Highlanders Perpetual. BB,Ice,Void,Qleaner and Some of Chimeras' Strains!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
I'm having lower leaves yellow. Was going to take pics but new rx just kicked my ass. Tomorrow
What's happenin Voidman,,,,,,pics pics pics haha!!

Hey the yellowing of the lower leaves is usually just indicative of a little N deficiancy. Your plant is sucking up the green/Nitrogen, I would just boost their veg feed a little. Shouldn't be any problems! A cal/mag deficiancy looks like little rust spots on the leaves and in my experience it's usually caused by the ph being to low. At least for dirtbaggers like myself the ph of the water/feed should be in the upper 6s. Cal/mag is best absorbed with ph levels 6.5 and above. Below that can cause lock out.

Friggen rain man,,,,,,mid 40s, raining cats and dogs and all the snow is disappearing....january thaw?? Yeah right


Well-Known Member
yeaaa im on xbox 2 guys. i play MW3 here adn there. i dont have BF3 tho. my gamertag is Big Chris B =) add me up if ya wanna get a stoner group of assholes 2gether sumtime and play. lol. that would be kinda fun. =) gettin ready to do sum seriousss cloning. lol. sad to say that my arctic exress clone did not root/make it. =( i took 1.. and thought it would root.. adn it jsut never did... and then it was like 4 weeks into flowering.. soo i tried to take 1 anywyz. and i waited adn waited.... but nothing. =/ pissed!!!! but wat can ya do ya kno? really really really excited fo rthis dog tho.. HC... you got me a lil too happy about this strain. lmao. this shit BETTER clone too. dont wanna let this strain go... if its ur fav. outta the 20 strains u got goin... (and u got sum pretty badasssss strains goin too) then its gotta be pretty fuckin bomb! how is it as far as yielding??


Well-Known Member
nooo rain over heaaa man. but yeaa alotta the snow is melting. got about 8 inches over the weekend. =) but its supposed to be in the 50s 2day. lmao... only in new england... will it snow 1 day.. rain the next.. and be 50 and sunny the next.. (or sumtimes even in the same day!)

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Time for a lil update in the cave, lots of new stuff everywhere lol.....

Coming down at the end of the week 2 Blueberrys (minus one cola that came down this morning), 2 C4, 2 Lush (last run for that cut), 1 DOG, 1 LCC (last run for this one too) and 2 Bubba Kush x Master Kush.

Going in this week are 5 BSB, 1 DOG and 6 Cinderella 99s f4 pineapple pheno (plus all of their tops which are fully rooted and in soil as of last night). They have all been hanging out under the 1K all week during the day but with the cindys having such a short flowering period they will stay in tonight and get a 4-5 day jump on the rest.

Just when I think that I can't get a frostier strain another one comes along and just blows me away...this time it's aev's Whiteberry. They are at 5 weeks and trics are off the chart. Can't hardly see the leaves lol. They grow straight up with only a couple of branches down low, otherwise it's one big cola. Hoping that these are the fast finishing pheno, they would make for the perfect sog. Yeild is already greater than every other strain in that run too. Heck fire just those alone would warrent me going out and picking up a camera ; !)

About to go get cleaned up and take my son out to lunch (drs app is what we call it). He can miss a class or two to have lunch with pops lol

....I suppose it should be the longer flowering bsb and dog that should get the jump. whoops. fuck it I'll put them all in together on thurs for good hehe


Well-Known Member
niiiice. should have urself a nice lil harvest goin ehh? im jealous!! lol. im debating on choppin the full moon and arctic express 2day... i have those 7 new plants that went in a fwe days ago. (cloned them all 2day too) and then i have a super skunk about 3-4 weeks in. adn a c-99 thats about 3-4 weeks in... adn then the full moon and AE... sooo 11 plants... ehhh.. its gettin a lil crowded ya kno.. and they both have amber heads. but i wanted to let them fatten up a lil more... but theres just not enough room in there for everything... ughhhh decisions decisions... hmmmmmmmmmm.......... lol. damnmnn man i cant wait till u get urself a cam!!! i wanna see this whiteberry ur talkin about!!!!


Well-Known Member
This rx is still fucking me up bad so can't read all the posts. No calmag, I've been using epsom salt. Need lime. Small town, can't get jack though.

Plant 6 and 7 that I could grab for examples, there is one worse but it was at the back. In my condition I didn't want to break plants trying to get them out.

I have been following the simple kiss method of 1 tsp maxibloom. I don't have anything with more N unless I go miracle grow or similar from walmart. Any suggestions or opinions on such things? Hydro store is too far away and shipping takes a week.

One of the BB plants left the leaf part in the ground and pushed the root up into the air. I took it out and flipped it over, not sure it will survive. The other had the root sticking up and when I unburied it, It looked like all root, no leaves or anything. Odd.


Well-Known Member
Void, they gotta be pretty crunched up in those cups. give em a new home. and get some lime if ya can. it takes a PH issue completely out of the equation.


Well-Known Member
I've got some honey containers that are about 1.5 times the size. I never got bigger pots and I'm already kinda crunched for space in the cab as it is. I'll try to give it a shot this afternoon. Will look for lime

Thanks stoney


Well-Known Member
I've got miracle grow azalea food which is for acid loving plants. Was for my blueberry fruit plants. it's 30-10-10

General plant food is 24-8-16

Will get ph test strips at walmart. Look for lime. Anything else before I go?

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
I've got miracle grow azalea food which is for acid loving plants. Was for my blueberry fruit plants. it's 30-10-10

General plant food is 24-8-16

Will get ph test strips at walmart. Look for lime. Anything else before I go?
Hey brudder!

I would lose the epsom salt first off....bad stuff for mj. Any new nutrients that you introduce should be done slowly like a qtr dosage at first. The Roms are not too nute sensitive but BB are in a big way. If you can find the ph drops anywhere to check your ph level go for it...inexpensive and accurate. And what stoney said! The smaller your container the greater the problem is going to be if your ph is off

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
i drink alota java to... got a kuerig machine awhile back, its pimp for the variety ,diff weed diff coffee lol

i might watch warhorse tonight , i dloaded a few diff things..radio is wailin in the meantime
Was wondering if you watched it, looked pretty good on the previews. My chick has some movie passes we have been meaning to go see it. I watched a good movie yesterday that I would recommend...Deju Vu with Denzel Washington, check it out.