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indy, tives, or brid

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chef c

Well-Known Member
I'm just a humble pollen chucker my man :p
Sooooo whose getting the mayweather/cotto fight tomorrow? Anyone? Don't make me start a new thread begging someone to get it, or asking for ten bucks a head to have it at my place!!! Cmon now!!! Best fight of the year!


Well-Known Member
So I went up to start doing my watering on the plants which I am planning on cutting down in less then a week. Some of them are doing a nice swell and pulling the hairs back in like they supposed to and I notice a couple just dont seem to look right to me.

IM pretty sure a G13 went hermi on me but I cant tell...
this is what the plant looked like before I started to fuss with it.
and here is what i kinda dug out of the center of the bud...looks to me like undeveloped seed pods but Im not 100%.
I am afraid of even putting this girl back in the tent for the last week cause I dont want anything to happen to the girls on the other side and fuck everything up royaly!

Whats the verdict guys I need to know tonight if possible. I may just cut my losses and take her down if noone has any advise.
(EC you got my # if you see this and can call me. I know your up late at the poker game tonight, ill be up till at least 3 dealing with this)


Well-Known Member
indi - i have a CS generator and silver to loan you. i'll teach you to make a batch. gallon size if u want.

BA - u got hermed somewhere. def seeds developing in heavy clusters


Well-Known Member
musta happend somewhere in late development cause there isnt anything in the sacs....think they are safe to put back in the tent or just say fuck it?

edit for: that really pisses me off cause i watch for that shit all the time when i water..I pull each plant out of the tent and hand water them looking all over for any signs of hermi's


Well-Known Member
EC- I can make a trip down tomorrow if that is cool? Call ya later today to verify!

BadAndy- Bogus on the seeding. Looks pretty heavy my dude.


Well-Known Member
id chop myself, in case something else pops. nada to save anyways.

indi - ill be out most of sunday. might be back by afternoon/evening

chef c

Well-Known Member
Ba- I'd check the others in the tent with a fine tooth comb as the seeds look to be at least three maybe four weeks old. And get some dry ice :), you'll be alright.


Well-Known Member
I GOT BALLS lol these little guys are showing quick i had no idea how fast males develop
i just snapped a few pics didnt pay attention to which is which



Well-Known Member
EC- All of the schezuan button cuts have rooted in a cup of water! Potting tomorrow into some nice Sunshine mix. Very excited as they sprouted roots so fast and never wilted at all.


Well-Known Member
@ hs Congrats on your male, Haha normally nobody wants a male but there is a breeding vibe going around, is this ur first male?

@ Robert she's looking good, nicely done.

@ indy the first Flo cut is poking out roots and I'll have to drive up to Denver in a week or so, I'll let you know when exactly when I find out if you wanna meet me somewhere she's yours


Well-Known Member
So its a afgoo x cor male?

yea its gooeyXcorleon that I got from EC presexed for a bit then passed off to HS so he could actually chuck some pollen. I figured if he couldnt get a male of his own I could paass one along to him.