What if Christianity Was True?


Well-Known Member
So say you died tomorrow and you're instantly transported to a guy with a clipboard standing next to some pearly gates... He tells you the whole story in the Christian Bible is true, every word is of God.

What happens to you, according to Christianity, how do you explain your actions up until this point in your life, and how do you feel about finding all of this out definitively, at last?


Glassblowing Moderator
Never read it, got cliffs notes?
Id explain I've did what I could with the cards I was dealt untill I folded. And ask him "double or nothing?"


Well-Known Member
i dont need to explain myself i was made in his image so he already knew im smart and of a scientific mind to banish me to a hell for questioning his existence would not be very godly now would it..how would i feel, probably relieved that i can spend an eternity of happiness with ppl i care about....now honestly thats most likely not realistic and seems like a pipe dream so as of now im on the fence about if theres a heaven or god and their is DEFINATELY not a hell the entire story of hell was written into the new testament to scare ppl into believing....i will say this though the most intriguing thing about religion is the more you look into science the more it seems to match up, at this point i feel that its nearly impossible for us not to have been created on purpose by a higher power however i still believe when you die thats just it, we are machines made by our "god" and what happens to the machines we make when they break?!?!


Well-Known Member
what happened to the like button in the last two mins...i JUST liked something on another thread lol....well anyway i was trying to like ur comment hepheastus made me loler


Well-Known Member
ha wtf the like button just returned ....im not even high whats going on here
The like button ran away from you because you weren't high enough..

But really.. If somebody posts a post while you're typing your post, their post won't have the "like" option for some reason. You just have to refresh the page (F5). Thanks for the like dude :).


Well-Known Member
So say you died tomorrow and you're instantly transported to a guy with a clipboard standing next to some pearly gates... He tells you the whole story in the Christian Bible is true, every word is of God.

What happens to you, according to Christianity, how do you explain your actions up until this point in your life, and how do you feel about finding all of this out definitively, at last?

I would undoubtedly go to Hell (and welcome it).

I tried to live my life as morally as I could. I lied, I cheated, I stole, but I wasn't a liar, a cheater or a thief. Things that weren't scientifically proven had no meaning to me, they were ideas. Ideas that never left the page.

Philosophy showed me what it means to be human, science showed me how.

I did what I thought was right based on my own circumstances, which you are responsible for.

I feel disappointed to find out this is the ultimate goal of existence. I feel cheated because I know there can be improvements. I feel rebellious because I don't want to be on a failing team.

It would seem that the story never really had a chance to begin with..

Edit: I feel hopeful because if you make me manager of operations, I'll make it 100 times more humane, 500 times more fun, 1,000 times more realistic, and 1,000,000 times more logical.


Well-Known Member
i dont need to explain myself i was made in his image so he already knew im smart and of a scientific mind to banish me to a hell for questioning his existence would not be very godly now would it..how would i feel, probably relieved that i can spend an eternity of happiness with ppl i care about....now honestly thats most likely not realistic and seems like a pipe dream so as of now im on the fence about if theres a heaven or god and their is DEFINATELY not a hell the entire story of hell was written into the new testament to scare ppl into believing....i will say this though the most intriguing thing about religion is the more you look into science the more it seems to match up, at this point i feel that its nearly impossible for us not to have been created on purpose by a higher power however i still believe when you die thats just it, we are machines made by our "god" and what happens to the machines we make when they break?!?!
Keep in mind that pad said IF "the whole story in the christian bible was true", which means hell would be included in this situation.


Well-Known Member
I would undoubtedly go to Hell (and welcome it).

I tried to live my life as morally as I could. I lied, I cheated, I stole, but I wasn't a liar, a cheater or a thief. Things that weren't scientifically proven had no meaning to me, they were ideas. Ideas that never left the page.

Philosophy showed me what it means to be human, science showed me how.

I did what I thought was right based on my own circumstances, which you are responsible for.

I feel disappointed to find out this is the ultimate goal of existence. I feel cheated because I know there can be improvements. I feel rebellious because I don't want to be on a failing team.

It would seem that the story never really had a chance to begin with..
I would go to hell too. But I would probably beg for forgiveness while bringing up the point that he "made" me this way. I'd be kind of happy in a way though.. happy that I know some people are in heaven. While I was religious, I used to be really scared of the concept of hell. I knew at that time that I would spend eternity burning my ass off which made me really depressed. What took away my fear of hell is knowing that my life would end and continue the circle of life.. which means that in a way, my life would have contributed to the life of a special person who got to go to heaven. I was fine accepting that my life was used for somebody else to be in heaven.

So yeah, I would kind of welcome hell.. but still.. Fuuucckkk.


Well-Known Member
Keep in mind that pad said IF "the whole story in the christian bible was true", which means hell would be included in this situation.
ahh good point...like what ya said there about your life being used for someone else to go to heaven as well..ive always thought that since im smarter than alot of ppl around me it stops me from finding simple joys in things and living freely and just reducing life to its most basic form so if i cant have that im happy everytime i take away someone elses pain or make them laugh and forget their troubles..thats my way of finding a ray of heaven on this hellish earth, to me thats liberating...sometimes i envy those people but maybe all questions answered they would envy me...whether heaven exists or not earth does anyone who reads this should do something nice for someone else tomorrow, make the world a better place for someone else and the world feels like a better place to you!


Well-Known Member
ahh good point...like what ya said there about your life being used for someone else to go to heaven as well..ive always thought that since im smarter than alot of ppl around me it stops me from finding simple joys in things and living freely and just reducing life to its most basic form so if i cant have that im happy everytime i take away someone elses pain or make them laugh and forget their troubles..thats my way of finding a ray of heaven on this hellish earth, to me thats liberating...sometimes i envy those people but maybe all questions answered they would envy me...whether heaven exists or not earth does anyone who reads this should do something nice for someone else tomorrow, make the world a better place for someone else and the world feels like a better place to you!
Lets be real here, I like doing nice things for people who appreciate them. Have you ever done something nice and gotten nothing in return? It's as if you didn't do anything at all. It makes you question why you did it at all. You got nothing out of it. What was the point? There was a thread on here a while back about real altruism and whether it existed or not because when most people do something nice for someone they expect at the least an acknowledgement of gratitude, which would render altruism moot, but when nothing is given it doesn't fulfill that void.

If you do something nice and that's the end of it, what's the point, AND, would you continue to do nice things for people, even if you saw absolutely nothing in return?


Well-Known Member
lol humor me!
I'm not sure I'm not serious. I would have to think someone, somehow is playing a joke on me. Maybe there is a god and he has a warped sense of humor. I guess I would have to defend myself against why I never accepted Jesus, but remind him I never accepted other gods, except YHWH, supposedly his father, when I considered myself somewhat of an observant Jew. I would have to believe that a god that knows us as intimately as the book claims would not punish me for having good reasons to be skeptical. Then I would ask where the best bud is....
Sorry I just don't think there can be a serious answer to the claim that a hyper-intelligent being expects that internally contradicting set of stories and laws and whatever are somehow supposed to be taken seriously by people that lived after the Enlightenment.


Well-Known Member
This a reply i posted recently on this furum to a Guy spreading The "hollies word" :Religion has actually convinced people that there's an invisible man -- living in the sky -- who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do.. And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever 'til the end of time! ..But He loves you.
It perfectly mean what i really believe or actually not believe in so my only chance to be aloud in heaven would be if i could bring some of my buds with me. You could't belive how many doors they have already open for me. I'd try on one more