RIU + Tumblr = Rumblr.


Well-Known Member

this image is kinda making me mad... if this was real there would be no way to cross that rive without that structure bending a lot. <<< that structure is basically a slinky with 2 thin beams running down the sides. those beams would have to support the whole structure.

From an engineering stand point this image is Photoshop-ed or there is a rather large supporting cable above the walk way.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
this image is kinda making me mad... if this was real there would be no way to cross that rive without that structure bending a lot. <<< that structure is basically a slinky with 2 thin beams running down the sides. those beams would have to support the whole structure.

From an engineering stand point this image is Photoshop-ed or there is a rather large supporting cable above the walk way.


Ursus marijanus
Oh how very cool ... the tension cables on the outboard part of that inverted-triangle support make it come together in my mind.

...I'd love to take a wooden mallet and tap the giant Slinky part. Pyooongg! cn



Well-Known Member

Don't like this woman's attitude but she has a voice and takes a damn good photo even if it's not my taste. This is Ganjames' thread and I hope he likes what in it x

Legs... rather nice, I have to say >_> Very sexy



Well-Known Member
Eh. She's alright I guess.
I like that picture and a few of her in a flowery headdress but she's revamped herself after daddy's money didn't get her very far and is now the lovechild of Florence Welch and Bridgitte Bardot but with a bit more Sloaney. Credit where it's due though, I try not to be too bitchy XP After all, I have plenty critics myself.

Ganjames, if you would like more stoner girls, I have just found a load of nice pictures, just wanted to ask before I spam the place up. After all the stoner girls thread has been lost...

Carne... I love deep down from the bottom of my heart- I'd give you a great big hug right now if I could :3 *wags tail*