-Drewberry - Gen Hydro vs. Dutch Master Battle of the Blooms - been flowering 2 weeks


Well-Known Member
I am pretty sure the dual you can run both at the same time. For a bigger setup it would be nice to have, or even if you wanted to do that in the future. I think you can also run MH in one and HPS in the other. I just bought a lumatek 600 W (single) with a digilux bulb. I am satisfied for the moment but I have been using it for about 2 weeks. I was using an 8 bulb t5 to flower. So this is a huge step up. The heat is an issue but I have a wing reflector and will be upgrading to a hood at some point soon.

I think you said you were having issues with height right? I would really take that into consideration because the hps will need to be much higher than your LED's and such.


Active Member

So I couldn't resist the siren call of getting a legit light in there. I love the flouros and the UFO but I didn't want to get to harvest and be like... what if? For some reason I hate airy buds and love nice hard nugs, and figured, if I can just throw money at this and make it go away... might as well, right? So I went down to the local 'dro store and picked this thing up. :

Its just a standard Hydrofarm 400w HPS. They had one going at the store and it wasn't very loud, or hot, which were my two biggest concerns about getting an HPS. I wasn't a very good shopper and didn't do a comparison of brands and reviews or saw what you guys thought.. I just bought it. They were out of HPS bulbs so I'll get that friday, right now its just MHing it up.

I was thinking I could put it in there with the UFO but there wasn't room... here is the cab with everything in there:

And with the HPS:

While taking the flouros and the UFO out I took these pics... the purple is so bright the camera got totally burned out.. hence the white spots. Amazing how different the plants look under that light!!

And finally... my little helper:

Silver: Ya I don't have basically any more vertical space to work with; I let these girls veg for a couple weeks to long while I was trying to get my cabinet finished. Next time... 3 week veg I'm thinking. Or some of that crazy training where you make the plant go around the bucket.. Or something. I have no idea what I'm going to do if these plants keep getting taller. Oh well! All of this is just one big grand experiment... live and learn, right?

Anyway, here's to harder buds!!!



Well-Known Member
id put them alll in there hahahahhaaha!!! j/k but seriously your gonna have some fat tops budd i think youll be very pleased wiht the 400 and its capabilities and now you can veg with the other LED. woo woo

and in my experience/opinion, that 400 can be closer, nearly touching the tops.. so long as the temps are ok not really above 85


Active Member
id put them alll in there hahahahhaaha!!! j/k but seriously your gonna have some fat tops budd i think youll be very pleased wiht the 400 and its capabilities and now you can veg with the other LED. woo woo

and in my experience/opinion, that 400 can be closer, nearly touching the tops.. so long as the temps are ok not really above 85
I wish they could all fit! Actually, I have a bigger tent, I bought it first by mistake, it is 6'7" tall and 4' wide if I recall... needless to say I have nowhere to put it except in a shed or my garage. Which may happen at some point, but for now I wanted my nice little comfy garden in my socks and boxers bedroom cab ^_^ But once I get the big tent going, I'm gonna cram all sorts of lights in there.

Strangely, the light didn't come with a glass panel to close out the hood. You have to buy one online. Thats what I get for instant gratification I guess! Anyway, I want to make sure the plants dont get burned by the bulb but once the glass gets here I'll lower the light a bit. I haven't had a thermometer in there since the tent flooded and killed my last one, but I have another one on order so I'll know what my temps are like in a few days. I am venting in cold air (47 degrees right now) from outside so if anything its been cold in there.

In August it will be a much diff. story.

So stoked to hear you think I'm gonna have some big tops.. I am anxious to start seeing some (bud) growth!


Well-Known Member
our mothers have grown into the 400 before (the hood, not hitting the bulb yet) w/out burnin. itll go closer w/out the glass ours isnt even air cooled..


Well-Known Member
what is the temp that you shoot for at the highest leaf level (closest to the light) I have heard that 80 degrees is about the max...I am right in that regard. If so I can't get my light much closer than 18" and that is when it is really cool or its dimmed down to 300w..


Active Member
Checked the plants last night and allready had some heat dmg on some of the leaves. Added a little Vornado fan shooting air across the canopy but still pretty hot right underneath the bulb, we'll see how they look tonight. I dont have a thermometer in there right now but I am guessing it is hitting around 90, prettty damn hot! I kicked up the intake fan (6" fan on voltage regulator turned down for sound... so much for quiet!)so hopefully that helps some.

Definitely gonna have to get creative with heat dissipation come summer!

Silver: So far I am still a huge fan of the dutch master... The DM plant's main stem is at least 1" across at the base... its a tree!


Well-Known Member
I'm stoked for you on the big light. Hope it all works out perfectly with the temps and such. And it all makes sense now why you grow so well... you have an assistant! I've found that black cats help a grow immensely. A little bit of white on their chest don't hurt either, hehe.

Can't wait to see some buds!


Well-Known Member
Cool thanks ya'll! I have heard DM is good. A consultant that I was talking to said he used DM. So it has a good rep.


Active Member
Swapped nutes again tonight, pictures probably tomorrow. Went down to 5.8 on the PH so that should be about right. I feel like a chemist with my ph meter and adjusters. SCIENCE!

The heat from the new light didn't seem to do any additional dmg today with the fan on and the intake fan cranked up. My brain is still figuring out ways to raise the light despite the tent. My brain never stops working.

Anyway that's it for tonight.


Well-Known Member
I love science! My brain doesn't slow down much either except when I bust out the bubble hash. I might get a little slow...lol.


Active Member
Cut a hole in the roof? =) J/K
Believe me, I'm thinkin about it! Heat problem seems to be solved with a little desktop type fan blowing right at the buds but I'm afraid with it being that close its gonna create a major hotsport right underneath the bulb... with the branches on the outskirts of the tent not getting much light. I guess it'll even out if the buds right underneath it are huge and the outsiders are small *shrug* .. just being a perfectionist I guess.


Active Member
Okay some new pics... looking pretty happy so far!

The Gen Hydro:

The Dutch Master:

A couple pics of the canopy:

And from below:

A couple close-ups:

And lastly a close up of what I thought was heat dmg? Correct assumption?

And here is a pic of half of my odor control system, yet to be installed. I made it myself, curious to see how well it works. It sucks air in and forces it thru a series of layers of dryer sheets and activated charcoal. Eitherway it should make my exhaust downy fresh =D

Now if I just knew how to wire it............



Well-Known Member
probably is a little heat damage.

your filter is an interesting design.

I personally just buy a phresh filter. They are all aluminum and light with good carbon in the them. But to each their own.

plants are looking fantastic the DM is working the best imho


Active Member
Silver: A big carbon filter is the other half of my odor control system ;) Since my cab is in my bedroom, I want to try and recirculate air thruout the tent that doesn't just reek of weed... and there is allready a noticeable smell when you walk upstairs. So I'm hoping my filter makes that smell a little less weedish, and then the big carbon fiber filter will be mounted inline with the exhaust so the exhaust gets filtered before being pumped outside.


Well-Known Member
To wire that thing, just get a cheap extension cord, or some old lamp that doesn't work... cut the plug and strip a little bit of wire, and attach. It shouldn't matter which one goes to which. It could be that wiring it one way makes the fan spin one way and the other, the other... but usually not (in my experience). To be exact... the white should be the positive, the black the negative or neutral. The little prong on the plug/ outlet is the positive (charged) one, and the big prong is the neutral, so you can line it up like that.

Plants are looking great!