Well-Known Member
damn im out of weed.... this fucking sux... im soo used to having an ounce or 2 that i can smoke on for free... now im stuck paying 60 bux an 1/8.... fml!!!!
I'm in the same boat as you ..I just ran out yesterday. $60 a 8th ? OUCH
I Got a plug for $25 and I still don't wanna spend that haha

I'm just glad I have a harvest coming up next week .
I HATE buying weed.


Global Moderator
Staff member
My Grandmother was 15 when she gave birth to my father.
Four more kids followed along with another 55 years of marrage to my Grandpa before he passed away.
Having kids young used to be the norm.


Well-Known Member
theres a lot of life left in people after 23 but they refuse to see it. wait till you 30 youll see the kids grow up and still be white hair old are fuck when they have kids. so what if your 50 and just watching them grad. theres a lot you could do before your 30


Well-Known Member
the atf got it rulled a couple months back that when you apply for a mmj card you waive your rights to own a gun. you can buy a 5th of tequila, a case of pbr, a prescription of vicodine and all the guns you want.. but if you just want to smoke a joint for chronic back pain then you arent mentally fit to protect yourself. its because mmj is federally classified the same as meth. the sig is the abq city skyline, threw it up to rep my home and to see how many breaking bad fans pay attention.


Global Moderator
Staff member
theres a lot of life left in people after 23 but they refuse to see it. wait till you 30 youll see the kids grow up and still be white hair old are fuck when they have kids. so what if your 50 and just watching them grad. theres a lot you could do before your 30
And you could always look at it from the other perspective - having children early in life and now being active enough (young enough) to be enjoying yourself after they have left the nest.