Im getting some petitions for legalizing it today. if it works none of us will have to worry. I see a pra2000 all over again.
at the mmma site, instead of the site:
I was asked by the other admins to attempt to reach agreement with you concerning the future of the MMMA. As the Corporations CEO, I have a fiduciary responsibility to resolve conflicts in a way that is least damaging to the corporation. So I will summarize my position and offer a recommended solution to the problem(s). I am only going to make one pass at this. I have sufficient evidence to go to any prosecutor and have charges filed. That is not my desire but the way I see things playing out you are forcing my hand. In addition should this proceed, I will be forced to present evidence, which is over whelming of your criminal activity to the membership.
You stated to me that you wanted the Farmers Market shut down because you can�t make a profit off of my farmers market model. This model supplies free meds to patients and I will not divert the cash to you.
Since the first moment that I realized there was a problem with large sums of cash going missing at the MMMA, I have kept detailed records of all revenue that I knew of. There were many revenue streams I could not trace, such as membership dues sent directly into the office. I have never had access to the books or any funds, except for the Paypal account. A detailed register is included in the services they provide. Your claim of ownership falls far short of the law. A Corporation is a separate entity from it�s owner. It is governed by the board and it�s officers. No expenditure can be made or no budget exceeded without permission from the Board or the CEO. That being said, during this investigation, It is come to my attention that the Corporate filings are delinquent. I am not sure of the significance of that fact yet.
In addition I am concerned that you can withhold payment of salaries and expense reimbursements at you discretion. That is against the law. There a lot of options for insolvent corporations, but failing to pay salaries or reimburse employee expenditures is not an option. Further you know that the people you have deprived of their wages and reimbursements are poor. They are not attorneys. I expect to be paid to date without further delay. Under any circumstances did you have the right to leave me without representation. It was at your urging that I filed the grievance against Bill Schuette, who has a history of seeking retribution against anyone who opposes him inside our movement. You knew I had again blasted him again my testimony as well as that of Stecker(Prosecutors Association of Michigan). Simply saying that I no longer had an attorney was not acceptable on any level. It was paramount to saying, since you won�t give me my way, I will have you arrested. Speaking of that, you have violated my attorney/client privilege and continue to do so. You are making phone calls to people discussing issues that were discussed while you still did represent me. Some of the people that you have contacted are very upset over this irresponsible behavior. In addition you are and it is being perceived as such by others, that you are attempting to manufacture witnesses against me and prevent me from getting legal representation. This all stops now.
You have done so much wrong Michael. I can no longer try to fix the problems. I am deaf in one ear now from where you have screamed at me. You are abusive to all who are close to you. You were mean to Brianna. Didn�t pay her for months and accused her of being a thief while you carted off boxes of money. I will protect the Corporation from you, but most of all protect the sick people who you seek to victimize. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Folks seize control of your protest and this organization. I told you this was coming. They knew I would oppose the dispensary bill because it left you out. Please also note that Michael has turned a protest over to a 20 something person(Whitney) that has never hosted anything. Patients safety depend on this protest. She has no idea what she is doing. She has turned this protest over to the dispensaries and the legalizers. Folks every effort possible is being made to undermine this protest and the protection of the law. Here�s what Whitney told me when I asked her not to give away the protest to dispensary owners. This all started because of money and my opposition to the dispensary bill. I will be emailing you soon.
Whitney Hickman
I am sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. Facebook stopped updating when I was getting emails.
I am sorry you feel that way, but you are the only one who feels this way. I have talked to several organizations, dispensaries, compassion clubs, radio personalities, lawyers, and could go on and on. Everyone knows that I am about patient care and will do whatever it takes to ensure patients get their medicine, whether it is through the Act or through legalization.
Michael Kormon has talked to Josh and thinks that what I am doing is the right thing, told me to keep up the good work, and to not let alone 'boss me around' and try to control what I do in regards to the protest. Am I to believe that you and Michael are not on the same page anymore? Because from what I gathered from their hour long conversation, he is coming to the protest as is and does not think that I am isolating myself away from people. ,P>I am not trying to be off base or rude, I am trying to be progressive. Whitney