The Eruption

mr j2

Well-Known Member
I don't see how this makes you any higher.. it seems like it'd just make you a little more light headed from holding the hit in longer by letting it out slower. And THC isn't water soluble so the water is only going to have nasty stuff in it if anything. I'll try it next time I smoke though.


Well-Known Member
we dont have a name for holdin it in for the cypher only difference is that if u exhale before it comes back to you you get hit in the ribs. dont know why but thats the only way ive ever seen it done. as for the eruption i was actually wondering about that a lil while ago before i stumpled onto this. freaky shit.


Well-Known Member
Where im from we do "strikeouts".
Take a huge hit..hold it in.....take a shot...hold it in....chug a beer..hold it in.....blow smoke out. Strikeout.
dude strikeouts are fuckin killer. gurenteed(cant spell) to help fuck you up


Well-Known Member
Okay I admit it was pretty good, did it with mint mouth rinse.
It was like a minty, fresh, reverse bong hit.


Active Member
Like someone said before. THC isn't water soluble so you're drinking crap, and even if you were drinking some captured THC your body wouldn't process it because the THC molecules haven't bonded with a lipid or fat molecule. I'll tell ya what to do.. Once you get your crop make some cannabutter and make that cannabutter into some cookies. Now eat the cookies so you're eating about 2 grams of weed and after that's kicked in (around 1-2 hours) toke up a big blunt. You will have an insane high off the charts :P


Active Member
With weed tea the thc absorbs into the fat molicules from the added cream/milk product that would normally be used. The best way is to make cannabutter, do it the right way and boil the butter and water with your greenery :)

humbo jumbo

Well-Known Member
I don't see how this makes you any higher.. it seems like it'd just make you a little more light headed from holding the hit in longer by letting it out slower. And THC isn't water soluble so the water is only going to have nasty stuff in it if anything. I'll try it next time I smoke though.

Holding the smoke in your lungs longer I.E 'ghosting' has been proven to make no difference in the amount of thc absorbed. However it has been proven to worsen the amount of negative effects smoking has on your lungs.


Active Member
Never knew that... It always crossed my mind that holding the smoke in was worse for your lungs but figured it allowed more time for THC absorption.