Well-Known Member
do you think HISTORY and H2 are the revealing sources for the destiny of mankind? goodluck seeing more than a blurry disk. All the real evidence and footage is locked up deep underground where you'd least expect it.


Well-Known Member
it is much more likely some north Koreans or Iranians will slip a nuke under our radar and wipe out our government, and kill each surviving american one by one in attempt to take over North America only to be attacked by the united nations and send all of our 16 year old sons to die in war, before we have a cup of coffee with gorbofron from technaglar gg18 moon 4, president of the cogepons.

ganja man23

Well-Known Member
That's the point, if it was up to the government (which it basically is) they would not release any information unless they know that the aliens are coming to us. I don't known what u mean by deep underground. Area 51 deep? I've seen the real answers to my questions. Have u ever watched the ebe leaked footage. I speculate the government has far greater secrets then even that assuming it in in fact a real e terestrial


Well-Known Member
do not take my comment as doubtful, I am sure there is existance but the best hope we have is our own ingenuity to develop the technology required to produce safe, stable, auto-piloted air vehicles that are silent and do not require consistent refueling and mantenance. If anything, our love for flying saucers should be focused on actually developing superior craft to the avrocar and mohler mx200. Of coarse such craft have been commissioned in the past but technology advanced light years with each generation. Compare the ipad 2 to the ipad 1 and tell me we cant build a flying saucer after making a harrier vtol, an sr71 travel mach 3.5, and a basket with a turbo fan that can carry a single man up to 10,000ft high at up to 100 mph. [video=youtube;bOVh-vlUius]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOVh-vlUius[/video]

ganja man23

Well-Known Member
They basically Have the theory and resources to distort space in order to travel extreme distances across the cosmos and this information, as useful as it is, is not being acknowledged, but rather denied.


Well-Known Member
deep like utilizing natural caves to store data and valuable artifacts heavily guarded, far far beyond the 12 story deep basement of the usamriid headquarters in ftdetrich that I was contracted on.


Well-Known Member
its been what, 100 years of "probably fake" "really fake" and "too blurry to be anything but a maybe"


heck there are even "flying saucers" in 16th century paintings and earlier. (Though usually back then they talked of flying demons and witches)

and then there is the fact that alot of people will say Anything, in hopes of cash and then there is the fact that alot of people will say anything.

just for attention.

till the aliens pop down in my backyard, ill be dismissing this as a boring subject. ("hey! another fuzzy pic of Somthing!" or "hey, some ancient artifact that might possibly be something else than people think it is")

ganja man23

Well-Known Member
Forgot to mention I was referring to the element 115 theory based on the strong nuclear force that acts on the large atom of uup having the potential to decay and release massive amounts of energy.


Well-Known Member
turbo shaft engines, larger blades made out of discs with precise fitments like a turbo impeller. Sleeker shape, encapsulated cockpit, not too far from a UFO. just need money.

no, I'm not dreaming on element 115 to become stable and bob lazar to explain how a gravity amplifier works. I'll use proven physics. I have been really busy lately but I do have extensive hardware knowledge, technical, and aeronautic knowledge and a decent understanding of complex electronics.

ganja man23

Well-Known Member
That really is important to remember. We see so many fakes sometimes it makes it seem like any evidence can lose its validity. Think about it I mentioned earlier even CNN is showing ufos caught on tape however and multiple people who report similar abduction experiences in which aliens abduct and perform medical examinations on them. It all comes down to a matter of believing whether or not the person seems to be lying or telling th truth.


Well-Known Member
its been what, 100 years of "probably fake" "really fake" and "too blurry to be anything but a maybe"


heck there are even "flying saucers" in 16th century paintings and earlier. (Though usually back then they talked of flying demons and witches)

and then there is the fact that alot of people will say Anything, in hopes of cash and then there is the fact that alot of people will say anything.

just for attention.

till the aliens pop down in my backyard, ill be dismissing this as a boring subject. ("hey! another fuzzy pic of Somthing!" or "hey, some ancient artifact that might possibly be something else than people think it is")
the real evidence was never on a shelf in a library, it was confiscated moments after the image/footage went public. all record were erased except for the original evidence. Its not kept, its destroyed. Thats like keep all the bloody knives people keep bringing you because youre keeping werewolves in the basement of city hall, its trash to them. But making sure its destroyed is critical. They know it exists, and they know sometimes media or UFO's will slip and they will engage in a cover up to not only destroy evidence, but also the credibility. For instance that first video I posted never had the photo shopped fake looking photos at the last couple of seconds and the original video explained a lot more about the vehicle.

to claim that our ancestors were confused and did not really see what they could so beautifully paint as angels and demons is ignorant as shit. I'm sure if they could build warships in the 1400's , they could distinguish a bird or person from a round illuminated flying object.

ganja man23

Well-Known Member
turbo shaft engines, larger blades made out of discs with precise fitments like a turbo impeller. Sleeker shape, encapsulated cockpit, not too far from a UFO. just need money.

no, I'm not dreaming on element 115 to become stable and bob lazar to explain how a gravity amplifier works. I'll use proven physics. I have been really busy lately but I do have extensive hardware knowledge, technical, and aeronautic knowledge and a decent understanding of complex electronics.
I know it's better to rely on the technology we have but let's be honest,any technology we are aware of today would take many years and bears a huge risk potential. Bending space through gravity waves seems more efficient and ultimately like less work if we put the time in, but then again we gotta crawl before we walk.


Well-Known Member
the real evidence was never on a shelf in a library, it was confiscated moments after the image/footage went public. all record were erased except for the original evidence. Its not kept, its destroyed. Thats like keep all the bloody knives people keep bringing you because youre keeping werewolves in the basement of city hall, its trash to them. But making sure its destroyed is critical. They know it exists, and they know sometimes media or UFO's will slip and they will engage in a cover up to not only destroy evidence, but also the credibility. For instance that first video I posted never had the photo shopped fake looking photos at the last couple of seconds and the original video explained a lot more about the vehicle.

to claim that our ancestors were confused and did not really see what they could so beautifully paint as angels and demons is ignorant as shit. I'm sure if they could build warships in the 1400's , they could distinguish a bird or person from a round illuminated flying object.

its just that i have difficulty believing in the government being this clever and adept at things.

keeping this secrets more or less hidden and dealing with aliens.

actually, i have difficulty picturing many government people being able to handle putting milk on the cereal in the mornings (without help)