The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Always good to have a "straight" income though..........Ive got 2 Landrace seeds asap Ill give u as long as you send me a snip off the best one

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
That is the plan but its getting to a point where I can buy the basic kit again. Got a couple of bits I hope to sort out in the next day or so then it will be seeds and bang at it again from seed to start with. I have never been a legit person but gave it a go and fucking hate it! The richest are the most corrupt bastards around and look after their own! Whats the best UK based seed bank to use. I have previously used attitude but seen a bit about the Sea of Seeds going around the board especially their DOGS. Was also thinking of critical jack. Any recommendations would be appreciated.

all the strains are cracking.

and they do good freebies too ;)


hows all, little update, sorry about picture quality the phone can`t cope with the lights....

trichs at 6 days of flowering, well chuffed, intrested to see what you lads think, there under 500w true watts at that of cfl`s in soil
Looking good mate, what are they?


Active Member
I always have had straight (ish) incomes. But I knocked everything on the head when I split up with my ex as she knew too much after beng with her for so long. So thought I would take time out on everything and just get a 9-5 mon to friday. That is now doing my head in when I used to be able to earn in a week what i do a month now, whilst making others that little bit more well off. Just wish I didnt used to have such tastes in clothes etc when I was coining it in before.....Lessons learnt though but time to change a few things I reckon.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
I tried what you said, and my end yeild was down by nearly half!..... If you read up on the canna site it actually tells you how much a plant needs, and on the area that they quoted my feeding program was spot on! (Regardless what you think, no offence)
Dude think about what you just said!

I'm sorry but your yield certainly wasn't halved by what I told you regardless of what you think!

I didn't say your feeding program was wrong, I said your 18l Airpots are too big for your plants and you are also watering them too often. Where on Canna's site does it tell you how much to water hmm?


If you can't see the logic behind having to adjust the strength of your nute solution around how much water you feed the plants then it's your own fault your yield was down!

(No offence)


Well-Known Member
I tend to agree with Yorkie here. Only water when they need it(Im a lazy cunt) Canna are going to say water more often so u use more nutes.....its all sales, sales, sales

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Primitive mate, primitive. I've got one of these!



You can even buy a car cig lighter attachment and a rechargeable battery pack. I put it inside a McDonalds's milkshake cup with the battery pack and the tube sticking out the top so I can take it to the Cinema and get baked![h=3][/h]


Dude, i have been growing the same way for well over a year and my yeilds stay the same depending on what strain im growing.
This time i cut down on the feeding, i done what you said waited for the plants to wilt, it took 3 days which peed me off abit as one fell over in the night and i had to stick it up in the morning with bamboo as the nugs were now to heavy for the branches to support them, and after that the plant never really recovered. And the plant didnt fall over because of heat stress as my temps with lights on run at 76.
I think you should read the canna site again mate as it does.
Capture Canna.jpg

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Primitive mate, primitive. I've got one of these!



You can even buy a car cig lighter attachment and a rechargeable battery pack. I put it inside a McDonalds's milkshake cup with the battery pack and the tube sticking out the top so I can take it to the Cinema and get baked!
6o clock news: 'Man seen entering local odeon with suspect device, emitting smoke and giggles'

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Just pipe it m8 with ash or steel wool, pref steel wool............or get yourself a set of tools and some citric acid. lol
I remember tooling an "E" on my 25th Birthday!

Hands down the most intense rush I've ever experienced, not even 10 seconds after I pulled out was the top of my head blown clean off whilst being violently sick and sweating buckets!

I was a silly, silly boy back in the day but fuck do I know my bodies limits because of it. Long gone are the times of washing down 10 pukkas with a half pint of Vodka reducing me to a messy serotonin stripped wreck in the corner!