Babies Turning Yellow!! Help!


Active Member
I have 6 plants just poking through the soil. I germinated them in paper towels until the white things were like 2 cm longish and planted them white things down. now they are poking up out of ground with 2 leaves. i have them in just jiffy pots with the "feeds for 6 months" miracle gro soil. they are about just under inch tall. i water them when the soil is dry on top. my lights are 4 inches from tops of plants. its about 70 to 75 degrees in room. the tips of them leaves are turning yellow.. i thought i might be watering to much and i read places that seedlings love water and some places said that too much water kills them. i also read that miracle grow is really bad and some places swore by it... idk what to think anymore!! this is my 4th grow but i adopted i never started myself so the only little experience i have is in TLC and curing n what not.. please help


New Member
1st things 1st, calm down this is not the end of the world. You have done a little bit too much watering. MG soil has time released water activated nutes. When water is added so are nutrients. You have nute burn. Let the medium get good and dry, make the roots grow out in search of moisture. For the 1st couple of weeks put just like a shot glass of water right around the stem. Just enough to keep the roots a bit moist about every 2nd or 3rd day. The key to MG is properly watering it.

When posting about plant problems, it is best too include pics and all the info you can.

I currently have an experimental MG grow run. If you would care too take a look please click the journal link in my signature. Good Luck!


Active Member
you say a shot a day on at the stem or every other? sorry i tried to get as much out there as i could. i also have 3 of the curly bulbs over the all 6 for now. i have 2 hps bulbs but i misplaced them..


New Member
Every other day. The key to working with MG soil is to only water enough to keep the roots moist. If they are over-watered by default they are also over fed. Then the problems start to combine because the natural thought for a 1st time grower is that if a plant does not look like it should, it must need more water. And so on until you are left with a shriveled up stem sitting in a pile of miracle mud.

Just enough to keep them moist. If they start to change in over all color, that is a good indication that they are needing some food and a little watering will do the trick.

Never fully soak the medium and do not attempt to flush it except for before planting and at the end of flowering.


Active Member
thx for the help. so i never used hps for flowering before thats totally fine right? would 2 400w hps and 3 cfls be enouf for flowering? like i said i only adopted so i got all equitpenmt all set up alrfeady... i also was thinking if i wanna keep the roots wet could i put my jiffy pots in a tray for now with water in the tray that way the wate soaks up into soil as opposed to putting in from top? and i will post pics to keep up with my progress as soon as i get a camera. i get payed on wed. lol. plz follow me and coach me through this it would much appreciated if u got time. ill post every few days and update everything i really want this to go well.


Active Member
i have about 6 feet hight and 3 feet wide and 21/2 feet deep closet.. i want as much bud as possible with the space i have.. walls coated in mylar. wats best as far as when i should start flowering and so on in your opinion? i was always told by friends that shorter fatter buds is the key in small spaces but i dont have contact withthem anymore...:( how do i achieve this if it is the way to go..? thx


Active Member
i know im asking alot just nervous.. i love my babies! this really is a passion you know? i just wish i wasnt so restricted with where i live.. if i could id grow a hundred at a time and freeze the shit! my own personal stash lol


Active Member
lights 4 in. from top should prolly be higher and where are you taken temp at should take at bottom and tops of plants soil optimum 68 degrees tops 85 indoor at most.


New Member
with that much space I would say 3 LST'd plants would be justice. Hoever that being said, the FIRST thing you want to do is to read, study, plan, and act on your grow. There is tons of great info and people to help here at RIU. Please click the first link in my signature. It is a thread of several videos for first timers from Master growers.

Now, how much soil do you have them in?


Active Member
rigght now they are just in jiffy pots like 2 cups of soil. then i have 4 10 gal buckets but if u think 3 would be best thats what im goin for. ill keep all 6 goin for now untill i sex them but ill pick 3 healthiest


New Member
HMMM, be careful with 10 gallon buckets. I would not use so much MG per cannabis plant. Did you amend the MG in anyway? perlite, peat moss, vermiculite...anything?


Active Member
i can raise them higher but i read/heard to keep the close so the plant doesnt grow tall and get all limpy. ill get on that soil temp didnt think of that


Active Member
no i didnt.. i thought about it after the fact... would it be bad to do so when i transplant? what besides buckets? low budget here. i got 70 bucks in spending money this next week.


New Member
ok, s far as the cfls go they can be as close to your seedlings as 1 inch, not a problem. You do not want to put 800w of HPS on seedlings though. keep them under the cfls until they have a good root system and enter vegging stage.

I would get some MG perlite and MG sphagnum peat moss. Mix them 3:1:1 and when they are ready put them into 3 gallon pots plastic is fine you can get used ones for like a buck at any nursery. Just wash and bleach them before using. Fill your pots with your mixed medium and pre soak it and let it drain at least a day to dry out, I would go 2 TBH. These will be the same pots they spend their lives in and minimalize the shock of multiple transplants. Once they are transplanted, moisten the soil right around the rootball. Not soak, just moisten. Keep them under the cfls for a day or so then add the 2 HPS bulbs. What kind of ballasts do you have for the HPS?


New Member
And LST is a training method that maximizes bud production while keeping plants short and bushy. More on that later.


New Member
listen to bkb my man i did my first grow w/ fox and miracle just straight soil, tap water, and a bottle of ionic. pulled a oz on 2 of the plant a little less on 2 other ones


Active Member
ok. what is 3:1:1? i do not have ballasts they just screw right into socket on cord and then i would hang them. they the ones at wallmart. no not need ballast for them.