Hypothetically speaking, if you could start all over what would you do differently???


Well-Known Member
My first grow was as a kid in a closet with a regular light bulb. It was about 3' tall with no nodes, then it fell over. I tied it back up and it kept going, it was seriously 5 feet tall and about the same size as the string that held it up, good times!
haha that's funny :clap: i did the same thing, NOW i know why they were so tall and thin


Well-Known Member
Instead of trying to cheap out i would spend that little bit more. In the long run when you cheap out you spend more. I started with cfls, and by the tie i got enough stuff to wire that amout of cfls not to mention that many cfl bulbs, i could have gone out and bought a switchable ballast setup, which i did in the end anyway, so i just spent twice the amount of money i would havve if i went straight to HID. Cheaper is not always cheaper. Also i would not listen to the guy in the hydro store about using there nutes. Hes and idiot! almost made me kill my plants


Well-Known Member
right on Dopey, i hear ya there, they are salesman for sure.
i know what your saying about the lights and cfls, i guess i got lucky and they work out pretty well for me so far. i live in the sub tropics and had the high ambient temps to deal with and a shoestring budget, really didn't want a higher power bill. mine only runs about 30 a month higher with the cfls, which makes the mrs happy...and that's always a good thing ;-)
i hope what ppl maybe reading this for advice will take from it is that every grow is different, every person does things differently, there are some real MUST DOs but for the most part, use your noggin and work what's best for you :peace:


Active Member
Lol I love this thread! Lots of good stories, and lessons to be learned due to other peoples misfortune...lmao! I love it! My first grow was horrible...i was alot younger and was in a closet. Long story short, lets just say the crap i grew...well it was crap. The niggas in my hood wouldnt even touch it, and they'll smoke any thing!

So I've been drawing up my dream room for some time and it's all finally comin together for my first professional opp. Go every thing dialed in. Can't wait to see the fruits of my labor. Woohoo!


Well-Known Member
4 months after planting my first seeds i can't really think of too much i would have done differently.
EXCEPT have patience :-)
i think we killed too many seedlings by overwatering, not enough patience
i know i trashed too many clones by not giving them enough time to root, not enough patience

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
buy the right equipment the first time.

not bare minimum and then have to upgrade multiple times.
i dont like to think about how much money ive spent on things that were replaced or trashed after one use.


Well-Known Member
buy the right equipment the first time.

not bare minimum and then have to upgrade multiple times.
i dont like to think about how much money ive spent on things that were replaced or trashed after one use.
really? i am glad i learned on cfls and outside. i had no idea cfls would get so hot. i have over 400 true watts in each the flower and veg area and they make it kinda warm. i am glad i have that knowledge now so i can prepare properly for the 600 hps i am buying tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
LOL........i would have tied my dinosaur up better...........1978......guerrilla grow in 5 gal. buckets of rabbit poop. 20 lbs!! what would i have done different??? not a thing; it was ALL good. think i'll go listen to some Led Zeppelin, and see if i can find my old army jacket.......


Well-Known Member
dolomite huh? you had probs with deficiencies? like what? i didn't look into them at all either. truth is i don't really know what dolomite lime is used for?


Well-Known Member
I like this thread, hope it keeps going so I can keep an eye for mistakes I might be making or about to make. Im in my first grow so far my list of things I would have done better

Stuck with basic nutes instead of trying to go all out with nutes I dont know how to use

Mixed perlite into my coco from the start instead of having a 100% coco rootball stuck into 2 gallon coco/perlite mix.

Bought a lumetek digital ballast and top of the line bulbs instead of the magnetic ballast and lesser grade bulbs

kept my cfl's only 2-3 inches from my seedlings so they wouldn't stretch and flop over(solved that one thankfully)

saved a bit more cash so I wouldnt have to ration my food for the next two weeks... geeze im hungry! lol

added a fungicide to my flat white paint used in the room


So far I think I'm doing pretty good though germinated 10 seeds and I have 10 healthy plants growing now.

Lets keep this thread going so we can make a good list for the new growers!


Active Member
dolomite huh? you had probs with deficiencies? like what? i didn't look into them at all either. truth is i don't really know what dolomite lime is used for?
Dolomite lime regulates the ph and provides calcium and magnesium, possibly other things that I don't kno. I use all fox farm nutes and some others but the 3 solubles, open sesame, beastie bloomz, and cha ching, all have really high phosphorus content and I used too much causing a mag deficiency, plus i had super low ph im sure, and my plants just stopped budding. All the leaves yellowed out terribly and started curling up. very sad