comparison of a bunch of breeders' mostly UP gear & quality

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
Uh the very first sentence... It says "I just closed down a failed scrog attempt"

Notice he is giving a grow and smoke report on "BUD LEAF". What do you think he means by "BUD LEAF". It means he is smoking the under developed WHITE PISTOLED little baby buds.

Here's a good question, how many weeks into flower were they before you cut them down? Two or three weeks?
lmfao . . .. . . .this has got to be a joke


Well-Known Member
Anyone who has talked to hazey dumbass knows he's a "self proclaimed master grower" with 0 succesful breeding/growing attempts.... you know noone reads your LONG ASS POSTS and noone takes you seriously rite? really think ANYONE cares enough about ANYTHING you have to say to read more than a few sentances? NNNNNOOOOO!!!!! It only takes a few sentances to KNOW you are TOTALLY FULL of SHIT. ...... is it your personal mission to ruin everyones grow who reads your posts? .........what qualifys you to give any advice at all? You have had no success, nothing to brag about or even share.


Well-Known Member
Yeah if you read his posts theyre all like "This strain will be my next grow", or "Ive heard thats a good strain" or "according to the description on their website". You have to read carefully because the paragraph is all lumped together so the qualifiers are easy to miss. I was trying to give him the benefit of the doubt but reading more was exhausting and by that point it was clear that he had no experience.

I dont like to pile on but his posts seem like a waste of bandwidth.

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
there the losers go again spouting lies... never claimed to be a master grower. i know what the fuck i like and ain't ever gotten it from anyone else but me and a couple freebies along the way since the 80s so fuck you and the horse you rode in on toys.

i know more about getting high than a whole lot of "master growers"

you're such a fidiot althor. you can't SCROG plants that aren't stretching and are just putting all of their energy into MAKING SEEDS. i sure as fuck know a bit more about making seeds than you bitch! done that twice. now go somewhere else to take it up the ass for your indica master purveyor of schwag.

as to the cups thing, i took too long on that. normally, i'd transplant right after everything sexes. i also started that maybe just a bit too early this time as the whole idea was to let my gals put some bulk on before flipping, but having to deal with asshole neighbors like asshole trolls gets in the way of getting shit done.

i'm happy enough with the grow. i got to try a shitload of strains that put a nice smile on my face and jack's cleaner getting me tripped out weirder than the old days.

i will start my next grow early and have everything better prepared. if nothing else, i've mentally mapped flowering times... it takes about a month and a half to go from seed to flipping time.

i'd like to see these alleged claims i've made to being a master gardener. of course, anyone that chooses to believe the moron name calling & finger pointing tactics of fox news over evidence for claims or even a shred of credibility is just a stupid useless fuck too whom i care not what they think.

i've experienced over a dozen great named strains first hand FINALLY. making progress. i finally have more than enough viable seeds too to finally start seeing some weight.

i USED to love seeded bud back in the days before "sticky" and other cash crapping "bag appeal" propaganda. just squeeze a bud and *POP* you get a seed. it wasn't so easy with a lot of the denser and stickier buds. i think i might just use the paint brush fertilyzing method in the future and concentrate on budding. i still want to have reserves so i never run dry.

i think i want to make most of my next grow just JC2 & haze skunk until 8 miles high comes back next year. with maybe a smaller grow of sativa trans x (C99 x A11) & JC2 x (C99 x A11) for some faster results waiting for "the good stuff". i'll just never understand why with so many great strains like most of these why you just never see any of them on the streets.

i'm really getting to be a fan of DNA genetics. i liked their lemon skunk nice enough, but that sweet haze rocks. i think it might knock super cali haze off the running for a nice not so trippy, but motivational & euphoria high with nice fruity odor.

i REALLY want to do haze skunk x JC2. that shit would be no joke. either one is awesome enough in it's own right, but the combo would be really potent and have at least some trippiness.

i just had so much fun testing everything. other than last year, i haven't gotten high so much in a very long time and i found some new keeper strains to go back to as well as stuff of my own to keep working. i feel sorry for all the rest of the world that'd like to get high too if only it could. sadly, many don't even know what they're missing.

what qualifies me to add 2 cents to weed conversations? a SHITLOAD of reading since the 80s including way more smoke reports than you'll read in your entire life. book learnin' fool! try doing that some time. that's where i also learn words like petulant. i'm always down to learn something new as well as share anything i can to help others.

you know ya feckin' morons... whatever the fuck you do... don't try to be a lawyer... that whole "don't listen to anything he has to say because he's not a 500 acre farmer" always changing the subject shit gets you nowhere except impressing other morons who like poop flinging more than facts and you can tell each other how great you are as you fuck each other up the ass.

never claimed to be "great", i just share what i know, and in some cases what i've been falsely told with anyone interested that can keep from acting like an ADD 3rd grader hopped up on ritalin & meth.

my main focus is just doing what i can to get sheep to stop going with the indica flow and grow or at least demand shit that doesn't suck anymore. it must really irk purveyors of schwag when they know someone else's gear that actually gets you high is better. "oh i yield three tons of 30% THC heroauna every week blah blah blah. not impressed! i'd still rather smoke mexcom.


Well-Known Member
Lmfao how did I stumble upon this and go through all of it?

