Please delete my acount.


Well-Known Member
as long as your not runnin for office and shit it shouldnt be a big deal.they really cant even prove thats cannabis.could just be a good re-creation of sadness put into plant form.
dont trip!start over


Well-Known Member
Oh, ok.
It's hard to keep up with science these days, thanks.

I think they are on sale right now, I'm gonna pick-up a box!



Well-Known Member
Haha djj grows monsters
So he has to get his cinnamon toast crunch nutrients in bulk at Costco LOL
that's awesome


Well-Known Member
Anybody else see this coming?

Or to put it another way....

Is anyone surprised?

OP, you tried for the longest time to convince members of this forum that you were an adult. Eventually the pieces fell into place and it was generally accepted.

You can't have your Cinnamon Toast Crunch and eat it, too.

Nobody believes you are 14.

Not even the coppers.

Awesome thread(s), BTW. :clap:


Well-Known Member
Anybody else see this coming?

Or to put it another way....

Is anyone surprised?

OP, you tried for the longest time to convince members of this forum that you were an adult. Eventually the pieces fell into place and it was generally accepted.

You can't have your Cinnamon Toast Crunch and eat it, too.

Nobody believes you are 14.

Not even the coppers.

Awesome thread(s), BTW. :clap:
you magnificent bastard.


Well-Known Member
Why you wanna leave? Sharing stories of poisoning your mom and taking post-rape pics of your girl has worn out their appeal?