Catt's Bubblelicious Grow ~ 500w of CFL and 10,000w of LOVE!!


Well-Known Member
I know....I can't wait to see your las plantas fatten up either :) Is the wifey as excited as you are?
I'm usually not up this late.....can't cuz i wanna sooo bad....
I just rearranged my plants, adjusted the lights and sang twinkle twinkle little star to them :)
Were both super stoked! She is more impressed than excited but it's still positive! LOL veg nights! The lights still on!!!


I can picture her rocking back and forth with her knees help up to her chin, muttering nursery rhymes into her closet with a glossy sheen in her eyes. catt needs a vacation pronto!

I'm just messin'. Every little bit of CO2 helps, right? ;)


Well-Known Member
She's all crouched over breathing really hard on the plants all night.... whispering insanity into their proverbial ears!


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah, the Freedom Fest is always a blast.. Back in the day when Sam Black used to play I went every year. I would definitely head out there to match ya!
Then we must have past by eachother, or probably even passed one around ;) If you go this year you have to wear a Darth Vader t-shirt so I can find you :)

Hello everyone.
Really loving this thread! Just doing the research to start the first grow. A friend has a 7X7 closet and I have a great electrician. My friend has grown before with MH/HPS so this will be the first totally CFL grow. We are looking at starting with 4 plants: Maui Waui and Haze 1 both from Nirvana and GraprGod and Jack the from Attitude and the other from a Canadian distributor.
This is a great thread to learn about this.
That's totally awesome that we can help you out along your way :) I have always wanted to try real Maui Waui, and you seem to have some pretty wicked strains lined up, are you planning on having a thread for your grow? It would be a good idea to start one soon so you can start planing and get some great tips :)
Good luck and I hope I get to see how your M W turns out ;)


That avatar was so funny that it took me a moment to laugh out loud. I was struck with silent amusement. :D



Well-Known Member
theres been alot of rambling but no update, wheres it at CAT? id love to see your lovely ladies


Well-Known Member
that makes me excited that you want to see my babies!!!
Never too busy for an update.....lemme get one together for you guys :)


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone :) It's nice to see we all keep in touch in between updates....sometimes I just need a kick in the ass to remind me that I actually have to update and stop!
They are just about finishing up week 4 veg and as you can see they need a nice feeding and watering, I'll be doing that tomorrow, just trying to get them to dry up a bit.
I have one really really thirsty plant and one really really perky one, so I'm gonna have to start feeling each girl out as to how much water and food to give (that's the fun part)!
I'm starting to get the hang of reading my leaves to know when to water...YAY!!!!
Next feeding tomorrow will be 1oz seaweed, 1/2 oz of fish per gal h2o. I've been using the water from the spring up the road and they seem to love it!!!! And it's FREEEEE :)
When I opened the doors today I got a wonerful aroma of Gardenias :) Real floral smell......and I'm using fish based's amazing. Sometimes right after feeding my closet smells like the ocean. I definately wouln't be able to feed them the Neptune's Harvest line if I didn't have the fresh air coming in and the exhaust in my!
It looks like I have 1 that is different from the rest. Her leaves are waaaay fatter than her sisters. Shes the one I've been calling Lil' Scrappy due to her being the runt and I had to take that seed shell of her head. She grows with a few slightly twisted's weird.
So....what do you guys think? You think I should flower soon or let them get a little bigger? I want to flower now but I want to make sure they are big enough. The summer heat will no longer be an issue because I picked up a 7000btu portable air conditioner that I can put in there if I need to (which I doubt I will) it never really gets above 80 degrees up here :)

I'd lke to hear the consensus on when I should start flowering. I know they triple in size when they flower, but don't they seem a little short for 4 weeks compared to all of yours? Maybe I keep my CFL's too close....ROFL!!!

Oh yeah the ya go ;)


Well-Known Member
They do look nice! But they are kinda small... I wouldn't flower them now. I assume they will bulk in a serious way in like 2 weeks.