Administration to make kids working on farms illegal.


New Member
Standing on a horse that can buck you off. Look where he is. how many items there do you think can impale him or hit his head on? That cap isn't going to protect his cranium. He is wearing boots without much traction. He could have slipped and fell and got possibly trampled from a startled horse. He was being an idiot and was told in no uncertain terms just how idiotic and dangerous it was.
Things that can impale people should be illegal and anyone standing near them should be hauled off to jail were its safe and cozy and the only sharp object is your cellmates shiv (WHICH BTW SHOULD BE ILLEGAL AND BOTH YOU ARE YOUR CELLMATE SHOULD BE THROWN IN THE HOLE! YOU SHOULD BE FOR STANDING NEAR A SHARP OBJECT)


Well-Known Member
*should have

You really like making a mountain out of a mole hill, don't you? There is a butt load of farm work for kids to do that doesn't involve placing them in danger. All this legislation is trying to do is keep children out of harm's way. Children younger than 16. it's just fucking common sense. I spent my youth planting, weeding, hoeing, digging, fence building, bucking hay, cow milking, herding, chasing FUCKING STUPID CHICKENS!! ( I hate chickens), irrigating, and cleaning just about every animal pen known to man. I also spent my summers bucking hay to make money. A lot of kids work on neighboring or area farms to make extra money. A lot of these kids are under 16 and shouldn't be working around dangerous machinery or chemicals.

This is my nephew. He is fourteen. He is being a dumb ass and got his ass chewed out for it. Kids do stupid things and stupid things can cost lives. I'm all for this legislation.
If you are UNDER 16 years of age, you are not allowed to work with animals, pesticides ( that means fertilizer too), use a powered screw driver, operate a cell phone or a radio or a CB. So all those things that you did when you worked on a farm would now be illegal for someone under 16. Want to raise a calf for 4H? Not possible anymore. Move irrigation pipes? Illegal. Use the tractor to get the harvester out of the mud? Illegal. Feed chickens? Illegal. Put a halter on a horse? Illegal. Sweep out the chicken coop (Hazardous according to EPA) Illegal.

But it's "All for the children!" So it must be good.

Average age of a farmer in USA? 50.


Well-Known Member
like i said , u never seen the amish. its not at all uncommon to see 3-4 year olds working in the fields, mostly carrying rocks outta the plowed fields n such.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure I understand your point. Were these 3 and 4 year old children driving a tractor? Operating a saw? Storing grain in a bin? Cutting wood with an axe? Using a pitchfork? And come on, three and four? Really? I call bullshit.
These pitchfork/ax issues need to be brought to light in the Presidential debates.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
like i said , u never seen the amish. its not at all uncommon to see 3-4 year olds working in the fields, mostly carrying rocks outta the plowed fields n such.
We have Mennonites and I'm Mormon. I have been working on a farm since my early childhood. I have carried stones out of our fields but I was NEVER allowed to use an axe, pitchfork, or saw until I was 13 and under close supervision. I don't know why you insist on going on this Amish tangent when most of this is centered around modern farming techniques and machinery.


Well-Known Member
We have Mennonites and I'm Mormon. I have been working on a farm since my early childhood. I have carried stones out of our fields but I was NEVER allowed to use an axe, pitchfork, or saw until I was 13 and under close supervision. I don't know why you insist on going on this Amish tangent when most of this is centered around modern farming techniques and machinery.

So you're saying that your parents ensured your safety w/o laws dictating exactly how they should do so?


New Member
We should just have drone sweeping through the sky and just have them machine gun people doing dangerous things in the name of safety. Its only logical FOR THE CHILDREN!

Whenever something is pushed as "FOR THE CHILDREN" its a fucking sham, every fucking time. I didn't even have to read this article to know.


