The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Aye m8 was jst doin a vit of readin on that decarboxylation. Gonnae wait till the livers n blue cheese r ready n make some butter for baking lol

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
I use raw fert salts in coco and don't bother flushing, decent cure gives bud a silky smooth smoke.
I personally think the need to flush is an old wives tale with no factual evidence to back it up, commercial agriculture has been using raw fert salts for years and they don't flush.
Nobody's complaining about the food we eat every day, unless it's GM of course!


Well-Known Member
my nft tank lecked to down stairs ans i was fighting with the bird so they just walked in and said they dident need a warent for a damestic


Well-Known Member
good mate thanks finally shaken off the man flu so feeling up for a dust up on the old telly. how the chop and smoking going?? did u change mind in end on the cotton? do u now love it after smoking it?
Aye its a nice smoke mate, just the buds kinda airy, mind you sum have dried quite dense :-D

Who's fighting on UFC mate, will need to stream if a can stay awake lol

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
we got a brit on card tonight boys. we have bispin vs sonnen and evans vs davis as the main events.
haha wot i liketo hear chaps glad u liked i had heard good things on it. heard the buds ment look wirey/like cotton haha so that may explain it alittle. billy seems like it haha.


Well-Known Member
A do to a suppose lol... Hopefully can stay awake and find a decent stream, a pay enough for sky without ESPN as well, dnt they realise its a recession :-(


Well-Known Member
ttt there was 4 and they seen the light threw the door,it vwas only 4" they put it in a dog shit bag lol think they will cum back,never touched anything exept the tank,lol got angel heary on the already in coco any tips

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
ttt there was 4 and they seen the light threw the door,it vwas only 4" they put it in a dog shit bag lol think they will cum back,never touched anything exept the tank,lol got angel heary on the already in coco any tips
This is why people need to learn their legal rights..

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
its all a scam matey. all costs. i could give up all telly but me footy ufc and crime programmes. so wot we all up to tonight?? nursing poor heads eh billy n my old mucker ttt? i no ttt is suffering cos hes normally quick minded and i no after the post about leaking tank and police walking in he wasnt thinking right or he woodnt asked how they found it. joint time i think. lemon cheese. its ok not best but am stoned

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
ttt there was 4 and they seen the light threw the door,it vwas only 4" they put it in a dog shit bag lol think they will cum back,never touched anything exept the tank,lol got angel heary on the already in coco any tips
guess u dont own house or u can sue them mate. if police turned up at my home they wanna warrent and it best b lawful and legal not a rush job n hope or they wood b ripped in court

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I'm drinking my way through a sore head, no plans i have to bail on tomorrow :D

And police found it due to light, not water ;) My brain ent mush quite yet ;) But without being insulting, you need to learn your rights as well, you could have 100 gallons of water pouring through the crack in the door, and the police would still have no authority to enter and search. They were there because of a domestic argument, not water leakage, light could have been for any legal reason, the police had no authority to search without consent. If they had searched because of smell, that's a different thing, but nto water or light.

Headbutting is the way to do things, you always here judges gaffing off about how it was such a brutal awful dastardly manner of attack, but fuck him, people headbut people cus it fucking works. Doesn't hurt or effect the person doing it, but puts the victim on the ground! Fuck breaking your wrist on someones chin :)