OK this has been debated a million times I know..but what is the main word now?


Well-Known Member

i cannot stress the term hearsay enough [you hear it you say it]

im sure you did reading online to somehow disprove what i said but was any of it scientifically proven...no, i do agree the cost of the e bill is more then buying a timer costs but thats not the name of the game

thie great debate is over whats best for you plants period the end

to be continued


Well-Known Member
im sure running 24/0 contributes to hemi, then again so does under watering, over watering, nute burn, heat stress,cold stress, root bound, too much humidity, too little humidity,repot shock, and deficiency, theres probably dozens more those are just the most obvious, point is just about everything you do wrong causes stress which may or may not eventually lead to hemi in all the crops that have come and gone iv only ever seen 1 hemi plants arnt supposed to run 24/0 but it does make them grow faster.

you mentioned somthing about taking too long for blooming to induce? if you give 48hrs darkness beforehand you can see sex in 3-5 days even if you don't give a darkperiod iv never seen longer then 2 weeks to show

" And if what you and others insist on were true, it wouldn't fit that 12/12 induces or is necessary for blooming"

you ever heard of a auto i actually got a bagseed auto idk how but i cloned that joker nd made 10 more :)


Active Member
here we go again with assumptions i find it funny that you just contradicted yourself in the first sentence "it might make your plants grow faster" "but that doesn't mean they are growing better and more efficient"

lol if they are growing faster its clearly more efficient and if they're growing more efficiently then they are growing better
WRONG! They grow lanky, stretched and thin which is not efficient at all. A tall lanky stretched plant needs more energy to transport nutrient all the way up there thus less efficient.

photosynthesis only occurs when it has food and energy during the dark phase the plant just goes to sleep

photosynthesis is a chemical process that converts carbon dioxide into organic compunds, especially sugars using the energy from sunlight.
You think that during the dark cycle the plant does nothing what's so ever and she just lays there sleeping??? If that's what you really think bro you don't know SHIT about growing, sorry to break it to ya. A plant goes to "SLEEP" when she dies, there's always some metabolic process or other internal processes going on.

Triple S

Active Member
do you want to know how the plant growes with 24/0 ?
try to stay awake for 2 weeks to see if u grow 5 cm :))
just joking


Active Member
do you want to know how the plant growes with 24/0 ?
try to stay awake for 2 weeks to see if u grow 5 cm :))
just joking

It's like having the sun in your face for a whole month without sleep, who the hell can live like that! Sounds stressful as hell just thinking about it.


Well-Known Member
assumptions again wait till later ill post a pic and show you how tall and lanky my baby is from 24/0

photo-synthesis the name says it all if you still don't understand in your infinite wisdom on growing and googling hearsay look in the dictionary

internal processing? that a scientific term thought thats what my computer does?


Active Member
assumptions again wait till later ill post a pic and show you how tall and lanky my baby is from 24/0

photo-synthesis the name says it all if you still don't understand in your infinite wisdom on growing and googling hearsay look in the dictionary

internal processing? that a scientific term thought thats what my computer does?
Internal processes as in breaking down sugars into starch and such; among others are done during the "dark" cycle.


Well-Known Member
Plants Like A Rest........ They enjoy the dark! They are growing in the Dark! It is natural for them to have Dark Time! It is right for them to have Dark time! It is logical for them to have Dark Time! I have found in my own experience that 24/0 is NOT advisable... The Plants are Happier if they have a Dark Period.... They grow better when they get their Siesta! ....... And 24/0 I have found to cause STRESS and this can and will make them Hermie! 18/6 for Vegging and 12/12 for Budding ... !!!!!!! :) :) :)


Well-Known Member
im curious to know , during veg y not throw out the 24 hour day concept and do 18 hours of light and 8 hours of dark , im gonna try it on just one mabye with a 250 mh soon.I mean y do we just keep it in 24 hour increments during veg , indoor plants grow by the light we give them right , not by the seasons , ive been wondering about this for a while , im still anoob so no need to call me stupid idiot and chit .i find they grow most during dark as it is with my chitty grow , so y not instead of 18\6 or 20\4 or 16\8 , y not give them 18\8?


