HELP PLZ!! My leave's are growing upwards?


Well-Known Member
My plants exactly 2 weeks old right now and has some good sized leave's.

The leave's are folding upwards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why is this???

like there growing upwards to the light it seems..
BUT i know there getting enough light! so thats not the problem!

is it the heat that does this???

please help
thanks my stoner friends.


Well-Known Member
i'm not an expert but from what i read you may have your lights to far away from your plant so the leaves are trying to get closer.

now don't take my word for it but i think you may have to lower your light closer to the plant. so as to not "STRETCH" i think they call it.


Well-Known Member
My plants exactly 2 weeks old right now and has some good sized leave's.

The leave's are folding upwards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why is this???

like there growing upwards to the light it seems..
BUT i know there getting enough light! so thats not the problem!

is it the heat that does this???

please help
thanks my stoner friends.
its ok mon.


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah guys! Thanks for your opinion's... Cheers!
but anyone else that would still like to give some opinions please speak up !! =)
fuck it, ill just keep this shit going..AND whatever answer is the most common, ill post as the ANSWER!!!

Cheer'z once again my fellow gods!


Well-Known Member
they are just loving the sun dude. who doesnt? praising it with fingers stretched high.
thats true, i love laying out in the sun and having the sun hit me. feels gooddd too bad its like 2am.. but its gonna be like 100 tomorrow so i'll probably go to Zuma beach.

do you have an pics OP?

i'd love to see how they're doing and ur set up :twisted: hehehe..



Well-Known Member
I do not know exactly what the temp. is the plant is growing in.
But im going to guess, id say, a max of 90 degrees during the day and at night it stays around 65-70.
ALSO.. i might add that i do NOT have a fan, but the plant is only a couple feet frow a window that is open 24/7.

AND. i may also add, that i have a little bit of plant burn on a couple tips of my leave's.


Well-Known Member
How do i add a photo to a Reply like this???
i want to show u guys a pic =D
alright dude when your posting a POST like u just did look towards the bottom where it says attachments. then a pop up box will appear and youll see a button thast says browse now go ahead and look for the picture.
then hit upload now bare in mind that the picture has height requirements depending on the format so if its just a JPEG which it probably is its max res is 800x800.

now if you don't know how to resize ur pictures u could also sign up for a
Photobucket acnt at
upload your pictures which would automatically resize them then at the bottom of every picture it gives u three links and u can either give us the URL to your picture or actually jsut post the picture. so yeah this is a long post but thats basically how to post a picture on this forum.


Active Member
my clones doing the same shit.. 400watt mh like 6 inches away...:) i think its normal
A 400 watt 6 inches away is too close ... it should be no closer than a foot, and that's with good ventilation ... the leaves curl to try to retain moisture 'cause it's too hot (they curl for other reasons also) ... eventually they will die if the problem isn't corrected.


Well-Known Member
I think its normal too..

But it's really possible the heat is what does that, from what ive researched.
So im not sure...