Ron Paul wins Nevada and Maine


Well-Known Member
Ron Paul has continued his success by taking the majority of delegates from both Maine and Nevada, adding 2 more wins to his list.

NEVADA: Ron Paul won 25/28 delegates

MAINE: 20/24 delegates go to the good Doctor, Congressman, and Veteran: The honorable Ron Paul.
and now has effectively none. Maybe enough for a convention speech.


New Member
Im starting to wonder if mitt romney will even win one caucus, where did all of his supposed voters come from? seems they don't actually really exist thus far..looks like I will be proven right, the Mitt Romney voter is fiction..So far Ron Paul has dominated every convention.


Well-Known Member
Ron Paul has continued his success by taking the majority of delegates from both Maine and Nevada, adding 2 more wins to his list.

NEVADA: Ron Paul won 25/28 delegates

MAINE: 20/24 delegates go to the good Doctor, Congressman, and Veteran: The honorable Ron Paul.
at this rate, ronald will get 1144 delegates by late september of 2028.


Well-Known Member
rmoney needs 300 more or so, 962 delegates remaining and only ronald the bigot in his way.

get ready to cry, ladies.


New Member

Mitt Romney - 697 delagates
Ron Paul - 148 delagates
Well that site has not even added the new Ron Paul delegate wins but might be even more interesting because many bound delegates plan to contest that and abstain from voting from Romney in the first round per Rule 34 they can abstain in first round or just vote for Ron Paul off the bat. Romney so far pretty much only has bound delegates and thats all he will get because he is a fraud. The Romney strat at the conventions has been basically to try to trick people and commit fraud:



Well-Known Member
these numbers don't include the results from Nevada and Maine this weekend.
This is the problem with the Ron Paul camp. They are totally un-realistic. You have to be, to support Ron Paul's, isolationist and weak foreign stance, a very un-realistic agenda. Go last place! You may well throw the election to the Chicago mob.

really comfy slippers

Active Member
Prepare to cry Paulbots!! Prepare to cry tears of Glory as Dr.Paul has indefinitely altered the coarse of US Politics for a New generation and a chance at a more perfect union.. With Liberty and Justice, For all!!