The UK Growers Thread!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
got sister sitter lol and shes doing a good job too m8 getting updates vids through bbm they already 2wks veged and just been repotted 4 exo under 1200watt in a mix up of pots 2x10ltr airpots 1x 20ltr airpots n 1x 15ltr normal pot all looking good gonna give em a wk to adjust to the bigger pots n flip and yeah im back in bio-bizz n organics coco taste like shit lol

sorry bout that txt bro i was nutted on booze n benzos lolool

didn't think you'd be taking a break while your taking a break ;)

what text? oh you slaggin me hahahaha fuck off sambo, i've thicker skin that that man. i know your sound. for a fat ginger southerner ;)


Well-Known Member
got sister sitter lol and shes doing a good job too m8 getting updates vids through bbm they already 2wks veged and just been repotted 4 exo under 1200watt in a mix up of pots 2x10ltr airpots 1x 20ltr airpots n 1x 15ltr normal pot all looking good gonna give em a wk to adjust to the bigger pots n flip and yeah im back in bio-bizz n organics coco taste like shit lol
did you find you got a better yeild out of coco tho?


Active Member
ur in sunny scotland in sipping a vods n aving jaggerbombs in the sun its real sad in my brain lolol

u enjoy the site for a laugh i get n respect that but u aint done too much sending n recieving bullshitters 10 a penny on this site..........
Vodka + sun = my staple diet for years. Try putting a bit of vodka with lemon in your hair, too, the sun will bleach it all streaky and umm insane =)

You're absolutely right, haven't done much sending - and the receiving end is nobody's business but mine and the sender's - but you're wrong in thinking I come here for a laugh. I come here to stalk TTT.


Well-Known Member
Vodka + sun = my staple diet for years. Try putting a bit of vodka with lemon in your hair, too, the sun will bleach it all streaky and umm insane =)

You're absolutely right, haven't done much sending - and the receiving end is nobody's business but mine and the sender's - but you're wrong in thinking I come here for a laugh. I come here to stalk TTT.
you aint wrong bout the insane bit i been in more nuthouse's n had more breakdown than most had hot dinners but wot i send gets received lol FACT lol


Well-Known Member
yes mrt 100% quicker n better yield but taste in comparison to organics is like comparing a cup of cold piss to a nice double grey goose with tonic n fresh lemon n lime lmao
lmao you got an awesome way with words. i havent used the organic nutes but did enjoy the taste from soil. im running the ww that i done first time but its in coco now so ill see the difference in 3 months or so. its a bit of experience for me anyway

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
too many bullshitters on this site claiming 1st class post has been lost in the mail its fucking the uk not africa if it aint arrived n theres no seizure letter then it wasnt sent FACT
Lost mail is not some alien concept in the UK, it does happen.... FACT. I've had plenty of items lost by the postie in the past when I posted first class.

Noone stalks me! My teeth are too sharp! Courtesy of discounted chuppa chupp lollies :D


Well-Known Member
Wots happenin you fuckin sausages ?? off to feed the girls again i go lol cant fuckin wait till friday and bollox if u think im feedin em thursday lmao


Well-Known Member
Drinking a beer and brooding. Think i'll go eat some cockles.
Ha cockles now thats sonethin i aint had for a while fuckin robbery in the chippy by me tho £1.70 a jar lnao there aint a mouthfull there lol av to say ttt this fuckin bsbxbr is a banger lad im sure you ll enjoy bro i aint even looked after it like a would clone and believe me the buds on the cunt are mossive haha im deffo gonna try a bit myself !!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I grabbed one of the jars from sainsburies. Good size jar but about £2.20 or soemthing. Not as good as freshly cooked ones though :( after that it's tinned ravioli for dinner :D

Good to hear she's turning into a good un. I was pretty pleased with some of the buds on the straight BSB/CB i grew :)


Well-Known Member
cockles now ther sum nasty slimey shit,yuk kinda reminds me of jordan on im a celeb yrs ago,fucking nasty shit,
sambo i hear ya on the post thing belive me,got another video of you pal,shame it was one u'd already sent u moron lol
so u pullin friday then chedz chop chop time! bad backs and sticky fingers here u go lol i dont envy u buddy.

n chedz get sum p;ics of your bsb wen done we wil compare


Well-Known Member
I dont envy myself either lmao got 3slh 5exo and 3psycho to reveg after these are down i go away in 9 weeks so that time will be spent gettin em to turn that corner haha i might pop a few more bsbxbr and a few of pukkas beans i aint had chance to collect the fuckers yet so i av no idea wots there !! Can some1 help me out there lol wot did u recieve ttt ic3???

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
He sent out grape kush x livers/blues (sounds lush) grape kush x exo (sounds great!) and grape jush x psycho (wait for it, yup, sounds fucking great) Really can't wait to pop some of those myself :)


Well-Known Member
I dont envy myself either lmao got 3slh 5exo and 3psycho to reveg after these are down i go away in 9 weeks so that time will be spent gettin em to turn that corner haha i might pop a few more bsbxbr and a few of pukkas beans i aint had chance to collect the fuckers yet so i av no idea wots there !! Can some1 help me out there lol wot did u recieve ttt ic3???
i was meant to recieve something??? ohh do tell lol was i?

them sound tastey ttt i dont think u can handle them ud best pass them to me to grow for you,,lmao