Help and watch grow - Beggining to End.


:leaf:What should i do with my space and components??
What am i missing??
How can i yield greatly but cheaply??

Good cabinet...
(the stuff)
Soft white 100 w 1690lumens [it says on the box] 4 bulbs
1 clamp light
1 thermometer / tells humidity
Miracle Grow - Rose Plant Food 18-24-16
1 Keebler Export Soda Crackers Tin Can - [for growing out of]
1 mini Aquaglobe
1 spray bottle - mist/squirt/spray
The yellow bag is Soil... unkown but assume its good

I know theres a lot of things that arent good but help me out i want to know exactly what to get!

Come on Pro's help out the Joe's


Well-Known Member
Those soft white bulbs are incandecent so they wont work, get some 40w cfl bulbs and use them. Get a plastic pot with holes in the bottom for $2.
That rose food is no good too high in P, get some standard maxicrop.


Well-Known Member
Alright let me start by saying welcome, your setup should be fine but make sure that your soil is indeed "good". Invest in a PH meter to make sure that the water you are giving them is around the correct PH (6.5-7 i believe). And most importantly DONT use that aqua globe, it may constantly water your soil and the roots of your plants will not thrive and will eventually stunt growth or even just die altogether. Just water the soil when it is completely dry for the top 2 inches, depending on your temps this may be every 1-2 days.

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
Hey Dela.

Like Buds said, get a 40w CFL, the incandescent lights just don't work, the CFL's are put out less heat too.

Can you get to a local grow shop? Mine will sell small quanties of growing soil, so you don't have to buy a 25kg bag. I'd recommend getting your fert there too.

The tin can will rust, so yes, get a real pot with a base, or a self watering "wick" pot, at Wally World for less than $2.

I'm not a real fan of spraying my plants, but if you do spray/folar feed, don't put the plant back under the light until the leaves are dry.

Have fun, and Good Growing.

What's your budget, btw?


Well-Known Member
if your budget is $400 then you could of got an HPS setup but you probably dont have the room. You have a big enough budget to get enough CFL's to fill your cabinet and maximize light.


:leaf:great im trying to have a small personal field. like 3 but thats me pushing it lol... or maybe 4? how many seeds should i toss in a pot? or should i germinate? my bad if i have too many questions.


Just came back from the store, i knew what i was getting on the drive there, but then forgot once i came face to face with the lighting section i knew cfl but didnt know which kind, i found 4 decent ones you fellow forumers would approve of.. i think. Well here they are,{ btw i only got 2 cause i wasn't sure and plus i didnt want to spend the money for no reason.


Energy Smart
150w replacement - uses 42w
2700 lumens
theres a graph on the back from {warm--------------V---------------------cool}
its on warm side 2700k


energy used: 42w
2035 lumens

am i doing good with these, if so should i buy more.
If not i will revisit with a list.


wtf guys -__- ... / I need some F''ken help yo!!!!
Alrite so my friend is giving me his plant which is i believe is in the flowering stage, but there is a problem....... It was growing OUTDOORS!!!!!!!!!!
Ima indoor grower and know the jist of things but this is uncharted territory. Since i believe its in florwering im going to buy 2 more of the first light {Energy Smart}

The Info: it was thriving in florida weather for i think a month.
outdoor grow.

How do i grow it indoors?


Well-Known Member
How can the plant be flowering Outdoors in April? Unless its Autoflowering (ruderalis)? Is the plant in a pot Outdoors or in the Ground?

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
You got the right lights.

Can't help you with a soil grow (I fucked mine up), sorry. I'm now a big fan of DWC/Bubble.

For flowering, I'd recommend getting a small HPS and stick it in there with the CFL's.


