Defenses against home invasion


Well-Known Member
I know gun talk is probably better suited for CalGuns or OpenCarry, but I like this forum, and right now I'm toking and talking. :leaf:

Hearing about what happened to Danny got me thinking about my own home invasion setup. I often like to think about where threats would come from. I usually imagine threats coming from the front door or the kitchen-garage door. I've trained my family to make a dash to the "safe room" and grab the gun that's mounted on the wall. Then quickly pull the sling tightly, move the furniture in the middle of the room, hunker down on one knee, and be ready to open fire at anything unfriendly that attempts to advance. IMO, room clearing is a last resort option. Hallways are death traps and moving around is a sure way to get lit up.

My weapon system of choice is a Hi-Point carbine rifle with compensator, outfitted with a three-point sling, factory iron sights, with two extra fully loaded magazines attached to the stock and two more loaded magazines on the night stand. I used to run with a forward grip, light, and holographic sight, but I took them off to save weight. Plus its way over kill for HD.

I like pistol caliber carbine riles over shotguns because of the increased ammunition it provides. The low recoil and improved accuracy is added bonuses, but it's not something I expect to matter in a home invasion gun battle.

In order to practice a lot, I've taken up the hobby of reloading my own ammo. If your on the fence about reloading, my advice is to do it. You learn so much more about your guns. Its like how some cannabis strains have a preference towards a particular feeding schedule & ratio, well guns happen to like some powders and bullet shapes better then others. Reloading lets you experiment like you'd never believe.

Here's my reloading setup... it's really simple (under $300): I use a Lee Turret Press with the Lee 45ACP Deluxe Die Set. I mounted the press to a portable microwave cart that I picked up at Target for $30. I buy Hornady 230gr fmj bullets for target practice, I use Winchester 231 gun powder, and for Primers I use CCI Large Pistol. I get my brass free from the indoor range by picking up the brass that new shooters leave behind. When I get home and have nothing to do, I sort and polish the brass by hand.

Eventually I want to get myself a tumbler so I can stop polishing my brass by hand. I also want to get into casting my own lead bullets. You can go to used tire shops and ask them for wheel weights. Usually they throw them away, so it's not hard to get them for free by the bucket load just by asking. You can also get lead ingots cheap on eBay and on Craigslist.

Anyway, that's my setup. What's your and do you have a home defense plan?

Darwin Riddle

Well-Known Member
Weren't you just giving me hell about my willingness to fire on someone who is invading my home....saying I'd kill people over pot?


Well-Known Member
good locks and strong doors are the best defense. when someone tries to kick your door in, and breaks his foot..........that's a deterrent.


Well-Known Member
the number one home defense weapon is a 12-gauge pump, with 18" barrel. if 7 rounds of buckshot don't stop'em...............nothing will

Darwin Riddle

Well-Known Member
Perimeter alarms are know when someone is coming, before they even get there. I also have a trip sensor across the driveway which buzzes when someone pulls in....a few micro mounted cameras under the gutters. This way, there are no'll have buzzers going off before anyone gets within 50 feet of your you time to take appropriate action...whether it be blowing some coward punks away...or simply locking them out.

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
Where the fuck do you people live that you have to have "home invasion" drills?

Frig, around here, if I leave my dog home, I can go out and not lock the doors or close the windows.


Well-Known Member
Well I got two pitbulls that sleep indoors just in case someone wants to try and break in to my home. The mail man can't even get too close to my front door without getting checked by my dogs first.
Also a good caliber hand gun would stop a robber dead in his tracks (no pun intended) .40, 9mm, .45 ,.44, .357

Yea I feel pretty protected between my dogs and my .40 Glock . My house is like a robbers worst nightmare lol

I also have a motion alarm out front so I know when someone is on my property before they even get to the door


Well-Known Member
I`m damn jelous how you guys can just get guns... All I have is a 7 inch blade on my bookcase handle sticking out :D

H R Puff N Stuff

Well-Known Member
lights, sensors and locks.i would think if the house lights up the second they step foot on the grounds most will pick another target.

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
Where the fuck do you people live that you have to have "home invasion" drills?

