FlowaMasta'a NEW Jack H x Skunk - 1 Plant 600HPS + UVB Monster Scrog!!!


Well-Known Member
My new bong parts showed up.....and you know what is it just me or am i getting resin build up around the fukin mouthpiece, on the first bong....water in both pre-cooler and bong....it's like the lip on the mouthpiece is making resin scum build up.....and i'm not liking it 1 bit....anyone else have this issue? i think i bought a shit bong



Well-Known Member
looks pretty to me.
Thanx Gas, i'll see if it grows on me, Maybe i was smoking it wrong!!?? the smoke took o long to get to my mouth by the time it did it was all at once, so i may have to work out a new technique to lessens the density of smoke perhaps.....can't waste it. if anything, it'll look cool on the mantel lol!

what is PGR???
Plant Growth Regulators...
I use CYCO's PGR's here is a link to their page


I had a big Hash day today, made some DRY ICE hash, everyone says go the 220 work bag. you know what? i used my common sense. 220 micron is going to let alot of crud through. and i did some testing to prove it.
Okay i started with my 73 micron bag, chucked in 1/4 lb of fresh and dried mixed frozen trim, along with some popcorn from my last indoor which was fresh
did my first shake for about 2-3 minutes, maybe less and got some really nice quality resin, with very low contaminants. then i went ahead in a different location on my mirror and ran for a while longer until i couldnt see anymore coming out.
I swapped over to my 120 bag, instantly noticed a massive flow of more resin coming out, nice dark brownish, and had a wonderful strong aroma of fresh weed. i only shook the bag for less than 1 minute, until i just noticed a shade of greenish. i stopped collected and ditched the rest.
The first batch with the 73 micron was top notch, almost a blonde light brown colour, sticky, and clumped together by itself in the jar....nice
i proceeded to do the entire 1/2 lb the same way, collect the first run, of nice pure resin, change over to the 120, and finish with that.
I liked this method alot, with careful bouncing of the bucket with the bag tightly over the bucket....beautiful, alot easier than bubble hash with ice and water, more messy as hash powder gets EVERYWHERE!!!!
i proceeded to go ahead and do an ounce of my 6 month old outdoor batch. got 4 grams of nice pure blonde hash and another few with the 120 bag, forgot to weigh it. in total weight of the 1/2 lb with the 73 micron was around 14 grams of wicked blondish resin and a bit over 1 ounce with the 120 bag. i'm really happy, you be the judge if you like, i'm at the point where i got soo much weed, hash, oil that i don't know what to do next!!!???

the few last pics are of the blonde hash i got from my outdoor with the 73 micron....really really nice tasting resin, beautiful buzz!

pic time! first 3 pics are 73 micron

This is with the 120 micron bag, smells the strongest, but not the purest

These last pics are from my outdoor, and from the 73 micron, and very clean and pure, i would say cleaner than from bubble hash. GO DRY ICE YEAH!!!!



Well-Known Member
looks like a LOT. but you had a lot to get from so...makes sense. and it looks amazing. like. amazing. lol. that shit would knock me out!
lol! haha thanks alot man i would love to share!, i been shoutin a few mates here and there, they are loving it, it's like nobody even sees this shit! ever! I can't believe it's so easy to make, bubble is kinda fun, but dry ice is the bomb for sure, i dunno what alot of these youtubers are thinking doing it with the 220 bag!!?? what a waste of quality.....for smoking purposes, i think this stuff is greeeeeat! i love my honey oil don't get me wrong, but i like to get up early aswell, and oil makes me a zombie all day, Hash resin seems to have great kick and taste, but doesn't knock me out like oil can. but then again wait till tonight!


Well-Known Member
Very nice hash, much much cleaner than mine - I might just have to go purchase a real set of screen soon lol. Good to know you can use fresh material as well. Did you think about putting it all through the 220 work bag after going through the other two? You might end up with dirty hash but I'll bet you still yield a shit ton of great cooking quality material.


Well-Known Member
Very nice hash, much much cleaner than mine - I might just have to go purchase a real set of screen soon lol. Good to know you can use fresh material as well. Did you think about putting it all through the 220 work bag after going through the other two? You might end up with dirty hash but I'll bet you still yield a shit ton of great cooking quality material.
yeah i gave it a go, but after doing the first 2 bags first, the quality went down with the 220 bag to the point of nearly ditching, i struggled to find another jar to put it in, honestly the 220 bag produced maybe 10-15% resin after the 73 and 120 micron bags, i was rather gentle, but i could tell with a keen eye, and my woman watching to see if it was changing colour. doing it this way still mixes up the quality i'd say, because the 120 micron has alot more smell so i'm thinking the 120 micron has more of the larger gland parts of the trichs, where the smells and terpenes are, maybe using a 120 bag first would get some still nice quality to begin with but after a minute surely some green will contaminate. i'm glad i didnt throw the 220 bag over first. i would consider that a failure, the start may have been nice but, spreading it out was benaficial in my opinion.
I like your thinking Gas Cooking Grade hash, i will keep it for that, i don't know what i got with the 220 bag, i didnt do it all as i didt see a point. Next time, plenty more trim from where i'm round :)

I actually have 48 grams of the 120 micron hash. oops what a smell though :) yuuuuuuumy


Well-Known Member
yeah i just tried a sample of cervantes bible...going to buy it and read it thru and thru. want to read the sections on hash...love the variety of smokables! lol..and edibles


Well-Known Member
yeah, he does have some nice ideas, however, i'm a little more modern, and like my hash not coming from up the ass ;)
but he does know alot about weed, he's a lucky guy to live the life he does!

I'm learning about edibles, tinctures i know of, have tried making before, i'm not into them much cause of alcohol.., but i do know they work :) i have made a tincture with brandy infused with quality honey oil, great for sleep my mrs said, it didn't last long


Well-Known Member
Have you tried glycerine tinctures? Personally I prefer the alcohol as they kick in a bit faster and see to be more potent but the glycerine ones have non of the burn and taste great. 48g of that 120 hash... I'm jealous. I have more oil that I know what to do with but zero good hash and I'm fucking sick of oil. Ever tried hash capsules?


Well-Known Member
Have you tried glycerine tinctures? Personally I prefer the alcohol as they kick in a bit faster and see to be more potent but the glycerine ones have non of the burn and taste great. 48g of that 120 hash... I'm jealous. I have more oil that I know what to do with but zero good hash and I'm fucking sick of oil. Ever tried hash capsules?
i havent tried glycerine no, but i am interested in the capsules! how much quality resin for 1 cap? i didn't know if they would work that well


Well-Known Member
There's a really nice detailed thread somewhere on here on how to do the capsules. Basically you mix your hash with coconut oil (or any other food oil that's solid at room temp), cook for a bit to decarb, add lecithin, put in capsules. The amount depends on how strong you want them and your hash. My cookies are .11g hash a piece and are good at .5-1 cookie/dose for a decent high, 2+ if you want to go to sleep.


Well-Known Member
Great hash HashMasta! Dry ice is so much easier but it does get everywhere. I learned that if I keep my tools and jars sitting on the ice they don't get sticky. After about an hour I decided to put on a mask and gloves. I got the weirdest clean high from breathing the dust. I wish I had the finer bags. My 220 came out very green. But it is still less green than if I was smoking straight bud and it does taste amazing :)
