More than 200g a plant?!

Hi all,

How the hell are people yielding more than 200g per plant?! That is insane!

I've seen a few threads in here with some people saying they've yielded more than 1kg from 5 plants.

Whats the deal?!

Thanks guys

Toke up!


bud bootlegger
it's very rare to be pulling that kind of weight off of one plant imo.. unless your running one plant under 1k of light, even then i doubt it..

outdoors is another story all together..

i'd rather concentrate on quality over quantity any day of the week personally.. i'd rather have an ounce of killer than 10 ounces of ehhh ...

but growing in hydro with lots of veg time and as big of a light as you can cram into a space without causing heat issues is the best way to get weight per plants from watt i see around here.. also, vertical lighting like what heath robinson runs seems pretty cool as well..

doby mick

Active Member
Hi Dank nugs i think it depens on how you are growing your weed, Hydro or soil and the right conditions and good nutes are realy dependent on how much you yield Also outdoors some of these growers are achieving 1 pound or more in places like california. I think that any thing is better than nothing


Well-Known Member
Anything is possible. But the veg time will take forever. It's better to do 2 or 3 grows in that time and get 80-100 grams a plant. Less per plant but faster turn around. And that can give you between 120-300 grams from the same area just not same plant.
Yeah guys I'm talking indoor. Can this be achieved with techniques such as FIMming and LST'ing?. Also how long would you say it takes to veg a plant that could hold around this much?

Toke up!


Well-Known Member
We are talking indoor. Anything is possible behind a plant that size will take about 90-120 days. Lst and topping will be a must. And you better have great light and alot of room.

doby mick

Active Member
Im totaly in agreement with warlock, i think also alot of hard workwould probaly go into a plant of the size we are talking


Active Member
bigger plants get bigger nugz...some of the best growers get 1 gram per watt of light. synthetic hydro with a long veg time.


Well-Known Member
I've seem someone pull over 2 pounds from a single plant indoor. had to run 5x600W lights around it though.
You could grow marijuana huge as fuck but it doesn't always worth the veg time and work.
If you want to grow trees get a greenhouse.


Active Member
I love when people think they know it all.... Truthfully, everyone thinks they are a "Master Grower", and they are NOT....

I have 2 rows of 4 - One Thousands.... I have 12 plants total under them all.... Total Temp control, and CO2.... Im Vegging clones for 4 weeks.... Vegging From Seed for 6 Weeks... Im using Advanced Nutrients... Im getting a lb per Plant.... Sometimes a little less, sometimes a little more depending on strain.

I know guys that get even more... It is all about trial and error, and GOOD QUALITY EQUIPMENT AND NUTES!!! Get over it


Well-Known Member
I love when people think they know it all.... Truthfully, everyone thinks they are a "Master Grower", and they are NOT....

I have 2 rows of 4 - One Thousands.... I have 12 plants total under them all.... Total Temp control, and CO2.... Im Vegging clones for 4 weeks.... Vegging From Seed for 6 Weeks... Im using Advanced Nutrients... Im getting a lb per Plant.... Sometimes a little less, sometimes a little more depending on strain.

I know guys that get even more... It is all about trial and error, and GOOD QUALITY EQUIPMENT AND NUTES!!! Get over it
That's only .67 gpw. I get that with 2 weeks veg and a topping. - How you like them apples?


Well-Known Member
I love when people think they know it all.... Truthfully, everyone thinks they are a "Master Grower", and they are NOT....

I have 2 rows of 4 - One Thousands.... I have 12 plants total under them all.... Total Temp control, and CO2.... Im Vegging clones for 4 weeks.... Vegging From Seed for 6 Weeks... Im using Advanced Nutrients... Im getting a lb per Plant.... Sometimes a little less, sometimes a little more depending on strain.

I know guys that get even more... It is all about trial and error, and GOOD QUALITY EQUIPMENT AND NUTES!!! Get over it
first of all no one claimed to be a "master grower" just putting in thier advice/opinions and they seem pretty acurate so dont really know why your being a tool as no one else is.
that being said, i agree with you for the most part, good quality equipment to maintain a perfect enviorment is going to get you good yeilds, but the average joe dosent have thousands of bucks to dump into growing pot.

everything everyone else said about veg time and shit is correct, you can get around 1g per watt but you need to put more time into vegging the plant to get big enough to support that much weight.

If you just starting out i say go small your first grow, get to know the plant and the art of growing and you will progressivly do better with each harvest. make sure you do your research and check out other growers journals on here that are pulling massive yeilds and copy thier setup. one guy i was following got 17 Oz off 1 plantin a stealth wardrobe he built. he vegged for a long ass time and spent lots of money on making a pretty sick cab. you get out what you put in. if you want to buy 50w worth of CFL and "toss some seeds in some dirt" then chances are your not going to get some crazy yeilds.

anyways hope this helps answer your question, 200g from 11 plant is easily doable but it take a little more put in than smaller yeilds, a few ounces off one plant is a pretty good yeild for the average grower.


Well-Known Member

I'm hoping for +1/2lb from the plant on the right. We'll see in about 4 weeks. NL/BB vegged for ~6 weeks from (3") rooted clone under 600HPS', flowering under 1Ks, plant takes up ~2.5ft2 of floorspace.

In terms of efficiency, this season I saw ~4oz/ft2 (dry) on average under my 1Ks with plants occupying ~1ft2 of floorspace vegged for ~4 weeks. Given the same measure, this plant would have to produce ~12oz to make the event worthwhile. I'm very curious to see how it actually does weight-wise.

Pics or it didn't happen. A lb in 14 weeks if hard to believe but not saying it can't happen.
I'd love to see pics, too, for personal edification.



Well-Known Member
LOL 1 KG from 5 plants? Weak. check this out.

We've been putting in 12hr days trimming, ugh!

So far we are averaging about 2lbs per plant (including mold loss).
I got 1.25lbs from the Medi with 1.5lb worm loss!
Got 1.75lbs from the CPPP with 1lb loss.
Have a solid 2.25lbs from the OG Kush, with 1/2lb worm loss.
It looks like about 2.5lbs of White Grape hanging & drying, with very little worm loss, they didn't seem to care for it!

P.S. Oh yeah, we also have a huge box full (maybe 5lbs) of popcorn buds for hash. I may have 15lbs of trim before it's over!

Doublejj = Yoda. dont be fooled. there are some amazing people on this forum, so when people have advice dont question them, LISTEN.

I'm hoping for +1/2lb from the plant on the right. We'll see in about 4 weeks. NL/BB vegged for ~6 weeks from (3") rooted clone under 600HPS', flowering under 1Ks, plant takes up ~2.5ft2 of floorspace.

In terms of efficiency, this season I saw ~4oz/ft2 (dry) on average under my 1Ks with plants occupying ~1ft2 of floorspace vegged for ~4 weeks. Given the same measure, this plant would have to produce ~12oz to make the event worthwhile. I'm very curious to see how it actually does weight-wise.

I'd love to see pics, too, for personal edification.

That's awesome dude. May I ask your temps and RH in relation to vegging and flowering?

Also strain, nutes etc..?

Toke up!