My BlueWidow Cross...


Well-Known Member
Thanks Koosh, Chiceh...You've both been around
since I've been here, so I appreciate that.

I can't think of words to describe those plants.
i'll just say awesome plants damn i'm jealous:) you really know your stuff.
It's really just a matter of doing research
and giving the girls a little TLC...Thanks for
the comments...

Sweet Jonny you got it down! an now refining your mad skills!. Stop by my journal soon
The competetion has gone up I see...Great shots
of the girls bro...I need that cam.

Just wanted to say nice job, looking forward to see them babies flower.
So am I GB...It has begun, so stay

At day three now of flower, the 400watt
has added an inch to each girl...Some minor
pruning was done to keep the bottom
canopy light of foliage, which will help
maintain good airflow and provide light
to lower buds.

This is the less dominant of the two
males that showed...The other was

He was dismantled to check out the
root system, and revealed healty
traits...They are all white and thick,
which gives me the feeling my other
girls roots are taking well to the

No deficiencies to report on any new
growth...I flushed them today with
fresh water. The nute solution
soon to come...


Active Member
Hey JB, you girls are looking good. Did you use any toppin or fimmin this time around?

I've got 2 Blueberry girls growin right now too, just mine seem to be oddly short : (

I topped one and fimmed the other tho.

Goodluck with the flowering, i'll be keep my eyes glued since i will be flowering soon.


Well-Known Member
Hey JB, you girls are looking good. Did you use any toppin or fimmin this time around?

I've got 2 Blueberry girls growin right now too, just mine seem to be oddly short : (

I topped one and fimmed the other tho.

Goodluck with the flowering, i'll be keep my eyes glued since i will be flowering soon.
I decided not to top these, and let them
grow into monters. I normally would have
topped them, but I've got more head room
now with this closet, and I want to show
the full potential of the strain.

They will get crowded soon, and I plan on
spacing them out some and using CFL's for
side lighting...

Let the girls recover...The new shoots will
take off on you in a couple weeks. GL with

Whatup Ze...Thanks for stopping by.


Well-Known Member
looking really good there JohnnyB! those really are some bushy monsters!! check out my journal sometime, i plan on adding some new pics later on tonight after the lights turn on at midnight.


Well-Known Member
looking really good there JohnnyB! those really are some bushy monsters!! check out my journal sometime, i plan on adding some new pics later on tonight after the lights turn on at midnight.
Your cam could use an upgrade, but they
look green and healthy...Keep it up bro.

kool man, ill watch :D thanks for sharing :peace:
Not a problem...

My girls have just woken up to day 5 of flower...

The 400watt hps has been raised to be 18" above
the girls directly below it.

My biggest girl has just started it's flowering stretch,
and now has reached 21"...She will be the first pollinated
so her genetics will be preserved...

My lone Male is developing quickly. Another week or
so and he will be seperated so my girls have no risk of

More to come...


Well-Known Member
Whatup K...Your BB mothers actually vegged
longer than these, but didn't stretch nearly
as much as these will. You can see the
difference now with seedlings and late
generation clones that have been topped and
cloned many times...You will get a bigger yeild
however because of the multiple tops and that
1000w your rocking...

Dark cycle temps are currently 66F with an
RH of 58%...I just ordered a dehumidifier, so
relief is on the way. I've never had mold due
to humidity, but it should help.

BW wakes in a few hours...Updates soon.


Well-Known Member
looking really good Johnny! do you plan on crossing the blue widow with any other strain after this go around.

thanks for stoppin by my journal, yeah your right the camrea does suck. its just the camera on my phone since i don't have a digi or access to one. i used to have one but it broke...of course cause thats life. but anyways keep up the good work!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks O2...Loyal to the T.

Whatup blunt...Patience is a virtue friend...
As long as I am still alive and kicking, you
can count on updates.

looking really good Johnny! do you plan on crossing the blue widow with any other strain after this go around.
Not just yet...I want to stabalize this strain first
by backcrossing my phenos, and taking cuttings
from the dominant clones...Thanks for stopping
in bro.

My BlueWidow have just woken from day 6 of

The solution in the res. was pumped out, and
replaced with 750ppm of Flora Nova Flower

My girls are still flowering with just the one
400w hps...Additional CFL's will be added soon.

I check the drippers everyday...Make sure
they are always dripping and not being
clogged or interfered with...

I have removed my BlueWidow Male from
my Flowering chamber, and put it in my
Bathroom above my cloning chamber to
finish his pollination cycle...I plan on storing
this pollen in a few different ways to
experiment...More to come...


Well-Known Member
Whatup mattso...My pheno's have started their initial
stretch, and are taking over my closet. Let the
monstrocity begin...

look very good there johnny b!! i can't wait to see these BW's finish. what do you mean by backcrossing?
Nor can I bro. By backcrossing, I will be selectively
pollinating my dominant male with my best girls.
These will then be grown out, and the pheno's will
be preserved and the process will be continued
until they are showing desirable traits...Thus being

Day 8 of flower...My two pheno's are stretching,
and the other three have been filling in very
nicely...It's getting bushy in here...

I've been using just Flora Nova Bloom so far for
flowering...I picked up some Floralicious plus from
the hydroshop on a good reccomendation, and
has been mixed in to my solution at 1 teaspoon
per 5 gallons...

My tallest girl has now stretched to 25", and shows
no sign of letting up...I knew she would get big, but
did not expect her to outgrow the rest by so much.
She is truly a beauty...

Their nute solution has been bumped up to 885ppm...
The PH is at 5.8 as you can see with the plastic vile
showing piss yellow resolution...Perfect.

My male has been developing very quickly, and will
be dropping pollen very soon...It will be collected
and stored for future use...That to come...

Quick vid. of my operation...

Back in a few...