Author of Ron Paul's Racist News letters Found Ending the Smear


New Member
Disclaimer? The opinions of another are always assumed to be just that, opinions. I understand you have a hard time distinguishing opinion from fact or hearsay but it's true.
So what would lead the readers of the Ron Paul Newsletters to think that the opinion was not that of Ron Paul?


New Member
Specifically which paper? There are many, not all of them have the same disclaimer, some don't have any at all.
Every paper I have ever read. Any Broadcast I have ever seen, Any reputable newsite i have ever visited.
Always has a disclaimer that the opinions are that of the authors and do not necessarilly represent the opionion of the publisher or owners

Ron Pauls newsletters made no such disclaimer. And since there was no author mentioned in almost all the articles. You would have to assume that not only was i the opinion of the author. but that the author was Ron Paul


Well-Known Member
Ron Pauls newsletters made no such disclaimer. And since there was no author mentioned in almost all the articles. You would have to assume that not only was i the opinion of the author. but that the author was Ron Paul
that is especially true because they were written in the first person and ron paul defended them as his own writings during the 1996 congressional campaign.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
hmmm, I don't remember making those arguments so I am not sure how to counter.
You can't so you don't. You're rather good at that. If you can't win the argument you deny there ever was a debate in the first place. Sophistry at it's finest.


New Member
Disclaimer? The opinions of another are always assumed to be just that, opinions. I understand you have a hard time distinguishing opinion from fact or hearsay but it's true.
When exactly did Ron Paul state that they werent his opinions?

last year?


New Member
Good video but what the reporter fails to mention is that this James B Powell is also connected directly with a Newt Gingrich Lobbyist who is also coincidently the husband of one Gloria Borger, the CNN anchor who interviewed Dr Paul about these newsletters. I made a very lengthy post detailing this connection here with proper citations and sources if someone could please do me a favor and dig that up.


Well-Known Member
You can't so you don't. You're rather good at that. If you can't win the argument you deny there ever was a debate in the first place. Sophistry at it's finest.
I can't so i don't? I can't argue something that isn't my position. Why do you keep saying that sharks are the reason that the whale population is dying off anyway? Your use of the word sophistry is wrong too. What duke said my position was is where the sophistry is, I don't think you understand the word.


Well-Known Member
he has stated so repetitively for decades.

a decade is 10 years, so your claim is that he has been denying the newsletters for 20 years or more.

16 years ago, he claimed he wrote the newsletters.

16 < 20

your explanation does not comport with reality.

can you find a video or newspaper from 1992 or before where he denied writing them?


New Member
Well it was hell to dig this up and this is why everything shouldn't be on one thread, if it deserves a separate category then so be it but 80 to 500 page threads are not compatible with vbulletin search function if your actually looking for something specifically. It will find the thread but then you have to go through it page by page manually.

deprave said:
Newletter Scandal Points To Gingrich
__________________________________________________ ___________________

So here we go.
Submitted by donnay

James Kirchick is said to have released the newsletter cache.

James Kirchick is connected with Newt Gingrich in a think-tank group called Foundation for the Defense of Democracies (FDD).

Also, Here is the CNN interview about the newsletters.

The interview was done by Gloria Borger, CNN senior analyist.

Gloria Borger's Husband is Lance Morgan.

Lance Morgan
Works for Powell-Tate as Chief communications strategist.
He is essentially a lobbyist for the military industrial complex. He's also all caught up in the whole Iran-Contra cover-up, Wall Street, Big Pharma, Big Agra, and Biotech.

Important Info:

Powell Tate = Powell Tate/Weber Shandwick (they merged)
Before Powell Tate merged with Weber Shandwick, it was part of Cassidy and Associates

Shandwick International is one of the largest PR companies in the nation.

Cassidy & Associates and The Rhoads Group are Powell-Tate/Weber Shandwick's "sister government relations agencies"

People associated with Powell-Tate:

Christina Martin
The Renewable Fuels Association (RFA), Executive Vice President March 2009 &#8211; Present
Powell Tate/Weber Shandwick, Executive Vice President 2004 &#8211; 2005 (1 year)
Press Secretary for Newt Gingrich, 1997 &#8211; 1999 (2 years)
Press Secretary for Bob Dole, 1995 &#8211; 1996 (1 year)
Press Secretary to Governor Terry Branstad, January 1994 &#8211; December 1995 (2 years)

Suzanne Wilson-Houck
Ripple Communications (Intelligence and National Security Alliance), September 2010 &#8211; Present
Account Executive, Cassidy & Associates, January 1994 &#8211; January 1996 (2 years 1 month)
Assistant to Newt Gingrich, January 1992 &#8211; January 1994 (2 years 1 month)

Christy Evans
Vice President of Cassidy and Associates
Former Assistant to Newt Gingrich
Former Policy Coordinator for Rep. John Boehner (R-OH)
Registered lobbyist for Tiffany's!

Peter Carson
Powell-Tate, Exec. Vice President
Chief of Staff for Rep. Christopher Shays, 1995 &#8211; July 2000 (5 years 7 months)

Here is a picture of Newt Gingrich w/ Rep. Christopher Shays

"Gingrich was in Washington to give support to House Republicans who are calling on Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to reconvene the chamber and vote on the American Energy Act, a Republican bill designed to address America's dependence on foreign oil. "

Submitted by HOLLYWOOD
Connecting the dots: the Shays/Gingrich Connection

Christopher Shays has listed former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich as his political inspiration, saying "Newt Gingrich is my hero."[7]

^ Shays does know the details, and he admits that "there's a part of me that wonders if it's as well thought out as I'd like it to be." But, he adds, "I'll take almost any alternative over what we've got now." And on the day the measure passed the House, Shays was standing at Gingrich's side, paying homage with the familiar phrases. "What I had to wrestle with was, in my heart I thought I was a caring person," he said. "But I realized I was a caretaking person. And today, what we have shown is that we are a caring country." And then the unlikely convert concluded with the least likely words: "Newt Gingrich is my hero." Rant, Listen, Exploit, Learn, Scare, Help, Manipulate, Lead, The New York Times, January 28, 1996, Sunday, Late Edition &#8212; Final, Newt Gingrich, Section 6; Page 34; Column 1; Magazine Desk, 7786 words, By Jason DeParle New York Yimes

Shays background: http://www.videosblogdelnarco.nightc...her_Shays.html


lets go back to Christina Martin for a sec, she is the V.P. of The Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) <--- Ethanol Lobbying Group
They support Newt Gingrich.

