The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese


Well-Known Member
Ach man, it's not just government institutions that are like that these days, no one has the right to do anything these days without 400 signatures from every other man and his dog. And every department that is involved will have a check list of things they need to do to remain compliant with laws and regulations, just in case Mr Shiney Pink Bollox is giving house away to people he likes, mean while the proper punters are loosing out (to name a potential example). Wishing you guys good luck with it. Gonna be a buzz getting a nice new gaff.

he came round the princesses, stood there in his shiny trousers and pink tie and kinda told us about the house then said hell have to go and find out if we good tenants. Funny thing is the council put us forward for the property and they going back to the council to find out if we right for it lmao. The princess will phone him again today. the contracters wont be giving the keys to the housing assosiation till the 9th of april wich is a bank holiday so some one dunt know what hand to wipe his arse with lol.

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
Fucking hell Wizz mate long time no speak. I often think of you when i see wales on the weather lol. I lost the cheese a while ago but i did cross it with the psychosis and livers first lmao. Gotta love some kush, hmm dog (must take pics)
Iv not got a thing in the tent at the mo just 3 girls in the veg room and a few jars of prime chuffing material.

Hi don Im good thanks buddy.:bigjoint:

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
it's too quiet in here.

one of your livers / jake blues at day 36
has a lovely, sweet, lavender smell

there's more in the club 600
I couldn't help myself and just bred the cheese/jake blues male to a piney smelling heri lady. I'm thinking of heri blue cheese.


mr west

Well-Known Member
did you just do the one jb x livers cof?
Oh yeah, we have been given the house so when its finished we shall be moving, YAY!!

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
Good news. Everyone will finally have a little more's been so tight you couldn't even fart inside. Ha will have enough room to learn to walk...and the nice thing about new digs is you can child proof it from the beginning. When's the big day?

There is another livers/jb, 2 engineers dream/jb and a cheese/jb, all in late bloom. Pics were posted yesterday in the 600-I didn't want to spam your thread....


mr west

Well-Known Member
We are waiting for the pack they are sending, not sure yet when we get the keys. We went and had a walk down the streeet yesterday lol the houses are built but it looks like a building site so not sure. Ppl are already moved into the bungalows that are on the site. So could be soon could be ages lol. Cof feel free to spam in here I would love to see>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint:

mr west

Well-Known Member
so I got two dogs and 2 casey jo0nes ready for chop and one psycho killa ready for trim lol, its so tricky finding time to even scratch ma boz let alone do much else. Got bout half of livers left to smoke then ill have to trim and chop lol. Itll be much eaier when we have an extra room or two lol. I miss chatting chips to u esteemed guys and gals.
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mr west

Well-Known Member
The date of our viewing is the 26th of April, if we like it we can move in on the 27th. Ive been in this flat since June 1996, gonna be strange living somewhere else.


Well-Known Member
Woohoo, house warming at Westy's, let the neighbours know you have arrived...haha, only joking, slip in there quietly lad. Great news.

I see lots of emulsion in your future.....

mr west

Well-Known Member
Should be already decorated as its a new house. Probably much like a building site but itll be without other ppls dirt lol.


Well-Known Member
decorated as well, you having a laugh, spoilt is what you are, lol. We didn't even have floors and the wall weren't even plastered when we bought our gaff.....bare like the day you are born it was.


Well-Known Member
my house had laminate flooring for windowsills and the front room was completeley yellow, the walls floor and roof all painted with same colour

mr west

Well-Known Member
the princesses flat was horrid dark brow bedroom and dark plum and turquoise living room and a bright pink bathroom and a pillar box red kitchen and its pretty much still that colour and we aint gonna change it the noo lmao nice to see ya willy my man>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint: of the psycho killer variety.