FIRST GROW! Soil and a 400w mh/hps. PRAY FOR GIRLS!!!


Well-Known Member
i will be following in your footsteps on my next grow with the LST, yours came out excellent :)
No visible roots yet, I'm sure it won't be long though. When I pull the clone up, the rapid rooters come with it, so I'm assuming there are some roots grabbing on somewhere :)! Thanks for the love on the lst. Very easy to do and I think it'll help with a big yield!


Active Member
Yeah nice job on the clones. Ill probably take some tonight hope they turn out as good as yours will take some pics later i changed my rooms around check in a few hrs.


Active Member
Yeah id like to try rapid rooters or jiffy pellets but not in season and kinda only wanna order big stuff been getting alot a pacs at the other addy so keepin internet ordering to a min. is a must advice where to.walk in and buy some? Oh yeah check the journal.


Well-Known Member
Yeah id like to try rapid rooters or jiffy pellets but not in season and kinda only wanna order big stuff been getting alot a pacs at the other addy so keepin internet ordering to a min. is a must advice where to.walk in and buy some? Oh yeah check the journal.
I go to a spot in the appolis called interior gardens. There is a joint in duluth called duluth hydroponics that will have EVERYTHING your looking for. They have a website. Check it out homie!
Edit: thought you were the guy in duluth. My bad. I don't think there is shit way over by you. At least not that I know of!


Active Member
Yeah id like to try rapid rooters or jiffy pellets but not in season and kinda only wanna order big stuff been getting alot a pacs at the other addy so keepin internet ordering to a min. is a must advice where to.walk in and buy some? Oh yeah check the journal.
Any large garden centre should carry jiffy pellets and pots. Are you near a major centre/city?


Well-Known Member
Yeah id like to try rapid rooters or jiffy pellets but not in season and kinda only wanna order big stuff been getting alot a pacs at the other addy so keepin internet ordering to a min. is a must advice where to.walk in and buy some? Oh yeah check the journal.
wal mart sells them and so dosent home depot (the jiffy pucks)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, he is kinda around bumfuck nowhere being in northern mn. the jiffys should be pretty easy for you to procure at wally world or homedepot, even though its out of season.


Active Member
Thanks for the input and yeah loyalty bumfuck nowhere the bigger city is detroit lakes bout 30 mins away but the wally near me doesnt have any out but ill check home depot and lowes thanks guys.


Active Member
Thanks for the input and yeah loyalty bumfuck nowhere the bigger city is detroit lakes bout 30 mins away but the wally near me doesnt have any out but ill check home depot and lowes thanks guys.
Northern MN eh? So you are near Fargo then too? That's awesome ...

@loyalty if you think that is buttfuck nowhere.. you should see some of the places I've lived here in Canada..


Well-Known Member
nearest home depot is 30 min from mw 20 min to waly mart, an hour drive is the norm to get anywhere worth being for me


Well-Known Member
I'd love to be out in the sticks. My style for sure....laid back. I hate the cities and have the entire 6 years I've lived here. I grew up in a town of 2,500 and couldn't wait to leave after high school. Now I miss the hell out of that kind of living.....especially with my new hobby :)!


Well-Known Member
both have thier pro's and con's

i used to live in a pretty decent sized city when i was in high school and couldnt wait to get out (i guess everyone just seeks change when they are young) now im in the so so country and its nice but i miss the clubs and the titty bars and shit :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I hear ya Matt. City life just doesn't suit my personality. I'm super laid back.and chill. Don't like all the activity/traffic/people. Clubs arent my scene either. always too crowded and drama filled. Who doesn't like a good titty bar though :)!! The grass is always greener I suppose. On a side note, bb #4 in the solo cup is confirmed female! A little extra bud for me! That makes 7/7 bagseed females, incredible!! Also, two clones are looking pretty rough. The bb clone that was accidentally beheaded and another bb are getting very wilted. Stems are nice and strong, but leaves are drooping a lot!


Well-Known Member
mist them, you need to mist a few times a day to keep the leaves from dehydrating as they have no way to uptake water w/ no roots :)

im not much of a club person either but i would rather go to a decent club that plays decent tunes then some lame ass bar that you sit on a bar stool untill you fall off of it.