Organized in 1981, RFA serves as the voice of the ethanol industry, providing advocacy, authoritative analysis, and important industry data to its members, Congress, federal and state government agencies, strategic partners, the media and other opinion-leader audiences.

Submitted by Daddy Warbucks
Newt Gingrich, like Lance Morgan, has ties to Iran-Contra:

Is it a coincidence then that Newt Gingrich has hired Robert McFarlane as part of his advisory team on National Security? Who's Robert McFarlane?

"Robert McFarlane, one might recall, was National Security Adviser to Ronald Reagan when the Iran/Contra scandal brokeand became famous as the man who went to Iran with a cake in the shape of a key, and a Bible. McFarlane ended up pleading guilty to four misdemeanor charges related to withholding information from Congress. "

Submitted by BOOGAFACE
More on Gingrich/Powell-Tate

Electric Boat, whose PR is--again-- handled by Powell-Tate, was run by John Rowland, who helped Newt Gingrich get his first position in Congress

Years later, [John Rowland] heavily lobbied then-Speaker Newt Gingrich to support the purchase of a 1.5 Billion dollar Seawolf submarine

The US purchased the submarine

The Billion dollar submarine had several leaks, but we bought it anyway

Peter Carson, Powell-Tate Exec. VP

Peter Carson was Chief of Staff for Rep. Christopher Shays from January 1995 &#8211; July 2000 (5 years 7 months)

House Rep. Shays

Check out the pic of Newt Gingrich w/ Rep. Shays in the background.

and remember... this all leads back to Gloria Borger, CNN political analyst.



New Member
To take this further we can see John Roland the likely author of the newsletters connection to Powell with a simple google search..So essentially....Douche bags who make their money off of war...literal war mongers...wrote the newsletters and created this ridiculous entire yellow journalism psy-op charade.


Active Member
Well first off
There is no racism in there. If you can find it point it out.
And can you point out anything in there that is non factual?

I retract that
The government lied about inventing the HIV virus as a means of genocide against people of color.

Ok thats out there
i enjoy a good conspiracy theory, but even i doubt that one. that is out there.
AIDS/HIV and America?!?




New Member
Obama was also endorsed by Louis Farrakhan who reffered to obama as the messiah and who is also known for racism. Do I think this makes Obama a racist? Fuck no, I am not stupid. Who the hell cares what racist people say? I mean really stop giving racist so much credibility by even acknowledging their ignorance as relevant.



Well-Known Member
To take this further we can see John Roland the likely author of the newsletters connection to Powell with a simple google search..So essentially....Douche bags who make their money off of war...literal war mongers...wrote the newsletters and created this ridiculous entire yellow journalism psy-op charade.
are we still talking about the racist ron paul newsletters? are you saying that the newsletters were some kind of elaborate hoax by gingrich?

i'm lost.

Uncle Buck is an admitted turtle fucker, i would be wary of what he says ;p
we all did it back then though :neutral:

it just seemed right.


New Member
Uncle buck said:

  • are we still talking about the racist ron paul newsletters? are you saying that the newsletters were some kind of elaborate hoax by gingrich?

    i'm lost.​

Not by the grinch himself but by war profiteers whom Gingrich works for, scroll up, the man beleived to have authored the quotes from the newsletter is connected with the war profiteers directly.


New Member
Obama was also endorsed by Louis Farrakhan who reffered to obama as the messiah and who is also known for racism. Do I think this makes Obama a racist? Fuck no, I am not stupid. Who the hell cares what racist people say? I mean really stop giving racist so much credibility by even acknowledging their ignorance as relevant.


Richard Cohen in the Wahington Post made Louis Farrakhan -- a former State
Senate constituent of Obama's, and the honoree of a publication by his church --
an issue today, and Obama has a comment out now:

"I decry racism and
anti-Semitism in every form and strongly condemn the anti-Semitic statements
made by Minister Farrakhan. I assume that Trumpet Magazine made its own decision
to honor Farrakhan based on his efforts to rehabilitate ex-offenders, but it is
not a decision with which I agree."


Well-Known Member
"I decry racism and
anti-Semitism in every form and strongly condemn the anti-Semitic statements
made by Minister Farrakhan. I assume that Trumpet Magazine made its own decision
to honor Farrakhan based on his efforts to rehabilitate ex-offenders, but it is
not a decision with which I agree."
it is funny you know, RP can have some stuff written by someone else and you call him a racist by association, then when he explains it and disavows it all, you still don't believe him. But when Obama does the EXACT same shit and disavows it you are all like" Hey he disavowed it, which is good enough for me". You are setting a double standard here and it is VERY obvious to the rest of us that not only are you unable to make an actual argument, but that the problem is that you are completely blind to any view but your own, in your world you are always right and everyone is always wrong, no matter how many times they point out your inconsistencies and illogical use of association.

Its like the Monty Python sketch where the store owner tries to sell the customer a dead parrot, swearing it is still alive. You are like the store owner.
