No Job

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Well-Known Member
Interview today.

I walked in, and they said...Simply after looking at me.
"You're going to have to cut your hair and shave your beard, you can't be so wild." I told them I can shave no problem, but I need my hair so I don't look like a Gringo in Mexico. He asked where I was going in Mexico but said he would need me to cut my hair. I asked what the pay was, and he said $7.50, and I said "I need to not die in Mexico, more than I need this job." And left. Asking if they could still do a background check and send it to me, but he said "No, it costs $150."

But I have an interview to work for the environment tomorrow.
They pay almost 2x as much, AND it's in the city. So no one will be judging my looks at the interview, everyone walking around the city is a bum. Almost literally.


Well-Known Member
its amazing the requirements for getting a minimum wage job now...the sad thing is there is plenty of people out of work that are willing to do anything at this point to get a job...


Well-Known Member
Just curious how did you not know that was the pay before the interview?
I just got an application from someone at the register a few days before.
He said to come up and talk to the guy today, and I did.

I didn't discuss anything with anyone beforehand.
Except "Do you guys have applications?" and "What time?"


Well-Known Member
The most bullshit part of all of it is.

The guy interviewing me was just some fat ass on a chair in the back office, and the kid up front was Chinese/White with LONG HAIR.
But just becuse his was silky, like a Chinaman, its ok.

But whatever. It's $7.50 I knew Illegal Mexican's making more than that at the warehouse I worked at in SoCo...


Active Member
Was told in an interview at arby's i could have the job if i cut my hair...i took no job and broke as fuck i mean i needed a job over cutting my hair for minmum wage.


Well-Known Member
I'd recommend construction, landscaping, or roofing for an able bodied young ambitious man who needs money in his pocket.


Well-Known Member
Sometimes you gotta suck it up and cut the hair if you're in that much need of a job. If you're not then keep the hair. But at some point in ones life it becomes necessary to not look like a smelly fucking hippie. May not be fair but that's life sometimes. I keep my head shaved so I've never had that problem but I know get crazy over their hair. I have a smelly hippie friend always bitching about being broke but cries about someone offering a job if he cuts his hair. Doesn't make sense to me. I remove piercings and cover tattoos at work. Is it fair? No but it feeds my kids so time to be an adult and suck it up.


Well-Known Member
Tell them for religious reasons you cannot cut your hair.
I just don't want to work there.

I'd recommend construction, landscaping, or roofing for an able bodied young ambitious man who needs money in his pocket.
I've got a job tomorrow probably.
Doing random environmental shit :D

Sometimes you gotta suck it up and cut the hair if you're in that much need of a job. If you're not then keep the hair. But at some point in ones life it becomes necessary to not look like a smelly fucking hippie. May not be fair but that's life sometimes. I keep my head shaved so I've never had that problem but I know get crazy over their hair. I have a smelly hippie friend always bitching about being broke but cries about someone offering a job if he cuts his hair. Doesn't make sense to me. I remove piercings and cover tattoos at work. Is it fair? No but it feeds my kids so time to be an adult and suck it up.
I'm not in THAT much need of a job, there are plenty of other places to work than that one place.
I'm not cutting my hair for them :lol:

And removing piercings, and covering tattoos is way different than cutting your hair.
It's more like NEVER putting the piercing in again.
Or having to get tattoo laser removal, or else your fired.

And I'm not a smelly hippie.
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