Sagging Pants


Active Member
What is up with all the wanna be blacks or the blacks sagging there damn pants all the time? Especially when they have shorts that go down to there ankles and half there ass is showing or there dirty ass boxers. Im in my late thirties and grew up with gang bangers and the whole works but this new generation with there pants so low do they not know how goofy they look. PULL YOUR PANTS UP SON! And how could you even expect to fight like that? I was with a friend and we saw this white boy jump out of his car in the middle of traffic cause it died and his pants were falling clean off his ass he looked like a goofball and all i could do is laugh and no one would help him, and usually im the first person to help someone out but it was to entertaining. what is your point of view on this interested to know?


Well-Known Member
i see whites do it too. its prison nonsense. it means you're someone's "girl," and others shouldn't mess with you. what it means out here........who knows. makes me want to plant a size 12 boot in their arse.


Active Member
i see whites do it too. its prison nonsense. it means you're someone's "girl," and others shouldn't mess with you. what it means out here........who knows. makes me want to plant a size 12 boot in their arse.
I hear you good to hear someone else feels the same way. i think im gonna tell the next kid i see or adult thats sagging a little to much, Hey dude you got shit on your boxers you might wanna pull them up!


Active Member
I think they should make it a fine for this shit if you wanna do it at home more power to you but i dont wanna see your nasty ass in line at mcdonalds.

jammin screw

Well-Known Member
Maaan... Saggin lol..... I used to sag, but then I was like WTF... What is the point... If ur pants are too big get a belt, i laugh at these 30 something yr old saggin like that lol... I'm like Wtf... Women needa do that shit.... Ima laugh one day when sum1 says how much!??....


Active Member
Maaan... Saggin lol..... I used to sag, but then I was like WTF... What is the point... If ur pants are too big get a belt, i laugh at these 30 something yr old saggin like that lol... I'm like Wtf... Women needa do that shit.... Ima laugh one day when sum1 says how much!??....
Yeah one of my friends was doing it and hes in his thirties so i started roasting him a little havent seen him doing it since.


Active Member
Maaan... Saggin lol..... I used to sag, but then I was like WTF... What is the point... If ur pants are too big get a belt, i laugh at these 30 something yr old saggin like that lol... I'm like Wtf... Women needa do that shit.... Ima laugh one day when sum1 says how much!??....
by the way glad you seen the light.


Active Member
man baby you look sexy with your boxers showing. bet those men in prison gonna love that booty better not ever go to prison like that.


Ursus marijanus
i see whites do it too. its prison nonsense. it means you're someone's "girl," and others shouldn't mess with you. what it means out here........who knows. makes me want to plant a size 12 boot in their arse.

Now the story I heard (and I am too old, white and middle-class to confirm or deny) is that the saggy pants thing came from the gangs ... easy to conceal a gun in them. No matter how you slice it, I imagine those pants serve primarily as a cop attractant. cn


Active Member
Now the story I heard (and I am too old, white and middle-class to confirm or deny) is that the saggy pants thing came from the gangs ... easy to conceal a gun in them. No matter how you slice it, I imagine those pants serve primarily as a cop attractant. cn
When i was younger and i carried a gun this was over 10 years + ago. i couldnt imagine carrying a gun usually i had to make sure i had a belt and it was tight so it wouldnt fall out.


Well-Known Member
skinny jeans are just ridiculous in general.
why a guy would want to wear jeans tighter than his girlfriends jeans is beyond me.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i've been waiting 20 years for people to stop sagging their pants. kids were doing it when i was in 3rd grade and i thought it looked stupid then.

i swear looking at a scrapbook of thugs and wannabe thugs over the past 20 years you wouldn't be able to tell what year any of the pics came from. it looks exactly the fucking same as the mid 90's. loud fucking colors 7 sizes too big with a fade and basketball shoes. move the fuck on already.


Active Member
Every time I see saggin, I just want to "pants" them and then push them over. Ive done it. once but it was to a friend. Def cant fight with you pants around you ankles.


Well-Known Member
I love watching idiots wearing their pants like that. Just as stated above, it came from prison, telling people you're someones bitch already, or are looking to be one. That isn't a joke...I have a family member that's a prison guard.

I hope there are a bunch of young boys on here thinking twice about their SOOOOOO COOOOOL fashion statement! Like to take it in the rear boys LOL!!!!!!!!!!

So glad this thread was made. Finally!!!!


Well-Known Member
It's always funny to me when somebody says "their pants sag to their ankles"

That's fucking stupid. I've never seen anybody with their pants around their ankles. Maybe 5-6 inches below the waistline but that's not the ankles grandpa

I don't sag my pants at all but you really sound stupid complaining about it. Stop looking at other dudes asses