First Grow, Blackstar 500, 32x32x60 Grow Space


Well-Known Member
yeah dannyboy i think the coverage/footprint is where a lot of people go wrong... that's why i ordered 5 blackstars :) no excuses. :) i'm 2 weeks into flower and anxiously waiting for mine to look like the pics in this thread :)


Well-Known Member
I did a Blakstar600 grow late last year. They each pull about 340w of power. I'm not real excited about the small footprint but can't complain about the growth rate compared to same plants under 1000W HPS. I keep my canopy closer though. Like 8".
I feel I've done enough LED grows to say they are THE BEST choice for tents. Plants look great. Hope you put up some bud porn in about a month. Good luck buddy.

Thanks dannyboy... I want to try a scrog next time round so I can have an even canopy, that way I can keep the led closer. I will definitely post some bud porn when the time comes.


Well-Known Member
Week 9 Description Day 28 of Flower:
So not too much to say. The tallest one is 27" and they all look like they are coming along. I just watered with 1700ppm nutes so we will see if they can handle the dose. The temps have been 65f-80f and the humidity has been 35%-45%. There is some browning of the fan leaves but it looks fine otherwise so I'm not too concerned.

Week 9 Pictures:


Active Member
very amazing stuff!!!!! Ive been noticing a few of my leaves browning as well in flowering. But it happens. I wouldnt worry too much about it either. Unless it gets to be a massive issue. Few spots never hurt anything


Well-Known Member
very amazing stuff!!!!! Ive been noticing a few of my leaves browning as well in flowering. But it happens. I wouldnt worry too much about it either. Unless it gets to be a massive issue. Few spots never hurt anything
Thanks!, Ya I'm not worrying about the browning too much.


Active Member
thats one of the nicest micro-grow blackstar tents ive seen ,nice work, seems by the pics the plants under cfl are excelerating in nug blackstars veg better than my 400 m/h ..but sadly dont produce like what im used to in the bud department....i have found that a 150 sunmaster hps as sub was very good..the combo makes the light very compatible for of both worlds ..I luv my blackstars but also realize thier place ...they have awsome benefits in most aspects of the grow...but are best as a companion light in the flower chamber....any way........ bravo for the nice productive set up....


Well-Known Member
Crunch* crunch*. Looks very crispy. I should look at investing in an LED. Although they are not very cheap. Cool journal!


Well-Known Member
thats one of the nicest micro-grow blackstar tents ive seen ,nice work, seems by the pics the plants under cfl are excelerating in nug blackstars veg better than my 400 m/h ..but sadly dont produce like what im used to in the bud department....i have found that a 150 sunmaster hps as sub was very good..the combo makes the light very compatible for of both worlds ..I luv my blackstars but also realize thier place ...they have awsome benefits in most aspects of the grow...but are best as a companion light in the flower chamber....any way........ bravo for the nice productive set up....
Thanks... Nice to know.:bigjoint: BTW: is this considered a micro grow?


Well-Known Member
Week 10, Day 35 of Flower:
Its week 10 and all is good. I think I may have gone a little overboard on nutes (1750ppm). There are some brown leaves coming on. Lots of frosty buds though. When do they start to really fatten up?

Week 10 Pictures:



Well-Known Member
SWEET looking plants... they look like they are going to do real well for you.. excited to see how much that one big plant yields as I'm doing a similar big plant/spread canopy type grow. How many weeks does this strain flower?


Well-Known Member
Week 11, Day 43 of Flower:
Things are looking very good I think. They seem to be increasing in bud size and in trichome production. I am starting to see a couple orange trichomes as well. I don't see any additional burning so thats good. Temps are a little high going up to around 82f - 85f during the day but humidity has been great at around 35% - 45%.
Let me know what you think :)

Week 11 Pictures:



Well-Known Member
I would say they look good... but obviously they have to be air buds since it's LED and we all know LED can't grow great nugs ;) Seriously looking fantastic. Can't wait a couple of weeks to be where you're at and see those buds fatten up.