Well-Known Member
im sure running 24/0 contributes to hemi, then again so does under watering, over watering, nute burn, heat stress,cold stress, root bound, too much humidity, too little humidity,repot shock, and deficiency, theres probably dozens more those are just the most obvious, point is just about everything you do wrong causes stress which may or may not eventually lead to hemi in all the crops that have come and gone iv only ever seen 1 hemi plants arnt supposed to run 24/0 but it does make them grow faster.

you mentioned somthing about taking too long for blooming to induce? if you give 48hrs darkness beforehand you can see sex in 3-5 days even if you don't give a darkperiod iv never seen longer then 2 weeks to show

" And if what you and others insist on were true, it wouldn't fit that 12/12 induces or is necessary for blooming"

you ever heard of a auto i actually got a bagseed auto idk how but i cloned that joker nd made 10 more :)
You can't clone an auto...not and end up with more plants of the same...the cuttings are still on the same internal timer as the mother plant...I mean they will root and what not maybe, but they are still going to flower when they choose to...You just lost a lot right there...


Well-Known Member

It's like having the sun in your face for a whole month without sleep, who the hell can live like that! Sounds stressful as hell just thinking about it.
Yeah but if I only get 12 hours of light I don't bloom either...we aren't plants...it isnt even comparable...i like to walk around--MJ likes to have roots...so on and so forth...


Well-Known Member
im curious to know , during veg y not throw out the 24 hour day concept and do 18 hours of light and 8 hours of dark , im gonna try it on just one mabye with a 250 mh soon.I mean y do we just keep it in 24 hour increments during veg , indoor plants grow by the light we give them right , not by the seasons , ive been wondering about this for a while , im still anoob so no need to call me stupid idiot and chit .i find they grow most during dark as it is with my chitty grow , so y not instead of 18\6 or 20\4 or 16\8 , y not give them 18\8?
I read a journal where a guy was trying to finish a plant sooner on that basis..if it flowers in so many days, what if you made the plant think more days had passed by starting the next light before a full 24 hours had finished...


so i personaly started at 18/6 myself but then turned to a derived version of 12/1 i came up with. i also do 24/0 with my clones becuase like some has stated it reduces node spaceing which i like for cloning. some people i noticed hate node spaceing and strechting, i see it as a way for the plant to get more light and to give the lower nodes more light so idc personaly. i like the longer down time i run cause i find it keeps my plants alot healthier. iv herd of people doing 3/3 cycles where there plant grew like crazy but still it wasnt the best for flowering. you just have to find what works for you money wise and plant wise. thats the best advise i can give you


Well-Known Member
I am doing alright with what I have which turns out to be 17/7...so not traditional, but it seems to get the job done just the same.


Active Member
I read a journal where a guy was trying to finish a plant sooner on that basis..if it flowers in so many days, what if you made the plant think more days had passed by starting the next light before a full 24 hours had finished...
What were the results? Sounds interesting.


Well-Known Member
I believe it just took longer for the plants to finish..because their day was shortened...so they weren't able to do as much in a day as they normally are because instead of 12 hours long it was only 6, and because it was interrupted it delayed everything


Well-Known Member
You can't clone an auto...not and end up with more plants of the same...the cuttings are still on the same internal timer as the mother plant...I mean they will root and what not maybe, but they are still going to flower when they choose to...You just lost a lot right there...
iv never grown autos before honestly know nothing about them other then they flower when rdy, i didnt clone by choice it was kinda a last resort i went away for the weekend and when i came back we had a few nice days nd it had been 90 so more then half my plants in veg were shriveled up and dying i made a few clones from each as a last ditch effort to save my strains