I'm sure lots of people push indicas not only for "omfg i tek yer moneyz". Perhaps people with sickness would prefer an indica buzz rather than sativa? Just stating the obvious... I suppose I don't need to kick the dog while he's down... Later

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
in many markets, indicas are ALL YOU CAN GET and even the stonier sour cream & masterkush in my grow were now worse than anything i've bought since the 80s and better than most with the rest of the tested being the fun kind of high only go against the flow growers like me and the SERIOUS ones here tackling IBL divas are producing if no one on virtually every street in a lot of places gets to see it.

fuck your "bag appeal" propaganda! sticky, stinky, & dense are more schwag appeal traits than anything. i'll take a wild minty & piney fluffy real columbian bud over ANYTHING boasting bag appeal afghani obfuscation. the "lowly" rokerj haze spanks every nor eastern warehouse beasters schwag appeal bud i've overpaid for decades' backside 10x over and anyone here that actually wants to get high would be happy with that any day unless they're an elite IBL breeder or something. they'd have to be pretty tightly wound to dis a good commoner's haze like that though.

i'm really happy with the testing. THAT was all that matters. testing jack's cleaner 2 x (C99 X A11) should be my first priority. if the stone of that otherwise fun gal doesn't fade at the end of flower, the grimm/joey genes should mellow it a little at least and whatever it is... it shouldn't have to flower any more than 9 weeks. that plugged into haze skunk should have some interesting hybrid vigor too.

i got them genes. i still have a few haze skunk x C99s that might be viable. i got 1 or 2 to sprout before. i'm still trying to figure out how to take one of those HT centerfold style pics of all of the beans i bred with the dozen or so nice hazes i got a happy as fun attitude out of. HAHAHAHAHA! to all of the haters who EVER wanna say HG's never smoked a single haze!

DNA's sweet haze is some old school outdoor goodness for sure too.

i think i'll start a top 10 strains thread and just let everyone name THEIR faves and emphasize the simple life joy breeders still catering to connoisseur bud have given me for a minute with a few ounces of NICE fruity smiles instead of all of the same old same old the masses are. it's really nice to know i can go back to a deep archive of genes for further testing and for breeding hybrid vigor into my own haze line(s). i want to see what difference halides & sodiums make on THC & flavor. i really liked the shorter looking C99s i got under my halide even if the sodium BX smoked about the same.

once i get SETTLED INTO A ROUTINE, i'm keen to try that ace panama. i got the impression that PR was more of a euphoric than trippy strain from rare early reporting. mixing that up with the most compact & trippy strain that doesn't couchlock that i can ought to be the start of a nice revival haze. as fast and eager as holy smoke's malawi flipped, i wonder if there isn't some afghani in there somewhere, but i only have IBL experience with fussy highland thai and the last 4-5 mex com seeds i'd actually named red as in panama that had stretched to at least 4 feet in a former room mate's closet under the shop light he kept raising, but to HIS CREDIT (always bragging about my fine gardening & diagnosis skills... NOT... yet) he got MJ to flowering faster than i had in half a dozen or more starts that wound up as leaf trim grows because HG likes getting high, just the high and nothing but the high and would rather smoke some midrange mexcom brick (not in castor oil though... there's a fine line... LOL) than ANY, i repeat ANY nothing but stone bud really beasterbud i've wasted money on for a couple decades.

if ya want something done right, ya gotta DIY
then there's DIY's learning curve.

i really need to figure out HOW to make a mother room happen and a breeding room would be nice too. i'm going to sell out and grow some sinse next. i've cloned a couple times already and now that i have a heating dome, that should be easier. if you know me, i only care about the smoke reports, but i'd like to have at least one good pic of some prime pampered tops hot to get knocked up shot up close with a good camera that can actually focus closer than a foot and a half like mine. maybe i'll even get a cat for a pic of a cat chewing on a bud. never seen one of those anywhere. no.

i don't know everything, but i know this much... i will really like blazing jackarella and anyone in the know that keeps it real would like it too.

to MANY, and i'm talking THOUSANDS if not tens to hundreds of growers, my SCHWAG takes a dump on your BEST deal with it! i wonder just how many growers of finely grown highland bud there are out there. they're in the extreme minority or invisible in daylight at least.

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
if you think 85% THC heroauna is "too much for me", yeah, you're right, even a weak stone is too much stone for me.

i defy anyone to clear 4-5 long chambers of haze skunk though and call that shit weak when the room starts spinning on you. that's too much for anyone except masochists maybe. i don't consider raw potency to be the deciding factor anyways. the best strain does the least wrong. a strain that "fucks one up beyond function" ain't doing anyone any good except fuckups.

i'm sure those out there growing panama red, cambodian and vietnamese blackseed etc. still have even better gear, but they're few and far between and their bud wouldn't humiliate haze skunk the way THAT takes a dump on 99% of the indicrap on the streets. whatever OUTDOOR cali grewer produced the gold i started out on tripped me out more with clear visuals a few times, but my haze skunk was still more potent and way more resinous thanks, yes, due to it's FINALLY SUPPRESSED afghani hash traits

i dare you to call columbian gold crap here in public. i triple dare you. haze skunk is better than THAT in the potency, freedom from stone, motivation, length of stone and freedom from tolerance build up departments if not the psychoactivity ones so if it can go toe to toe with columbian and stand on it's own merits, then it's not going to be blown out of the water by any real world strain and as JC2 might be the trippiest thing i've ever smoked, that one can stand a few rounds of elimination in a showdown too.

i know what i like as well as what i can't stand. no grower has ever gotten me higher than i have myself.


Well-Known Member
Haze you talk so much without saying anything. finish a grow and post pictures. That is all that needs to be said.