Larry OG vs. Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (2nd Scrog)


Well-Known Member
It shouldn't surprise you to learn that I collected comix when I was a a kid.

but hey, even back in the day when I used to ride my bike to the local 7-11 for the latest on the comic rack, I knew the Avengers (Thor especially) would be difficult to depict in live action film. Thor is the living embodiment of Norse Myth in case you didn't know. A living god... yeah, funny, huh?

But after watching this clip of Iron Man fighting Thor, a geek can't help but get just a little excited.


Well-Known Member
Hey LJ - I found this while I was cleaning out my cupboard:

I picked this up at a garage sale a few years ago. It makes lights flicker in sync with the speaker signal. It has a great name don't you think?



Well-Known Member
MO'S UPDATE - DAY 69 hehe

Hey LJ - Today is going so slowly! Here is my update.

pH 6.2 (why wont it go down!)
ppm 840

Put the top/clone outside again today. It loved the indirect sunlight. I dug around the Hydroton to view the rockwool but I did not see any roots yet (day 6).

I was moving the plant branches and trying to find good positions that would not cover some of the nice side branching and I realized that I could just spread out the branches and let the litlle stuff grow up to the screen. So now I am tying her down hehe.

Screen before:

Screen after:

I can't wait to see what she does!



Well-Known Member
MO'S UPDATE - DAY 69 hehe

Hey LJ - Today is going so slowly! Here is my update.

pH 6.2 (why wont it go down!)
ppm 840

Put the top/clone outside again today. It loved the indirect sunlight. I dug around the Hydroton to view the rockwool but I did not see any roots yet (day 6).

I was moving the plant branches and trying to find good positions that would not cover some of the nice side branching and I realized that I could just spread out the branches and let the litlle stuff grow up to the screen. So now I am tying her down hehe.

I can't wait to see what she does!

what's you're food doin Mo? is she uptaking much? cause i think she's looking for food, PH may go down with some added food, LJ might have a better idea, she looks a beautiful nice green and she's cruisin along, leaves could be a little more perky by now, thinking a food shortage maybe.....MAYBE... please have LJ quote on this for sure


Well-Known Member
I think it is the sativa strain that just has more hanging type leaves. I remember the Hawaiian back in the day had really hangy looking leaves. The Mr Goo had those more starched looking upright leaves. We will see what the clone does outside.


Well-Known Member
upright perky leaves are a true sign that the leaves are doing the sole purpose of photosynthesis, and are soaking up the suns rays, i notice on hotter days outside my leaves will be more perky, but saying that, if shes holding alot of water, and drinking alot, she may look wilted, but still fine, you maybe correct Mo :) only trial and error can perceive.
sometimes the leaves can hang, due to heavy transpiration, depending on environment, that could play a small factor i guess


Well-Known Member
Hey LJ - I found this while I was cleaning out my cupboard:

I picked this up at a garage sale a few years ago. It makes lights flicker in sync with the speaker signal. It has a great name don't you think?

Oh, man. Look at that thing. I recognize that manufacturer symbol...


Well-Known Member

After his third application of ointment (including the one at the vet), the black discharge from his infection is drying up and flaking off. I think he's gonna be okay. Which is good because the last thing I need is to be worrying about my cat this weekend.

Green eggs and Pam

Well-Known Member
After his third application of ointment (including the one at the vet), the black discharge from his infection is drying up and flaking off. I think he's gonna be okay. Which is good because the last thing I need is to be worrying about my cat this weekend.
Wow, LJ, if you are able to hold down a cat and put ointment in its ear, you are truly gifted. It always amazed me how a four pound cat can outmaneuver an adult human. Anton must be a nice cat.

Can I ask your opinion on the following pic. Ready or not yet? There are a lot of clear trichs still and this is day 67 of 12/12. I still see some pistils that look fresh, too. This just doesn't look like my master bubbas did when they were ready, nor your OGs. Are my expectations too high?


What do you think?


Well-Known Member
Wow, LJ, if you are able to hold down a cat and put ointment in its ear, you are truly gifted. It always amazed me how a four pound cat can outmaneuver an adult human. Anton must be a nice cat.

Can I ask your opinion on the following pic. Ready or not yet? There are a lot of clear trichs still and this is day 67 of 12/12. I still see some pistils that look fresh, too. This just doesn't look like my master bubbas did when they were ready, nor your OGs. Are my expectations too high?

View attachment 2128488

What do you think?
67 days is an eternity for me. But it's not unheard of for it to go longer. If the leaves and overall plant appearance don't look to 'dead' (as in not growing and just drying), then you can risk a few more days.

And four pounds? Try more like fifteen. And yes, Anton and I have a pretty tight bond. He trusts me implicitly. He may resist a little and shake his head, but there's a part of him that likes getting his ear swabbed and squirted. He thumps his hind leg like it hurts and feels good at the same time.

He's just so darned cute. On the way to the vet it was all howls. But when we were done, HE jumped into the carry bag! And on the way home, calm as can be. Asshole.


Well-Known Member
Check out how I can freeze him in motion with the flash on. The flash really catches his ghostly white as well. I still need to get a clean shot of him in full fin spread and gill flare.

What a lion. He owns this little tank. I fuckin' scored. So rare to just find one in a store. And this proves it. He's all white. No color or markings of any kind. And NOT an albino.

And building that bubble nest to demonstrate his total ownership of the water. If I threw a female in there, she would be in BIG trouble.

And here are some more amazing Half Moon varieties.

And look at this one. His fin pattern looks like fucking eagle feathers. I would KILL for this one.

Isn't it strangely poetic? Arguably the most beautiful tropical fish on the planet, and the males tear each other to ribbons on sight. Always. Without fail. And it's only the males that sport this incredible 'plumage.' Nature's wonders... Can you imagine fighting the specimens above? Including mine? Especially the last one? Now that would be an amazing fish crime. Fighting my rare all-white ghost against super-rare eagle feathers would be the crime of the century.


Well-Known Member
they are beautiful fish indeed jin' that's news to me that they fight each other! wow, amazing colours, especially the one with a feather like tail :)

hey jin, you got some babies lined up ;) i'm flying 6
