Synths That Are Similar To Shrooms


Active Member
Hey everyone, I'm looking to order some synthetics to achieve a mild lightly strong trip like shrooms. I've had some experience with synthetics/legal highs but not a lot, I tried the pure form of JWH-18 one time, like a whole bowl covered lol very bad idea, very bad experience, this was before I knew you only needed like barley anything lol but anyway as far as synthetic hallucinogens not much, only real shrooms, unless you wanna count 80x salvia lol it was a trip but nothing I'm looking for. So if anyone can help out with some info lookin for something that will give me like a 2.5-3.0 gram shroom buzz, thanks


Active Member
They are called research chemicals and there are people here who are experienced with them. I am not. Make sure you know what the hell you are doing if you mess with that stuff. Do not order something off the Internet and then take a spec of it and mix it into a water bottle and hope things go well.


Well-Known Member
lol learn what your dealing with first

jwh lines are full agonist cannibinoids

shrooms actives are tryptamines

read up on that first and the process of reading you will have attained the answer to your desired question


Well-Known Member
yah first off dont confuse enthobotanicals salvia kava kava kratom naturals so to say with synthetics 2cc 25cnbome 4acodmt mdai and so on


Active Member
There was some research chems going around a couple years back that are a tad bit harder than shrooms, although very similar. They are called 2c-i And 2c-E and the hard one is 2C-P. about 20-30mg is a good dose. you'd need a .001g scale from ebay


Well-Known Member
I would be pretty furious if someone sold me some 2c's and said the effects would be similar to mushrooms...

What you want to be looking for to give a similar mushroom experience is 4-aco-dmt. This seems like the most popular, and therefore should be the easiest to find, but is not your only option. Make sure you keep the dose to low/threshold if you just want something like a low dose of shrooms. I find some of these "synthetic psilocybins" can pack a bit more MAGIC which doesn't sound like what you want. Why not just stick to low dose shrooms if that is what you're looking for?


Well-Known Member
I will elaborate a little more on the extra magic I mentioned for inquiring minds.
With a solid dose of mushrooms I usually feel like I am in a fun house. Lots of perception change with color enhancement and designs that morph into spirals seems to be the most common visual aspect for me.

Why I say the synthetics have more magic to them is because of the much more dream like visuals I have recieved from them. Watching not only my fingers elongate like with mushrooms, but then seeing them transform into trains before my eyes! Not just shapes morphing in the clouds, but mystical creatures coming out of them! Squinting my eyes, and the blurry image I see throws me on a roller coaster ride into a far away land!

Mentally I find them both in the same ball park though. Too much of each will have your mind helplessly looping. :( The synthetics seem to be a bit cleaner and give people less of a body load and nausea. But some of the synthetics can get too speedy for my enjoyment, like 4-aco-det.


Well-Known Member
just a note 4 aco is like shrooms but not exactly the same though the action is the same

but its verry comparable


Active Member
And yes I know botanicals aren't synthetics or rcs, I didn't mean to come of as that much of a newb lol but anyways so is 4-aco-dmt is what I'm looking for probably then or you said it's speedy too? Is 4-aco-dmt legal to order online?


Active Member
Also thanks for all the info everyone, besides 4-aco-dmt are there any other similar favorites, how much does 4-aco-dmt cost usually?


Active Member
I would be pretty furious if someone sold me some 2c's and said the effects would be similar to mushrooms...

What you want to be looking for to give a similar mushroom experience is 4-aco-dmt. This seems like the most popular, and therefore should be the easiest to find, but is not your only option. Make sure you keep the dose to low/threshold if you just want something like a low dose of shrooms. I find some of these "synthetic psilocybins" can pack a bit more MAGIC which doesn't sound like what you want. Why not just stick to low dose shrooms if that is what you're looking for?
I would go with the shrooms if I had the choice but there rarely around in my area, so I want to find a comparable rc to have on hand when I feel the urge


Active Member
I will elaborate a little more on the extra magic I mentioned for inquiring minds.
With a solid dose of mushrooms I usually feel like I am in a fun house. Lots of perception change with color enhancement and designs that morph into spirals seems to be the most common visual aspect for me.

Why I say the synthetics have more magic to them is because of the much more dream like visuals I have recieved from them. Watching not only my fingers elongate like with mushrooms, but then seeing them transform into trains before my eyes! Not just shapes morphing in the clouds, but mystical creatures coming out of them! Squinting my eyes, and the blurry image I see throws me on a roller coaster ride into a far away land!

Mentally I find them both in the same ball park though. Too much of each will have your mind helplessly looping. :( The synthetics seem to be a bit cleaner and give people less of a body load and nausea. But some of the synthetics can get too speedy for my enjoyment, like 4-aco-det.
Thanks for the detailed trip description man, I'm very interested, reps for taking ten time, so 4acodmt is the good one and 4acodet is the speedy one?


Ive read you can do a pretty simple extraction from mushrooms with ever clear. Never tried it but it looked legit. Look it up.


Active Member
Ive read you can do a pretty simple extraction from mushrooms with ever clear. Never tried it but it looked legit. Look it up.
Unfortunately shrooms don't come across my area to often otherwise I'd just get the shrooms, so I'm looking for an rc to have on handvwhen I wanna trip


Well-Known Member
Prices will fluctuate much like anything in a supply and demand market. Always expect to pay more for highest quality/purity. It also depends on how close to the source you can get and how many middle men you have to go through. On the low end I see some for just over $100/g and higher end closer to $200/g, though I am sure I have paid much more in the past. Not bad when that makes 50 solid 20mg hits similar to an 8th.
Yes, 4-aco-dmt is the one you are looking for. My personal favorite is 4-ho-met though, it seems to pack the most magic for me. :D
4-AcO-DMT is metabolized very quickly in the body into 4-HO-DMT(psilocin), which is the active component of pretty much the same thing. Usually upwards of $100/g, one of the more popular rc's. Similar ones incude, 4-HO-DET,4-HO-DIPT,4-HO-MET, 4-HO-MIPT and probably a buttload more that I can't think of offhand.


Well-Known Member
penguin not in all cases just like pscilocybin is metabolized into psilocin 4 aco is to buttttttttt

big but here

not all is metabolized

and it isnt metabolized the same way if it is railed providing a different experience

the expereince in it self is very similar to shrooms is that is a tryptamine but again thats 4 aco not the metabolite psilocin
As far as I know, theres nothing showing that 4-AcO-DMT in and of itself is psychoactive, although there is probably reason to believe it likely is. Anyway, I have a lot of experience with 4-AcO-DMT and it really is pretty much identical to shrooms IMHO.