do you got the balls?

Gum B

Lately I have not cared about what people think about weed. I openly talk about it in public like anything else that's legal. Recently I've been thinking about just walking into the local bar order a drink and light up a J or smoke out of some sort of discreet pipe. Everyone is smoking cigarettes and drinking whiskey so I wouldnt think anyone would complain if I was chilling in the back with some friends. I would most likely get pissed if some patron around me started complaining about my smoke. What do guys think should I do it?


Well-Known Member
Lately I have not cared about what people think about weed. I openly talk about it in public like anything else that's legal. Recently I've been thinking about just walking into the local bar order a drink and light up a J or smoke out of some sort of discreet pipe. Everyone is smoking cigarettes and drinking whiskey so I wouldnt think anyone would complain if I was chilling in the back with some friends. I would most likely get pissed if some patron around me started complaining about my smoke. What do guys think should I do it?
go for it. some day i want to do the same thing but only when i have the funds and a place that looks decent to be able to say i can get my ass out if they decide to be assholes about it and when someone looks down apoun me just look at them and be able to say i support myself and have gotten a good place because i smoked it i did not act irrational in anyway. i wont put up a fight ill turn my ass right around and just as the officer comes with my hands behind my back. not a care in the world. if plants started popping up everywhere and people started smoking on the streets there is not enough cops to take down a city blocks of pot heads


Well-Known Member
^^^ditto, I rolled blunts while playing pool... Now saying this I was tight with all the bartenders. Also on the subject. I have a mowie.wowie shirt with a pot leaf on it, kinda descret though. And also another shirt that says SOUR in the sour patch kids font, with a bold pot leaf on it.

Gum B

My friends think I'm crazy when I start talking about walking into any establishment that allows cigarettes and start blazin one up. I'm not tryin to start trouble. I would leave if the owner or manager threaten to call the police but I would make sure to blow the last hit in there face and call them freedom haters.


Well-Known Member
I have defiantly smoked a joint in the bar lol we passed it around the table in the open and nobody said anything


Well-Known Member
there were certain places that i was comfortable doing it in...

and also who hasnt gone to a concert and blazed up in there haha... If im going to see the dead projects or the allmans or anyone... I'm smoking a fuckin fatty i dont care what happens haha. always have and probably always will. hopefully some day the feds will give up on this ridiculous war on pot


Well-Known Member
will be done. the reason why caffiene is legal is cause its everywhere you turn. coffee soda ect. if some of these growers really believed in pot being legal theyd take their clones and males and plant them in any grassy area at night.


I usually smoke walking down the street, but not often in establishments because they don't allow smoking anyways. I do however use my MFLB in the movie theater, restaurants, etc.


Active Member
wassup to all ive done something like that but me and my freinds lite up a blunt at six flags and we where just smoking it while walking to all the rides people did look at us amd they called the cops on us. we got chased by the securaty. its a great feeling to be able to smoke freely. i know what some of you guys are going to say why would we do it in a familly inviorment, well we where young and dumb but i dont ever regret it.

Gum B

I usually smoke walking down the street, but not often in establishments because they don't allow smoking anyways. I do however use my MFLB in the movie theater, restaurants, etc.
Actually there are plenty of resteraunts, bars, bowling alleys, etc that still allow cigarette smoking where do you live? I think everyone has taken a blunt or j walk around the neighbourhood once..has anyone ever smoked at baseball or football game before?


Well-Known Member
smoking cigarettes inside bars is illegal around here. My friend got quite drunk one night and lit up a smoke not thinking about it, right in the middle of the bar, and the bouncer literally threw him out. Lol you light up a j, you probably could not get 2 puffs off of it before somebody would be saying something, or calling the police. Lol if you want to prove to your friends you got some balls, got to the bar, get hammered, and pick a fight with the biggest guy there.

