Martin Luther King Day


Well-Known Member
I referred to african americans and indians because they have been the greatest victims of it. More and more whites are falling into it too. The democrats only care about the dependence, not the color.
i don't get how you can be a "victim" of the social safety net.

i collected unemployment insurance for a while, i didn't consider myself "victimized", i was grateful that i had a means of paying the rent.

and you keep going on with your conspiracy that the social safety is nothing more than a democratic mechanism of assuring themselves votes without providing one iota of evidence (and ignoring that republicans also espouse this same social safety net).

talk about intellectually lazy.

Newt Gingrich would rather a black person had a paycheck rather than food stamps and I agree with him. That makes me racist?
newt race baits (by ignoring that there are yet more white people on FS) and you gobble it up.

that doesn't make you racist, that makes you dumb. just like supporting herman cain.


Well-Known Member

You automatically lump unemployment in with welfare?

I am not pissed at the guy that might need 3 months to find a job while on unemployment insurance that he contributed to. That is not who I am referring to.


Well-Known Member

  • and you keep going on with your conspiracy that the social safety is nothing more than a democratic mechanism of assuring themselves votes without providing one iota of evidence (and ignoring that republicans also espouse this same social safety net).​

African Americans vote Democratic 90% of the time.

To add to this post: It isnt a conspiracy if it is right out in the open.


Well-Known Member
African Americans vote Democratic 90% of the time.

To add to this post: It isnt a conspiracy if it is right out in the open.
gee, that wouldn't have anything to do with the very successful southern strategy implemented by republicans, flipping the south by appealing to bigoted fears and tensions? :dunce:

keep cherrypicking. you can't call it intellectually lazy because it takes a lot of work to be so intellectually dishonest.


Well-Known Member

You automatically lump unemployment in with welfare?

I am not pissed at the guy that might need 3 months to find a job while on unemployment insurance that he contributed to. That is not who I am referring to.
it's an entitlement and part of the social safety net. i collected for damn near a year, probably collected way more than i've paid in.

but if i were truly up shit's creek, i wouldn't feel like a victim if i qualified for welfare. i would probably be grateful.


Active Member

You automatically lump unemployment in with welfare?

I am not pissed at the guy that might need 3 months to find a job while on unemployment insurance that he contributed to. That is not who I am referring to.
Welfare is lumped in with UE in the Fed budget!

Also it's a myth that you the employee pay anything into UE, the employer pays a premium based on number of insured employees, just like workman's comp.



Well-Known Member
Crazy how if you enslave a race of people then deny them rights or opportunity for generations, they don't all automatically come out of the womb as Wall St CEO's. Gee, I wonder why they feel the need to operate outside of the system...
well as long as one has an EXCUSE ...


Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
well as long as one has an EXCUSE ...

"My family was enslaved and denied rights and opportunity for hundreds of years and then I was born into a situation where I had no chance of every doing anything but working at McDonalds" is a pretty solid excuse as far as excuses go.


Well-Known Member
"My family was enslaved and denied rights and opportunity for hundreds of years and then I was born into a situation where I had no chance of every doing anything but working at McDonalds" is a pretty solid excuse as far as excuses go.
so i joined a gang so i can justifiably kill all "my own people" and be a savage. :clap:

wish i was black. :(

i hope you aren't serious. :neutral:


Active Member
"My family was enslaved and denied rights and opportunity for hundreds of years and then I was born into a situation where I had no chance of every doing anything but working at McDonalds" is a pretty solid excuse as far as excuses go.
Plenty of black people have high power, high paying jobs and they are decedents of slaves and I don't hear them pulling the race card!
So when does the excuse no longer hold water... 100 years - 200 years after slavery ended? A Century? Do the Jews still have no chance at succeeding in life "other the McD's" because the Romans enslaved them 2000 years ago!


Well-Known Member
i don't think it's an excuse so much as an explanation of the history that has lead to current socioeconomic circumstances.

i think it is a BULLSHIT excuse.

stfu and go to school. ;)

how hard is that?

why would enslaving a group of people cause them to turn on each other, even after the slavery has ended? "my great, great grandpa was a slave so i'm gonna go cap a few of my homies." makes perfect sense. :neutral:

how would martin luther feel if he came back today?


Well-Known Member
i think it is a BULLSHIT excuse.

stfu and go to school. ;)

how hard is that?

why would enslaving a group of people cause them to turn on each other, even after the slavery has ended? "my great, great grandpa was a slave so i'm gonna go cap a few of my homies." makes perfect sense. :neutral:
like i said, i don't think it's an excuse. history is history. and it is still with us today in a more de facto fashion, as evidenced by the maps i posted.

"go to school" is a good idea, but history's legacy of de facto segregation means those schools are generally underperforming inner city schools, as evidenced by the maps i posted.

and unless you've lived under the socioeconomic conditions that the people who "turn on each other" do, you don't really have much room to speculate on why they would choose to live that way. you can read about it, i can explain to you what i've read about it, but since neither one of us have lived it in person, we are mere speculators.

if you've lived in that kind of despair and chaos, you can feel free to explain it in depth.


Well-Known Member
"despair and chaos"


it's the USA. there is NO despair and chaos. simply lazy people, otherwise not a single black person would be successful.

explain snoop dogg. ;)


if you've lived in that kind of despair and chaos, you can feel free to explain it in depth.
This is the only thing that really needed to be said. Idk the race of the posters in here, but i feel as a young black male none of you outsiders have any right to call us lazy or speak on these matters at all. Respect MLK day and stfu.