Well-Known Member
Standing on a horse that can buck you off. Look where he is. how many items there do you think can impale him or hit his head on? That cap isn't going to protect his cranium. He is wearing boots without much traction. He could have slipped and fell and got possibly trampled from a startled horse. He was being an idiot and was told in no uncertain terms just how idiotic and dangerous it was.
You should not drive EVER!!! Your brakes could go out while driving down a steep decline, another driver could swerve into you, a sudden stop could cause the stick to impale your ass. Think about how much damage something weighing 3 times what that horse does will do to you when it slams into you. 14? OMG just wait until he gets his learners permit...oh wait he probably already has one.....

The moral of the story, don't leave your home, its much safer to just lie there prone all day every day. We can't have any risks in life, that would be BAAAAADDDD. 30,000 children died this year by drinking chemicals under the sink. You should start a petition making sinks illegal, think of the 30,000 children that will live, OMG THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!!


Well-Known Member
I have to quote George Carlin on this one "Shit, what ever happened to natural selection, survival of the fittest, the kid who swallows too many marbles doesn't grow up to have kids of his own."

I thought they outlawed them fuckers!


New Member
"Rarely is the question asked is our children learning" George W Bush
"Teach a children to read and his or her will past a literacy task" George W Bush
"Children do learnin" George W Bush

Video on "For the Children" Propaganda


Active Member
Holy shit my sarcasm detector just exploded, set my whole lab on fire, the monkeys got set free and stole the glasses right off my head. Took me a minute to get things calmed down enough to respond. bongsmilie much better. My final say in this is it's all about the kid and who their parents are. I've seen 10 year olds that can drive a tractor more maturely than some teens.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
If you are UNDER 16 years of age, you are not allowed to work with animals, pesticides ( that means fertilizer too), use a powered screw driver, operate a cell phone or a radio or a CB. So all those things that you did when you worked on a farm would now be illegal for someone under 16. Want to raise a calf for 4H? Not possible anymore. Move irrigation pipes? Illegal. Use the tractor to get the harvester out of the mud? Illegal. Feed chickens? Illegal. Put a halter on a horse? Illegal. Sweep out the chicken coop (Hazardous according to EPA) Illegal.

But it's "All for the children!" So it must be good.

Average age of a farmer in USA? 50.
Now you're just being stupid. The proposal states that they shouldn't use electronic equipment such as a cell phone, game boy or anything distracting while operating a power driven vehicle. This is for agricultural and non-agricultural employment. Nothing is said about not being allowed to work with animals or cleaning out a chicken coop. Most of this you are pulling out of your ass and the rest you're distorting to fit your argument. As for the 4H? This is about employment. You aren't hired by 4H to raise a farm animal.


Well-Known Member
Now you're just being stupid. The proposal states that they shouldn't use electronic equipment such as a cell phone, game boy or anything distracting while operating a power driven vehicle. This is for agricultural and non-agricultural employment. Nothing is said about not being allowed to work with animals or cleaning out a chicken coop. Most of this you are pulling out of your ass and the rest you're distorting to fit your argument. As for the 4H? This is about employment. You aren't hired by 4H to raise a farm animal.

YAH having a cell phone on your tractor should be illegal... How do you suggest they enforce these regulations?


Well-Known Member
Now you're just being stupid. The proposal states that they shouldn't use electronic equipment such as a cell phone, game boy or anything distracting while operating a power driven vehicle. This is for agricultural and non-agricultural employment. Nothing is said about not being allowed to work with animals or cleaning out a chicken coop. Most of this you are pulling out of your ass and the rest you're distorting to fit your argument. As for the 4H? This is about employment. You aren't hired by 4H to raise a farm animal.
jobs that could “inflict pain on an animal” would also be off-limits for kids. But “inflicting pain,” Clark explained, is left undefined: If it included something like putting a halter on a steer, 4-H and FFA animal shows would be a thing of the past. In a letter to The Department of Labor in December, Montana Republican Rep. Denny Rehberg complained that the animal provision would also mean young people couldn’t “see veterinary medicine in practice … including a veterinarian’s own children accompanying him or her to a farm or ranch.”

Guess who the stupid one is?