Gum B

I'm aware that there are smoking bans in a lot of places. It be kinda of obvious if I lit one up there I'm not that dumb. Getting wasted and picking a fight doesn't prove shit it just means your a loser first rule is if someone touches you and its not welcome than its on like UFC


Well-Known Member
lol well lighting up an joint in a public place does not mean you have "balls", that just stupidity and would not achieve anything except possibly jail. To have balls you have to do very manly, dangerous and or adventurous things.

thump easy

Well-Known Member
i say spark one up in jail out of a guys ass and light it up with someones glasses like a magnifing glass and then talkom baby powder lolz... i have done that hahaha


Well-Known Member
Actually, I just wandered into a cafe in the park on my way home today and lit up. I met another smoker, too. He just came up to me and we had a great time chatting. I got a work commission from the owner too.

I know it'sn not always the cleverest thing to do (use your own common sense and assess the individual ares, the people around you, the time etc) but I literally forget pot is illegal sometimes... I know, dumb... But people are usually a litle taken aback by how casual I am, get to know me and think 'this pot smoker is a sweet little girl... i guess it's not so bad'. I tend to do the anti alcohol/cigarettes/hard drugs talk and medical cannabis history factdrop and by the end of it they are wondering why they never smoked before. I know you can't always trust people these days but I've been fine so far, smoking at the pub, down the road, at the bus stop etc. Now what I wouldn't ever do is smoke somewhere it's not recommended to smoke at all, like the crazy man I saw with a cigarette on the bus. I was so paranoid the entire time thinking MY GOD, HE'S SMOKING ON A BUS, WTF ARE YOU NUTS?' When I see people smoke on train platforms and around kids I get edgy like I'm going to get in trouble for it. Like the others said, if there is a smoking ban in that place anyway, don't freaking do it.

There were people blazing at a Reggae festival in Wembley Arena London last year... you could smell it, but I wouldn't ever light up INSIDE an event venue. We wen't across the road to the massive multi-story car park think and got completely fucked, walked back in to the concert, passed sniffer dogs and sat back down. THen weh we came out again this guy says we should smoke EVERYTHING now quickly in case they catch us on the way back in XD I didn't, thinking we were far more likely to get caught smelling of freshly blazed zoot, looking very stoned and not being able to walk in a straight line.

One thing I've noticed though; on the few occasions i've been to clubs as opposed to bars/pubs, they are militant. I think they have a zero-tolerance policy for fear of people pushing the boundaries to do harder stuff on their premises and the fact they don't want the legal responsibility for anything that goes down under their roof.

I don't say and do these things because I think I'm cool and untouchable, but because I smoke weed all day in the place of cigarettes, I don't see it as any worse than a cigarette and when people see me not making a big deal out of it, they usually smile and wave, I let them have a toke (which I've had returned a few times) or they don't make a big deal out of it either. They can see I'm not causing any trouble.

You've already heard my stories about the police, who actually went into my bag to retrieve my ID whilst I was IN the station............

Gum B

lol well lighting up an joint in a public place does not mean you have "balls", that just stupidity and would not achieve anything except possibly jail. To have balls you have to do very manly, dangerous and or adventurous things.
Yeah but wouldn't you agree that most ballsy moves involve stupidity. I think it means doing something that you would not normally have the courage or guts to do it.
Lately I have not cared about what people think about weed. I openly talk about it in public like anything else that's legal. Recently I've been thinking about just walking into the local bar order a drink and light up a J or smoke out of some sort of discreet pipe. Everyone is smoking cigarettes and drinking whiskey so I wouldnt think anyone would complain if I was chilling in the back with some friends. I would most likely get pissed if some patron around me started complaining about my smoke. What do guys think should I do it?
The last time I saw someone decide they were going to smoke a joint in the bar ended with the bartender pretty much punching the joint down the idiots throat, then literally throwing him headfirst onto the sidewalk outside, with a reminder to never come back. Since it's not your place, ask first. And if you're going to be a douche and do it anyway, don't say you weren't warned. Not everyone will think it's cute, and most will be pissed off that you're drawing attention to the place. The bartender is the one who will be facing the cops with you if they decide to come in while you're toking up, so he's not going to be happy that you caused him to get arrested and lose his job. At least where I live that's how it would go down. Bartenders are always held responsible for what's going on inside the bar so they don't need anyone making their job harder.