Active Member
when i went to htg they had some 150w hps for around $65 us ,thats not a bad price to do a 1st grow 1 plant


Active Member
if you go cfl ,which will work use the 6500k for veg and the 2700k for flower. some will go with 3 6500k and 1 2700k for veg and 3 2700k 1 6500k for flower to mix the spectrum. i think cfl rule is around 100w (true cfl watts) for 1st plant and 50w for every add plant


Well-Known Member
yeh a 150 is fine for 1 or 2 max in a small space
just reading up on yer thread
firstly buy sum coco mate u can get broks wer u just ad water to make it into soild for about 5 uk pounds for the amount yolu will need
canna u can buy the nutes ni 250ml bottles but the 1litresa are only 13 for the a and b
for 400 bucks u cold have bought 2nd hand grow tent setuo

wer do u intend to grow? outdoors? if so id dig the hole and fill with coco or your soild w/eva ur using and gorw like that

BUT thats just me
indoors? take that cupboard of the walla nd up end it and mount ur light through the top and ther u go instant grow cab :)
good luck#

OH YEH and warm white is the worng type f bulb anything but if i remember ritely


Active Member
wtf guys -__- ... / I need some F''ken help yo!!!!
Alrite so my friend is giving me his plant which is i believe is in the flowering stage, but there is a problem....... It was growing OUTDOORS!!!!!!!!!!
Ima indoor grower and know the jist of things but this is uncharted territory. Since i believe its in florwering im going to buy 2 more of the first light {Energy Smart}

The Info: it was thriving in florida weather for i think a month.
outdoor grow.

How do i grow it indoors?
how do u grow indoor?? this is 50,000 threads bro do some reading..everything u need to know is alrdy here or somewhere else on the internet do some research like we all had to do. alotta ppl on here are gunna say different not even gunna get into telling u what to do theres so much broo..u do some reading on here and if its not enough as a question dont as "how to grow" seriously..


Well-Known Member
alright dude,

you need a timer
4 more of each of them CFL's (thats a total of 10 CFL and around 420watts (haha 420 watts dam!!))
some Y conectors and some sort of method to plug them all in.
fertilizer, get some sort of all purpose salt based fert that has a NPK of all roughfly the same (i.e 3-3-3, 4-4-4, 5-5-5...get the picture?) once you learn more you can experiment more with different nutrients and shit
dont bother PHing water going into soil its a waste of time, but do make sure your soil is PH 6.5-6.8 something like that.
if the plant is flowering timer needs to be set on 18/6 so it wont go back to veg
you will need some fans to exaust hot air
mist the hell out of your plants under them CFL they wont burn, if they do ill stick my dick in a blender.

with a budget of 400 bucks you can get a 400w HID light that fires both MH and HPS and a small grow tent, all the ducting and fans you need + a order of some decent genetics from attitude. thats up to you, or you can try and ghetto rig that cabinet. whichever suites your needs best, some people dont have room for a tent and its just not a option.

you can also get a 150 or 250 HID light that fires MGH and HPS bulbs but with HID lighting heat becomes a serious issue and you have to properly ventilate.

check it out

Tent 70 bucks free shipping
Light 170 bucks free shipping, dimable ballast and both HPS and MH bulbs
Fan 25 bucks free shipping (works in my tent)
Ducting 15 bucks free shipping

were up to around 285 bucks without seeds, 4/20 promo at atttitude is going on in 2 days grab a pack of beans and get siome freebies for like 60 bucks

thats 345/400 bucks leaves you enough money to go get a couple of 3 gal nursery pots for 2 bucks each, a couple bags of decent potting mix and some form of nutrients, you should be gtg


Well-Known Member
how do u grow indoor?? this is 50,000 threads bro do some reading..everything u need to know is alrdy here or somewhere else on the internet do some research like we all had to do. alotta ppl on here are gunna say different not even gunna get into telling u what to do theres so much broo..u do some reading on here and if its not enough as a question dont as "how to grow" seriously..
haha "like" :leaf:


Active Member
Fan 25 bucks free shipping (works in my tent)

i got tht same fan an ppl were hatin on it...sayin a booster wont move shit..tht fan moves some air! $50 for 2 is way better than just 1 200CFM inline anyday i think