My Clone From Leaf Experiment


Well-Known Member
Does handling clones from that ex cloner result in more shock to plants since the roots are so open when u move them?


Well-Known Member
You know, I've heard a lot about root shook, don't do this, don't do that.:-?

Been trying some things out lately with roots.

Rough handling, cutting tap roots, spreading roots at transplant.:evil:

I haven't had any shook , it may be the strain "Sweet God" because I have not tried doing that with other strains.

Some plants have performed better with their roots being "fixed" at transplanting.

Test some out guys, tell us what happens to yours.


Well-Known Member
Wow Tet... that looks fantastic. What's the system that you're using? How long did it take to get those roots.

I'm just cloning in grow plugs (not rapid rooters, I hate those but I think the ones I have are IH plugs) and in a humidity chamber and I have sucessful rootage in less than 7 days now. It's sure a lot easier than this way, that's for sure.

No, the goal isn't to save money, the goal of this experiement is to test whether marijuana plants can be cloned from a single leaf. It's an experiment guys.

I/we have no problems getting rooted clones in less than 7 days using traditional methods of cloning.
Yours definitely root faster, it takes about 16 days for roots like in the pic.

The Ez-clone is the Cadillac or should I say Bentley in your case.
Mines called a "Jet Grow"by American agritech
The Ez-clone much fancier, more jets, sleeker design :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
You know, I've heard a lot about root shook, don't do this, don't do that.:-?

Been trying some things out lately with roots.

Rough handling, cutting tap roots, spreading roots at transplant.:evil:

I haven't had any shook , it may be the strain "Sweet God" because I have not tried doing that with other strains.

Some plants have performed better with their roots being "fixed" at transplanting.

Test some out guys, tell us what happens to yours.
Pretty rough with my Durban Poison during transplanting, mainly from being an amateur. I've heard ripping of roots once or twice and they seem to be fine... after a week or so of recovery. :twisted:

As far as the cloning experiment, I have no doubt it will be successful. It seems like you can do pretty much anything to your plant and it will live. I've had two clones that were totally brown, no growth, nothing for like 2 weeks. My wife wanted to keep watering them so I did for a few more weeks just to humor her. It took a long time, maybe 3-5 weeks, but with normal watering, light, heat, they actually started to show this weird light green new growth. Some of it died, but they kept growing and 2 1/2 months later I'm flowering them. They both have 3-4 main colas from that strange growth and also from being topped.
I wish I had a camera, but if anyone needs to see them, ya cynical bastards, I can borrow one. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I've found that mj is a very tough plant (they don't call it weed for nothing).

On my first grow, I had a plant that was male I think, so I pulled it out the bucket, shook the soil off, got rid of all the top leaves and threw it out in the woods in the back. Well, blow me down, a couple weeks later I see this green thing in the woods, and the darn plant had started sprouting back. And this is with very little soil around the roots. I was amazed, and freaked out. I don't throw live plants in the back anymore. :)


Well-Known Member
A few years ago I was at a buddies cabin and went out behind the woodshed for a slash. Lo and behold he'd thrown his males out there. several were still alive and growing up through a pile of fire wood. He thought they were safely dead too, and was glad that I discovered them . That's why they call it weed!!


Well-Known Member
Yeah it's a weed alright.Good thing too, or I never could have gotten a crop off back in the seventies when all we had was "Grow Your Own Stone" as a guide. We have so many resources these days, books DVDs and on line forums like this. I've been growing a while now , but am still learning all the time. Cheers all!!


Well-Known Member
Guess I was ripped, forgot to post the link.:joint:
I wondered what you were talking about lol ...

That's what I have right now for my moms. A 5 space shoebox cloner, but instead of cloning, I stick my rooted clones in for some DWC. They're spare moms, as I already have main bonsai moms growing in soil.


Well-Known Member
I think the bad one is toast. :spew:
The rest are hanging in there, but showing sighs of def.
One is doing better than the rest for some reason. :?

You guys are the best.:peace:



Well-Known Member
Yup, I threw away my one that was drying up. The next one is dying too, and I know my fault lies totally with not having the leaf weighted down. I'll have to try again.

I took a couple pix earlier, but it's on my camera downstairs and I'm too lazy to go get it. When I need to go roll a next joint I'll get it. ...... that might be about now too lol


Well-Known Member
Those are some nice fat indica leaves Tet. What strain is it??
"Sweet God" British Colombia bud depot

Very dense, you have to watch for mold in the last week of flowering.

Just bought a sulfur evaporator, to stop mold spores, works on powdery mildew, and kills tripes too.