Possible Mg deficiency?


Active Member
Age: 7 weeks from sprouting, Week 2 of flowering
Medium: Fox Farms Happy Frog (transplanted from Miracle Gro soil at 2 weeks. A very small amount of the MG soil was left on the roots when transplanted)
Lighting: 6x 26w 2700k CFL's & 2x 26w 5000k CFL's on 12/12
Water: Filtered through dispenser in fridge door, sat out for a couple of days
Nutes: NONE yet but I have the GH Flora series unopened

Could this be a magnesium deficiency? I'm a new grower and this is my first full grow. Itd not on all the leaves, just a couple of the lower leaves on each plant. Sorry for the crappy pics, I don't have a good camera, just my iPhone.

Below is a video taken last week to show the full scale of the plants.


Feel free to check my grow journal in my sig :)


Well-Known Member
looks closer to calcium to me but theres a sticky guide to nutrient deficiency /toxicity in marijuana plant problemz...your awnsers there......


Active Member
looks closer to calcium to me but theres a sticky guide to nutrient deficiency /toxicity in marijuana plant problemz...your awnsers there......
I looked there first, hence why this thread is not titled "What could this be?"
From what I read I figured it was a mg def, but I wanted other opinions as well.

Thanks for that diagram Elliesdaddy, I have not seen that one before and it is very helpful!


Active Member
Thinking I'm just going to give them a good flush on their next watering and then the watering after that I will start using small doses of nutes. :)


Well-Known Member
Let her be.. if you flush her give her superthrive I'm almost sure it's transplant shock.


Active Member
Great Idea for the Reflectors gonna steal that!! +Rep
Thanks man, I actually stole the idea from another RIU members grow journal and have had a few people use the idea after seeing my thread. Works great and is cheap as hell!


Well-Known Member
ease up on that fan, man........they should be quivering, not blowing. she's over-watered, and you're locking P, due to this.......i think. keep her feet dry.


Active Member
ease up on that fan, man........they should be quivering, not blowing. she's over-watered, and you're locking P, due to this.......i think. keep her feet dry.
The fan is never directly pointed on the plants when it's inside the closet like that, just to the side on it's lowest setting. During the day when the closet door is open I move the fan outside of the room by the door, to blow in fresh air all the time.

And they're Deffinantly not overwatered, they're underwatered if anything. I've been careful not to overwater them using the weight method AND a moisture guage I have.

small pot, too. fine at top, but too narrow at bottom. she may be a little bound up.
Can't see any signs of roots threw the drain holes so I'd say that's not a problem. For the size they are and will be, these pots should be a perfect size for them. No need to transplant again during flowering unless I absolutley see that they are root bound.


Active Member
Not getting many direct opinions on the leaf issues I'm having here, just other things. I'd really appreciate more input. I'm continuing to research the subject on RIU and other forums and I'm not really finding a solid answer. I don't want this issue to spread to the buds or upper leaves....... :sad: