coughing blood.. anyone else??


Well-Known Member
daily cannabis smoker for about 3-4 years - heavily - (no ciggs at all)
been coughing up blood with my spit for about 2 weeks now
noticed it after my normal (and habitual) smokers cough + spit
no insurance so i can get myself checked out professionally.. whamp whamp whamp

is this normal..
is this something to be concerned about..
what should i do :?:

feedback or advise is needed



Well-Known Member
Moderating the intake of marijuana to most people is like twice maybe once a week the real moderation goal is to use it twice a month tops and only as natures natural stress reliever... Use it as a medicine to help enjoy life not as a drug.

Remember drug's are bad ;)


Well-Known Member
Moderating the intake of marijuana to most people is like twice maybe once a week the real moderation goal is to use it twice a month tops and only as natures natural stress reliever... Use it as a medicine to help enjoy life not as a drug.

Remember drug's are bad ;)
i agree man made drugs are bad mkaay lol, i suffer from back pain, 1 gravity bong/bucket gives me three hours and no cough, is this moderation ;)


Well-Known Member
In your situation you will need to out way the positive and negatives. You seem to be taking it as a form of medicine, if it does relieve your symptoms without creating new ones then continue using it as a one.

Your lungs are part of your body also they need the time to regenerate new cells and if you are constantly inhaling combusted dried flowers you won't give your lungs time to heal.
IMO after being a marijuana smoker for 3 years on and off I would notice declines in my health when doing it for long periods of time.. but that still didn't keep me away from lighting up and enjoying the high world for days on end. To much of a good thing is not a good thing o_o


Active Member
Ive been smoking marijuana and no cigarettes for 12years and Ive never coughed up blood. yea maybe go to doctor . good luck


Well-Known Member
To much of a good thing is not a good thing o_o - totally agree yes :) there is a difference between enjoyin and abusin ;)


Well-Known Member
Man I have smoked off and on for over 18 years and I have never had this problem, I also have never had anyone
Say they have had this problem go see a doc. Go to an er they will just send a bill
You should never play when it comes to your Health you only get one life, if its bad its better
To get it early. Good luck hope it gets better

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
hopefully this will pass and it's nothing serious..
ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS!!!??? Or just stupid and in denial, get your dumb ass to the Doctor.
Not next month, not next week, go today.

Otherwise your cough might not stop until you've stopped breathing.


Well-Known Member
Dude if needed go to the ER. Don't try and play doctor online. The longer you wait the worst it could get.

edit: This thread is the very reason we need Affordable Health Care, but I will save that rant for the political section.


Well-Known Member
You need medical assistance, it is NEVER good to cough blood. Doing so for an extended period can be very bad news.
Good luck mate.


Well-Known Member
just go to the er fuck if u dont have no insurance i havent had none since i was kid fuck it they still gotta check u out regardless


Well-Known Member
like everyone says ER or clinic... but you gotta go DON'T WAIT ANY LONGER, coughing + blood = NOT GOOD,
if you plan on continuing to consume, I wouldn't smoke, use a vaporizer, or eat your weed. stay high


Well-Known Member
In the Movies, coughing up blood means that the guy is done for.
Probably the same in Real Life.
You got any shit you want to give away before you kick off?