Frig, around here, if I leave my dog home, I can go out and not lock the doors or close the windows.
Some people are way too paranoid or have watched too much tv I think, hell I've had the apartment I used to rent broken into twice and I'm not building a panic room or doing home invasion drills with family members.

The first time my apartment got broken into they didn't take anything because I hadn't moved my stuff in yet, the second time almost two years later I hear some noise down stairs below me (the back door is right under my bed) so I grab my 500 persuader and start going down the stairs.

As I'm heading down the stairs I hear glass break and when I get to the bottom of the stairs somebodys sticking their arm through the window in the door and trying to unlock it.

Well I just rack the 500 as I point it at the door and I hear the guy say "SHIT!" then he ran off.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
I`m damn jelous how you guys can just get guns... All I have is a 7 inch blade on my bookcase handle sticking out :D
if it makes you feel any better i can't get a gun in my city without getting approval by the chief of police, and he denies EVERYONE. "home protection" is not a valid enough reason for me to exercise my second amendment right here. he even got the one and only shooting range shut down over some stupid shit.

i actually toyed with the idea of starting a thread on home surveillance cameras. i researched 'em for a year before getting a system for my mother, and i got the same system for my place. they won't stop shit from going down, but they allow me to identify the players with clarity, and just the sight of them makes people think twice. i can actually watch the gears turn when they spot the cameras.

you'd be surprised what goes on when i'm not home. anyone pays too much attention to my place and i'll see it. i've also caught some epic street brawls and people partying near my car.


Well-Known Member
Protecting family by retreating to a safe area is one thing. Saying people deserve to die because they stole some pot is alot different.


Well-Known Member
I'm out in the country in a small little town where I believe attempted home invasion is still punishable by horse dragging.... and you won't hear about any successful ones, we dispose of those quietly, without the news.
But seriously,if someone has the balls to come thru two barking ,ready to eat you black labs, at that point the intruder has already made the decision...any common thief will turn and run if barking my dogs are my first line of defense and double as an alarm...if your fighting past them then I have to assume my life is in danger, and we can't have that!


Well-Known Member
i got my pitbull and my 9mm so if anybody comes in my house there gonna have a hardtime getting out i also have a lab to but she is so sweet she will probly hide if anything happend


Active Member
Pit bull here she does the job. Also, don't have to lock my doors. She let's you know not to come in. Also have Dozer, he certainly doesn't let anyone in who isn't suppossed to be there. Pigs bite HARD! Also have a 12 gauge benelli pump and a 9 mm. Just in case!


Well-Known Member
Home security systems, dogs... they deter, but they don't stop, and, if someone is willing to come through, they are willing to drop a few .303-.308 rounds to clean up before entry. From an ex-con, trust me, that bumper sticker that says "Criminals hate armed victims" is bullshit. In my heyday we wanted to see that gun -- guns are a deterrent, most honest people won't take a life, even to save their favourite child or husband/wife. We used to jack the DEA and ATF for flack jackets, and go in dressed as SRT. Do yourself a favour, from a serious ex-con, if someone REALLY wants your shit, they'll die trying to get it -- do you have the conscious (or lack thereof) to actually take a life and sleep at night for the next 40-60 years, knowing you've ended a life? If the answer is no, than you won't pull the trigger at go-time, and you WILL be hurt or killed for your effort. Your weed, your TV, your computer, they aren't worth the life of regret, or the loss of family, for trying to protect it. Get a home monitoring system, hide the fucker, and know WHO robbed you, don't try to stop it. 1 in 20 people is a psycho/sociopath... 1 in 1000 people is a criminal -- the odds are NOT in your favour!


Well-Known Member
I don't have any drills, but I have a room in my basement that has stone walls. I would grab my AK-47, head down there and shoot anything that moves. I also have a 9mm Ruger SR-9, as a backup. I sleep with the pistol in my night stand and the AK by the bedroom door. The one thing I worry about if I were forced to shoot someone in my home would be the clean up. In my state I can kill anyone that breaks into my home or car, so going to jail for murder wouldn't be an issue, but having to pay a hazmat team 600-800 dollars an hour to clean brains off of my wall would suck.