
Well-Known Member
Hahahaha because all of the crazy guys already got to see one lmfao and some other security issues I dont post on riu anymore ;)


Well-Known Member
Me and all my toys. Big pimpin.

IMG_0944.JPGI don't like this one, because my hair is doing stupid, stupid things behind my back. But! The same guitar, see? It's in a learn to play guitar kit lol. Annnd i'm looking at this guy annnnd yup. I'd wager that everything on the bed, actually including the bed itself, is from Walmart. My child is cut out of the picture for obvious reasons, but I was teaching HIM to play with it...it is not like a...really nice guitar lol. It's like...one you give the kids to learn on...anyway. Not that anyone thought the guy in the top pic was cool and I had to dispell any rumors or anything. Just...if the actual guy ever should happen upon this post...he'll know...that I know...


Well-Known Member
I've only really judged women's eyes. When a female is crazy, you can tell. We are too transparent. Maybe not all. A good friend of mine started dating this woman, and sent me her pictures. I didn't tell him, but she looked really insecure. After they had a few dates, she showed up at his work one morning when he didn't respond to her texts within a few hours. I just knew it!! lol.

almost all women are insecure and crazy...