Well-Known Member
The Four Bills-HB-4834, HB-4851, HB-4853, and HB-4856, will be voted on this Thursday out of committee. We must as a community load up the phones. We need to be polite, but tell each member of the Committee that you oppose these Bills, and they need to oppose these bills. Let them know you will remember how they voted come November, and your Vote will be contingent on their Vote on Thrusday.
Be Prepared for a major protest. It will be you that will suffer if any of these bills pass. Please utilize the list of Rep Numbers and make this last push to help Entice the Reps to Vote No on these 4 bills. Your Voice does make a difference.
Again, just be Polite and re enforce these bill are Not Supported by the People and Voters of Michigan.
John J. Walsh (517) 373-3920 ..........JohnWalsh@house.mi.gov
Kurt Heise (517) 373-3816 ..........KurtHeise@house.mi.gov
Judson S. Gilbert II (517) 373-1790 ..........JudGilbert@house.mi.gov
Ken Horn (517) 373-0837 ..........kennethhorn@house.mi.gov
Kurt Damrow (517) 373-0476 ..........KurtDamrow@house.mi.gov
Paul Muxlow (517) 373-0835 ..........PaulMuxlow@house.mi.gov
Bradford C. Jacobsen (517) 373-1798 ..........BradJacobsen@house.mi.gov
Peter Pettalia (517) 373-0833 ..........PeterPettalia@house.mi.gov
Pat Somerville (517) 373-0855 ..........PatSomerville@house.mi.gov
Kevin Cotter (517) 373-1789 ..........KevinCotter@house.mi.gov
Mark Meadows (517) 373-1786 ..........markmeadows@house.mi.gov
Bob Constan (517) 373-0849 ..........bobconstan@house.mi.gov
Stacy Erwin Oakes (517) 373-0152 ..........StacyErwinOakes@house.mi.gov
Lisa Brown (517) 373-1799 ..........LisaBrown@house.mi.gov
Jeff Irwin (517) 373-2577 ..........JeffIrwin@house.mi.gov
Phil Cavanagh (517) 373-0857 ..........PhilCavanagh@house.mi.gov
John Olumba (517) 373-0144 ..........JohnOlumba@house.mi.gov
Be Prepared for a major protest. It will be you that will suffer if any of these bills pass. Please utilize the list of Rep Numbers and make this last push to help Entice the Reps to Vote No on these 4 bills. Your Voice does make a difference.
Again, just be Polite and re enforce these bill are Not Supported by the People and Voters of Michigan.
John J. Walsh (517) 373-3920 ..........JohnWalsh@house.mi.gov
Kurt Heise (517) 373-3816 ..........KurtHeise@house.mi.gov
Judson S. Gilbert II (517) 373-1790 ..........JudGilbert@house.mi.gov
Ken Horn (517) 373-0837 ..........kennethhorn@house.mi.gov
Kurt Damrow (517) 373-0476 ..........KurtDamrow@house.mi.gov
Paul Muxlow (517) 373-0835 ..........PaulMuxlow@house.mi.gov
Bradford C. Jacobsen (517) 373-1798 ..........BradJacobsen@house.mi.gov
Peter Pettalia (517) 373-0833 ..........PeterPettalia@house.mi.gov
Pat Somerville (517) 373-0855 ..........PatSomerville@house.mi.gov
Kevin Cotter (517) 373-1789 ..........KevinCotter@house.mi.gov
Mark Meadows (517) 373-1786 ..........markmeadows@house.mi.gov
Bob Constan (517) 373-0849 ..........bobconstan@house.mi.gov
Stacy Erwin Oakes (517) 373-0152 ..........StacyErwinOakes@house.mi.gov
Lisa Brown (517) 373-1799 ..........LisaBrown@house.mi.gov
Jeff Irwin (517) 373-2577 ..........JeffIrwin@house.mi.gov
Phil Cavanagh (517) 373-0857 ..........PhilCavanagh@house.mi.gov
John Olumba (517) 373-0144 ..........JohnOlumba@house.mi.gov