Living in the Deep South (USA)

Pat the stoner

New Member
Yeah but I like the south for a lot of things , for 1 the food tastes way better , people are friendlier , there are way less taxes , more people have dogs (love dogs) . No place is perfect , at least none that I have found . Theres a lot of stuff I dont care for like you said too conservative and rigid but I hate the cold and the winters are short

The Chemist Brothers

Active Member
lived in the south for a long time, i loved it but i couldn't stand the neighbors, its weird going from the north to the south, you actually stick out like a sore thumb.


Active Member
as a brutha from jamaica we see white people come up walkin around in silks only jah could wear and thinkin we lesser souls jus cuz we think family and livin well is more important then money, and greed well just yesterday 7 white man shot in trenchtown thats y u dont run ya mouth out of the tourist area


Active Member
What fucking planet are you on asshole?
I grew up, was raised, and still live in the South. I have NEVER been exposed to the bullshit you speak of unless I was in some REALLY DEEP COUNTRY THAT DOESN'T HAVE A FUCKING WALMART.
I've lived in the South for 30 fucking years bro, and I will tell you this, I have NEVER been to a store that didn't sell alcohol on a Sunday, OR ANY DAY FOR THAT MATTER!
Hey dumbass, in NEW JERSEY, NO STORES ARE OPEN ON SUNDAY EXCEPT Grocery and restaurants, why don't you talk your bullshit about them?

Quit being a fucking asshole.
SC, no beer/alcohol sales on sunday. NC, no sales until after noon sunday. Born and raised southern, 1rst hand experience...

Brick Top

New Member
SC, no beer/alcohol sales on sunday. NC, no sales until after noon sunday. Born and raised southern, 1rst hand experience...

Yep .... I'm a Tar Heel .... a North Carolinian and the above is accurate. Some years back I lived in Arkansas and at the time the county I lived in was a dry county. You couldn't buy any beer, wine, hard spirits any time of day, any day of the year. I don't know if that has changed since I moved, but to get the Old Grand Dad that I was so fond of at the time I had to drive to Texarcana, into Texas, to purchase packaged booze or to go to a bar.

But of course it was, just like in this area, easy enough to find a local "Jesse Duke" who made moonshine.

"In my mind I'm going to Carolina. Can't you see the sunshine, can't you just feel the moonshine?"


Well-Known Member
My southern county became "wet" not too long ago... I like living in the south...I like the people..not their ideals maybe, but their mannerisms. I don't really hang out with anyone church affiliated so no issues there, and I don't really drink but you can't buy alcohol in my state on sunday at all..,some tourist areas are exempt from this...for example just as in my state, in SC you can't buy alcohol on sunday, but in Myrtle beach you can...the community explained they were having to basically shut down one day a week and how much more money they could make if htey sold liquor on sundays, so now most party type areas are exept from these laws, but I know in Tennessee, South Carolina, and North Carolina you can't buy alcohol on Sundays, and in SC you can't buy anything except food at most grocery stores before you can buy a can of beans, but not a can opener or pan to cook them with...that is some crazy crap...they are the South Carolina Blue Laws...but I live in a much more backwoods place...anyway that is just the way it is...but even though my county just got alcohol, my state has decriminalized


Well-Known Member
One of my friends dad's made makes moonshine...had some hilarious drunken pics with a lot of different important government officials.


Well-Known Member
Traveled through Miss.Ala. and Fl. panhandle 5th and 6th weeks after O'bamas election in 08, the retoric on the street could have come right out of a 1950's Clan gathering.It was pretty clear that the attitude of the Souths greatest 20th century politician,George Corley Wallace was still the order of the day," SEGRAGATION TODAY,SEGRAGATION TOMORROW,SEGRAGATION FOREVER".

The Chemist Brothers

Active Member
ahahaha, i don't drink and that was the last of my worries, i got sick of the door preachers, i told one to fuck off one day and go fuck an alter boy and he called the police... what a fucking joke


Well-Known Member
ahahaha, i don't drink and that was the last of my worries, i got sick of the door preachers, i told one to fuck off one day and go fuck an alter boy and he called the police... what a fucking joke
Salvation delivered like a pizza,U gotta love it.Wish I got more.Read Joseph Cambell's books,read up on the tenets of the churches that are coming around.When they come knockin, question them not on religion,but on their church philosiphy.Cambell says there are 50,000 religions in the world today,each claims its god is omnipotent.Question this,then ask who says their god is top man,Question that person's credintials,point out their churche's repressive policies,etc. U will find most know much more about the Bible than they do about their church .Send them away scratching their heads.


Well-Known Member
Yeah but I like the south for a lot of things , for 1 the food tastes way better , people are friendlier , there are way less taxes , more people have dogs (love dogs) . No place is perfect , at least none that I have found . Theres a lot of stuff I dont care for like you said too conservative and rigid but I hate the cold and the winters are short
The food tastes better?. I have eaten in every single state from Wisconsin to Florida, and it all depends on who is doing the cooking. For example, try finding good Chinese food south of the won't b/c it all sucks. Same with pizza, unless the joint is owned by a New Yorker or Chicagoan. Now, I realize there are those that swear they have good pizza..but that's only b/c they are used to the shitty stuff.

The only food classes the south own are BBQ and cajun...which doesn't say a whole lot.

The Chemist Brothers

Active Member
soul food is better in the south, buffet's are better it the south, but real food is not. (although i prefer Waffle house over ihop anyday) and i agree, best chinese food i ever had was in china town nyc, nothing came close, its good living in ny now so much to choose from.


Well-Known Member
J campell you mean Reddog? of the Allman Brothers
HAHA,sorry no.Love the dickens out of the Allmans,went to school with Wet Willie,an early backup to the Allmans.Donna Hall,who joined W.W. later,was the cutest thing on two legs.Joseph Cambell,deceased, professor of sociology at UCLA,seen as world's formost authority on comparitve religion.


Well-Known Member
soul food is better in the south, buffet's are better it the south, but real food is not. (although i prefer Waffle house over ihop anyday) and i agree, best chinese food i ever had was in china town nyc, nothing came close, its good living in ny now so much to choose from.
We have good soul food right here in town, only the African-American owners are from it's all relative. The best BBQ I ever had was in Florida, at a Christmas party one of my customers had(I was a material supplier for stucco companies). The menu was a wild boar, freshly bow-hunted by 2 employees and cooked all day in one of those huge smokers made from oil drums. I shit you not the 2 hunters/chefs were named Levi and Gator(father and son!), 2 good-old boys from Okeechobee.


Active Member Canadian and i luv the south ...the culture is very woodzie....kinda like were i raized my family the woods on the west coast of Canada!....YAY


Well-Known Member
The clerk at the gas station told me that out in the county, all stores have the choice to sell or not. The stupid bastard who owns the gas station CHOOSES to not sell.
OMG, You mean someone still has freedom of choice in America? Someone call the federal revenuers (aka: dam yankeees) and have them put a stop to that.

PS you are a bigot and you dont know what goobers are