The Seed Collectors Thread


Well-Known Member
and in sad shitty news, i didnt get any mail today at all. no packages, no bills, no junk, no late xmas cards, nothing. i feel like my mailman had a stroke on his mail route and is laying in the snow freezing to death, and the only thing going through his mind is that the mail must go on!

ok, i'm either gonna go enjoy a SourD joint, or i'm gonna go look for my mailman to make sure hes not dead in a gutter somewhere.



bud bootlegger
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he got caught with a dick version?
Yah the guy (who in my opinoin liked his job a lil to much) was like thats obviously a fake dick, and called him out on it....LoL
most ppl just look over you shoulder, or stand a few feet back and txt or sum shit, the rare ones get up in your shit real hard....
So if your being observed its better safe than sorry and just drink a bunch of water the first time and see what their policy is... Youll come up clean, but they might make you re-test cause of a low creatinine level from all the water....(takin a creatine supplement might prevent that)
Then next time use the whizzinator if you know they dont look at your junk...
If unobserved just walk up in there wit the synthetic piss in ur pocket with heat pack and just pour it straight in the container...LoL
I have to drink like 1.5 gallons of water 1 hour prior to peeing, always pee once before giving the sample to get out the dirty and in with the clean...
CVS sells drug tests for $15-$20 if you wanna run some tests before you go....
(vitamin b-12 makes your piss a neon yellow color if you dont want it to be clear, but i never use that shit)

*ive done some crazy shit in my day to pass those tests...LoL
I even failed one and bullshitted my way outta the dirty...haha
Sorry about the bad times racer, hope thing get better for yah!
thanks hellraizer.. things do seem to be turning the corner some what, just harvested a really nice grow of bogs sour strawberry kush, sensi's mr nice and cc's bubba kush.. everything turned out really dank, and is curing atm..


bud bootlegger
that sucks buddy, really truly sucks. im just curious, was this a debit card that u use for seed orders? and if so, do u think making those orders is what led to the debit card getting hacked?

normally i try to use a prepay, but sometimes i see something available and just freak out with my "I MUST HAVE IT" attitude and then go ahead and use my CC.

really hope shit starts lookin up for you buddy, just keep on keeping on ;)
i can't really say what lead to someone getting my card, as although, yes, it's the same card i make bean purchases from, i order tons of shit online using it, so i really have no clue what site was the culprit.. :(

i just got my new card and everything is on the up and up, it just sucks the whole timing of the shit and all is what really hurt for the most part.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
my debit card was jacked at the local sorting center two towns from where i was living , i go on line so often that i found a huge discrepancy right away the bank said with a police report they would remove the charges..... postal center it was jacked by the mail man


Well-Known Member

reading back over these posts i now recongize all the deviants we have around here.

all we need to do now is...

have a party
one of y'all bring the hooker

and i'll bring the .45 , some rags , & bleach.
LoL... One of my boys is a PimP... What a coincidence...
(used to be two)

Sadly one of my boys is an identify thief too but i didnt wanna mention it.... I havent seen him in like 6 months though cuz i lent him some money...
Seriously bro that sux, nd i know all to well how easily it can happen to someone...
(ps. if your mailbox is one of the ones thats streetside. move it closer to your house.. dont ask just do it..)


Well-Known Member

an innocent hobbit not you are.

Dont worry peeps..
All i ever did was allegedly flip weight, and count scratch...
3yrs retired...(after 9yrs in)
(not retired retired... like i made enuff money to live off it forever...LoL
Just dont do it ne-more, dont need any more scars on my wrists)

I just got to know alot of "unsavory characters", as im sure most of you all do.....

karmas a bitch

Well-Known Member

reading back over these posts i recongize the # of deviants around here.

all we need to do now is...

have a party
one of y'all bring the hooker

and i'll bring the .45 , some rags , & the bleach.
the hooker sounds fun......but I'm not allowed around guns. Lol. Better make that a bat. And you know I already have the shovel!


Well-Known Member
OMG.... was that you Karma(abitch) who was burnin wit a bitch she like went nuts then passed out or sum shit, your immediate reaction was to go get a shovel, when you got back wit the shovel she had woken up like.. WTF u got a shovel for???

The funniest fuckin story of all time.....

Yes.. I knew it...LoL

karmas a bitch

Well-Known Member
I can still see that shit clear as day. She straight fell out and starting twitching and shit like she was havin a seizure. Looking back I'm like damn my life musta messed my brain up that my reaction was get the shovel. Not oh shit check on this bitch or call 911 or some shit.

"unsavory characters" might know a few.....maybe


Well-Known Member
GrapeGod results,

Did a 10 pack from the tude, had 9 survivors, only 1 purple pheno. about half the plants were smaller dense nugs, other half big airy buds.

I have clones of all and I might keep the purple pheno and another pheno I liked, they have a real nice smell and taste.

Took 36.3 oz's off the 9 plants and I could have vegged longer, and they didn't have the best spots in the flower room. They needed support at the end kinda lanky.

Anyways they were worth the grow and I think it's a nice strain.


Well-Known Member
I cant decide which one to use for the comp.....LoL
WW, El ALquimista, Nebula..Left - R...


All Bagseed (indy dom not the FruitRollup's dream sativa), sep 1 branch (whole Moby dick, and 2 Royal Dwarf.....
The bagseed has so many red hairs i feel like a elementary school nurse checkin a gingers head for lice everytime i look at it....LoL
(there in a quick box i slappd together in 30 seconds... i usually hang upside down, then into tupperware...)

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member

reading back over these posts i recongize the # of deviants around here.

all we need to do now is...

have a party
one of y'all bring the hooker

and i'll bring the .45 , some rags , & the bleach.
i guess ill grab the drop cloths , cuz nobody else is ... ill grab the ho to ... dotn expect much tho, im proly grabbin her from the truck stop


Well-Known Member
i guess ill grab the drop cloths , cuz nobody else is ... ill grab the ho to ... dotn expect much tho, im proly grabbin her from the truck stop
Why grab a truck stop girl when you can just choose one from the classifieds online...
They just found like 10 of those bitches buried by me.....
And one of em (another online classified girl) just stumbled into the dumping ground by accident fell over and died all by herself.. thats how they foundem..

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Why grab a truck stop girl when you can just choose one from the classifieds online...
They just found like 10 of those bitches buried by me.....
cuz investing time and concentration in a ho is jus silly LOL .. easier to jus pull up at the titty bar or truckstop haha


New Member
sound good dizzle. to make it real easy, we can have the party at a wood chipper rental store.


jkahn is it possible to get your light closer to those plants?
Why grab a truck stop girl when you can just choose one from the classifieds online...
They just found like 10 of those bitches buried by me.....
And one of em (another online classified girl) just stumbled into the dumping ground by accident fell over and died all by herself.. thats how they foundem..
Dumb chick how u fall and kill yourself then they uncover the bodies lol.. They are still finding some over by me calling him the c.l. Killer.